What Does Maundy Mean?

It’s Maundy Thursday. Have you ever wondered what “Maundy” means? The first words of John 13:34 in Latin are Mandatum novum. In English they are translated, “A new command.”  In Old English the Latin word, mandatum, became mande’.  So, in most English-speaking Protestant Churches, Holy Thursday is referred to as Maundy Thursday.  If we look…

Are You a Good Christian?

Churches are full a people who are trying to be “good Christians.” There are a more than a few who believe they are succeeding; at least it’s what they want to believe and more than that . . . it’s what they want everyone else to believe. But the Psalmist wrote, “All have turned away, all…

The Gift of Myrrh

The Gift of Myrrh – body balm and medicine. Myrrh is the sap-like resin that comes from a thorny bush in the desert regions of Arabia, Ethiopia, and Somalia. After the gum resin is collected it is stored for about three months while it hardens into a fragrant beads. When crushed and mixed with oil…