How to Make Blessing Bloggers Your New Favorite

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Blessing Bloggers is a new Facebook Group that is sure to become your favorite. #BlessingBloggers #CountingMyBlessings

I thought about sharing all my favorites from the week first but decided I’m too excited … so, I’m just going to spill my exciting news right away!

It’s been on my heart the last several months to try to find a way to help bloggers connect and make friends. I hear from so many of you about how lonely it is spending so much of your time alone in front of your laptop screen.

Then – I heard from several bloggers who wanted to know more about my small group of blogger friends. Their main questions were … How did you connect? How have you remained close?

The truth is without the blessing of “besties,” blogging can be a lonely business.

So, if you’re one of those people who feels like your “real life” friends don’t get why you do what you do and you’re finding it hard to make online connections – I want to help!

Welcome to Blessing Bloggers! 

Blessing Bloggers is a new Facebook Group that is sure to become your favorite.

The goals for Blessing Bloggers Facebook Group are simple! 

 1. Share

2. Connect

3. Encourage

4. Pray

That’s it!

I’ve invited several friends to help me start daily threads. You’ll be able to share your recent blog posts, connect on social media, and pray.

We will intentionally pray for each other.

The enemy is working overtime to discourage anyone who is working to share God’s love and the truth about Jesus but you and I will fight back as we stand together taking each need to the One who has already defeated him.

And finally, I want to help you find your tribe – whether they are online or in your community. I would love for you to be able to find a group of blogging friends who will really get to KNOW YOU!

Our Blessing Counters Group has become family over the past two years. I love these girls so much! I pray for them and for their families. I hurt when they hurt and I celebrate when life brings them joy!

This is just a part of our tribe … the ones able to travel for a face to face last spring.

I want you to find your tribe if you don’t have one already.


If you’re a faith blogger click over to Blessing Bloggers and ask to join us. You don’t have to write exclusively about faith in every post. Your niche may be hospitality, parenting, marriage, or lifestyle but as Blessing Bloggers, our goal will be to communicate God’s greatest command as we pour ourselves out into words.

“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27

I can’t wait for you to join…

Blessing Bloggers Facebook Group!

This Week’s Friday Favorites

Highlights from the Week!

This week, I read Genesis 25 through Genesis 45.

Isaac, Jacob, Esau, and Joseph taught me plenty about my relationship with God and the people in my life.

Whew! Every time I read the Old Testament, I realize our homes, jobs, and technology may look different but our “humanness” … not so much!

Here are some highlights…

Esau said to Jacob, “I’m starved! Give me some of that red stew!”

 “All right,” Jacob replied, “but trade me your rights as the firstborn son.”

 “Look, I’m dying of starvation!” said Esau. “What good is my birthright to me now?” Genesis 25:30–32

The Life Application notes make a couple of excellent points:

  1. Always compare your short-term satisfaction with the potential long-term consequences.
  2. Your greatest need is to have a focal point other than “what I need or want now.” The only worthy focal point is God!


If I could only consistently remember that when I’m faced with temptation.

Jacob’s early life is also a great reminder of the ways God is able to use people and circumstances in our lives to grow us up and change our hearts.

I love that!

If you or someone you know is struggling to change…

Don’t Give Up!

With God’s help, things that seem impossible become possible.

The name Jacob means “deceiver.” But God changed him and his name to Israel, which means “God fights.” It took 20 years for God to mature Jacob and change him from deceiver to someone completely dependent on the God who would “fight for him.”

Remember – events and circumstances of life are often the very things God is using to guide and grow us into faith-filled followers of Jesus.

Don’t get discouraged! Keep praying and paying attention!

God is at work in your life and the lives of those you love! 

Sharing is caring!

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  1. Deb, you have a gift for gathering and encouraging. I bopped right on over and applied to join this wonderful fellowship!

  2. Loved seeing the picture when I visited this morning. I’m so excited for Blessing Bloggers because connecting on a spiritual level of friendship with other bloggers is truly one of the greatest gifts of blogging. Thanks Deb!

  3. What a fantastic idea, Deb! I’ve put in my request to join this wonderful group.

  4. Deb, this is wonderful! I’ve requested to join. Thank you so much!!! @

  5. Debbie Putman says:

    You’re already a great encourager. I want to be part of your Facebook group.

  6. Deb, that picture brought so much joy to my heart. You are a very anointed women with the gift of encouraging women!! I LOVE that you are using your gifts to bring more women together!!

  7. Deb, you have an amazing gift . It takes a special person as you to be selfless, kind, and thoughtful of other bloggers. I pray I will be more interactive with my fellow bloggers because I tend to shy away from friendships.

    I am thankful that I am now part of your Facebook group as well.

  8. I’m in and admire you madly! I invited 3 local bloggers for lunch on Monday! Should be a blast and lots of words will flow! Looking forward to mtg them for the first time – oh, and another will come tomorrow when I speak near LA. God loves a party of faith-filled bloggers, I’m quite sure. Blessings on you, Deb.

  9. Deb, this is SO exciting! I stand with you in encouraging one another onward! The blogging community has been a blessing to me in so many ways, and I LOVE seeing women supporting each other! It just makes my heart happy 🙂
    I’ll be joining your group!

  10. This is so exciting. Some of my favorite bloggers are in that photo. I can’t wait to work with and dialogue with friends in the blogging community.

  11. Hi Deb. I’m hoping to start a faith-based blog sometime this year. Would I be able to join the Facebook group even though my site is not set up yet? I previously had a food blog where I had a few faith posts. Would love to connect with other faith bloggers.

  12. Hey friend, I like how you brought out that it took 20 years for him to mature. We are all in process, but God has good things in mind for us if we will only surrender.
    Your group looks great! Clicking over to join now.
    And I didn’t get to linkups yesterday but thanks for the feature. Nice surprise. 🙂

  13. I’m so amazed at how God has used blogging to connect us with people all around the globe. I love that you’re meeting in person with your group of blogging friends! Very special indeed.

  14. Deb, I am so excited to be a part of Blessing Bloggers. You have been such an inspiration to me. Thank you!

  15. Thanks for hosting! The enemy is working overtime. Thanks for inspiring us!

  16. What a treat to meet all those incredible bloggers, Deb! Thanks for encouraging to make those all-important connections with others who share our passion for ministry and writing!

  17. Deb, it is hard to make connections, isn’t it? I thought it was just me, but I guess it’s a common problem. Thanks for hosting and encouraging all of us.