How You Can Beat the Blues and Overcome Negativity

It’s hard to overcome negativity.
I’ve had times when it seemed like the gray cloud above me stretched as far as I could see in every direction. Friends and family would remind me of blessings they could see in my life. And although I knew they were right, what wasn’t loomed larger than what was . . . at least in my mind.
Please understand, I’m not talking about times of crisis or depression; I’m talking about the blues, funks, hormones or whatever you call your down days.
I’ve learned that down days always start with one or all of the following thoughts:
- They do or have
- I don’t
- I can’t
- and what if it never changes.
Truth . . . comparisons and self-absorption will always ruin your mood.
Understanding the how and why is often the beginning of change. With God’s help and a desire to change, I seldom have gray cloud days anymore. Here’s…
How You Can Beat the Blues and Overcome Negativity
Know and Accept Your Feelings – Admit you’re feeling sad today, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be sad tomorrow.
Feelings aren’t facts. They pass.
Express Your Emotions with Words – It can help to say the words, “I’m sad.” Those who know and love you will appreciate knowing that you feel fragile. Words beat whines, pouts, and tantrums every time.
Rev says, “Whining is unpleasant in children and downright obnoxious in adults.” (We told our children that our ears couldn’t hear whines and pouts.)
Change Your Story to Overcome Negativity – Sometimes when negative thoughts insist on playing in a loop, I have to take drastic measures. Hope is an amazing mood changer.
I started writing Counting My Blessings to hold myself accountable. I wanted this place to help me focus on God’s grace and the good things He was doing in my life . . . even on days when my mood was telling me something else.
That was 18 years ago. Now I love sharing all I’ve learned since.
Get Up and Get Moving – Many of you are so good at this. I have to push myself. My creative side prefers to write and knit, but having a fur-ball that needs exercise and loves walks is helping me get out there a few times every day.
“You’re only one workout away from a better mood.”
“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.” ~Hippocrates
Start a New Project or Hobby – Grab something you know you love or try something new. Anything you can get excited about. Try a new recipe. Take photos. Volunteer. Dream big . . . you can do it.
“Today is life—the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.” ~Dale Carnegie
Stop Comparing Yourself with Others – Turn off Facebook until you’re doing better. Social media never tells the whole story. Never.
“God changes caterpillars into butterflies, sand into pearls, and coal into diamonds using time and pressure—He’s working on you too.” ~Rick Warren
Pray and Read Bible Promises to Overcome Negativity – Stop what you’re doing, pray and grab your Bible. Read words that remind you . . . God knows what you’re feeling. You don’t have to carry your burden alone.
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.“ Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)
Do Something for Someone Else – This one always helps me. Always! It might be as simple as sending an encouraging note or email, baking cookies or making a pot of soup for my family . . . blessing someone else always takes the focus off me and helps banish my blues.
Be willing to help and care for each other because of Christ. By doing this, you honor Christ. Ephesians 5:21 (NLT)
I can tell you from personal experience these things will help you overcome negativity.
God’s love . . . and the people He has used to pour His love into my life has made my blue days infrequent. This list has helped too.
What did I miss? What do you do to beat the blues and get over negativity?
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This is so encouraging! I’m so glad you shared and so glad that I discovered your blog!!! I’ve got some friends who are down right now and I can’t wait to share this with them.
Thank you Paige! It’s so nice to meet you! I used to be a music/kindergarten teacher. I bet we could share some stories. 🙂 I really looking forward to getting to know you better! God bless you!
Like you, Deb, I have fewer and fewer “blue” days as I get older. When I do, it also helps me to pray, to tell my husband how I’m feeling (and why if I can), and head for the gym! Exercise always seems to lift my spirits.
Good for you Martha, I’m trying to make exercise something I do for mood enhancement. Blessings and hugs!
I am an extrovert and almost always positive. I have a down day every once in a while and it is usually tied to fatigue or just plain life, i.e. not getting to ride/exercise. As you have stated Deb, it is most often in the mind and influenced by our feelings.
It is in the mind Bill. Sometimes for me that means I have to walk away from the news and social media. Being careful of the things I let influence my mood. Blessings!
Such practical tips and love that saying by Rick Warren – that’s beautiful – and get up and get moving!
Thanks Clare! Blessings and hugs!
I completely agree that comparison is one of the biggest things that brings me down. I’ve found the journaling it to express it is a great way to get the thoughts out and replace them with God’s truths about who I am and who He is. I love your suggestion to change your mood by intentionally doing something for someone else. Such a great idea!
It’s true. Comparisons make me think about what I don’t have when I have so much to celebrate and be thankful for. Then do something for someone else. Good mood right around the corner. 🙂
I like the get up and moving. That is really true. I know that it works for me and can work for others as well.