Do You Want to Be Part of the Plan to SEEK God’s Will?


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What does seeking after God's kingdom and His righteousness really mean? #Seek #God'sWill #2018

Happy 2018!

I typically start praying and thinking about my blogging plans for the coming year in early September. This year was no exception.

The difference this year is that my theme for the year seemed to choose me rather than the other way around.

I loved digging deep into faith through The Faith Project in 2016 and I’ve always been curious about the dynamics of relationships. So, writing about ways to grow closer to the Lord and improve our relationships with each other made The Relationship Project a perfect fit for 2017.

But for 2018, I wondered — should I go back to choosing a word for the year or work on another project? And for weeks wondering seemed to be as far as I got.

But then, this one word grabbed ahold of me and just wouldn’t let go.

Day after day the Spirit whispered the word – SEEK!

That was it.

Just SEEK!

A few weeks later (now you know why I start early) I knew the following verse had to be my theme for 2018…

 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

The NIV says it this way – “Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.”

SEEK – God’s kingdom.
SEEK – God’s righteousness.

That’s it!

Seek God’s Will

What does seeking after God's kingdom and His righteousness really mean? #Seek #God'sWill #2018

I’ve heard that verse thousands of times and couldn’t help but wonder how its words would translate into a year of living and writing about it. Because one thing I’ve learned for certain in this blogging journey is … if the Lord asks me to write about it … I’m going to live it!

I started with what seemed like a logical question…

What does seeking after God’s kingdom and His righteousness really mean?

Matthew 6:33 falls right in the middle of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

The “mount” was a hillside near Capernaum, where crowds of people had gathered to hear what this new teacher had to say.

Over the next several days, Jesus had one important message — how God’s Kingdom is different from worldly kingdoms where wealth, power, and prestige matter most.

How did Jesus say God’s Kingdom is different?

1. God’s kingdom is not a democracy.

It’s the basic difference between a nation and a kingdom. A kingdom has a KING. And in God’s Kingdom, He alone is KING.

The Triune God – Father, Son, and Spirit is the one and only reigning authority in His Kingdom. He created it. He redeemed its citizens. And He alone sustains it.

So, the first and most important part of SEEKing after God’s kingdom is believing … trusting that God rules supreme over His kingdom. You and I are His creation. His redeemed and humble subjects.

And as His subjects, you and I are to…

2. Seek His righteousness.

With countless things vying for our attention focusing on what God says is “righteous” is hard, isn’t it? In fact, the world will call us all kinds of vile things if we reject the “freedom” of lifestyle it advocates.

In God’s Kingdom, He defines righteousness.

But what exactly is righteousness? God’s righteousness?

The dictionary defines righteousness as the quality of just or right living.

Bob Deffinbaugh at wrote the following about God’s righteousness:

God is not defined by the term “righteous,” as much as the term “righteous” is defined by God. God is not measured by the standard of righteousness; God sets the standard of righteousness.

God is perfect in every attribute, attitude, behavior, and word and Jesus, the Word made flesh, allowed us to see God’s perfect righteousness up close and personal … always right and always just.

If I’m going to seek God’s righteousness I need to learn what God says is right and just.


  1. Searching the Scripture.
  2. Learning and following Jesus example.
  3. Praying for God to show us His will for every part of our lives.

We need to – SEEK God’s Will

Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:6

Do you want to be part of a plan to seek God's will? #2018 #Seek #God'sWill

I love this promise!

When I seek God’s will, He will show me. When you seek His will, He will show you. 

So, that’s what I’m doing this year.

SEEKing God’s will!

God’s will for my…

  • attitudes
  • marriage
  • family
  • choices
  • health
  • words
  • service
  • etc.

The list really is endless when you and I want to know God’s will in everything without holding back.

I’m inviting you to take this journey with me.

Oh, there’s one more thing and it really is…

The best part!

“All these things will be added to you as well.” 

No, not prosperity teaching.

But God’s perfect promise to love and care for you and me. His promise to meet every need according to His righteousness.

Do you know the verse that follows Matthew 6:33?

“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” v. 34

Don’t worry about the future there is plenty to take care of today.

The message isn’t – seek God’s will and your life will be full of wealth, power, and prestige. Jesus promised that God will meet your needs and mine one day at a time.

Just today – Seek God’s will! 

Wow, as a person who spent way too much of her life living with fear and anxiety I need to let those words sink deep into my soul.

I have everything I need today! Now! God’s got me!

Sweet friend, God’s got you too!

He knows our needs. He knows our hurts, our pain, our concerns, our struggles, and weaknesses. He made us and He knows everything about us … faults and all.

And He says,

Come to me. Seek me. Know me. Trust me. 

You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

So this is a year of SEEKing.

SEEKing God’s kingdom and His righteousness.

That you and I might know Him and trust Him completely and learn to live by His standards of righteousness. That we might quickly turn to Him for forgiveness through Jesus when we fail and live every day with the assurance He will meet every need we have today.

The Plan

Each Monday Post – I’ll  share what I’ve learned about God’s will in a specific area of life and offer a plan of ways to follow His will and trust Him one day at a time.

Each Friday Post – I will share my favorite post or posts of the week from you, my blogger friends. And of course, we’re still going to encourage one another through the Faith ‘n Friends Link Party.

That’s my goal for 2018 and I’m so excited!


Have you chosen a word for 2018? A theme? A project? A focus? I’d love to hear about it!

Sharing is caring!

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  1. Happy New Year, Deb! And thank you! What a beautiful devotion to read bright and early on a New Year’s Day. My word for the year is ‘still’ and it is so closely linked with seeking God’s will and trusting Him in all things. When I remember that my God is the King of the world and that He loves me and takes care of my every ‘need’, I need only be still and let Him be the good father that He is. And when things don’t go as I imagine they should, I need only remember that He is still on His throne. He knows best and I can trust Him. Looking forward to this journey with you. Blessings to you, my friend!

    1. Thank you, Carlie! Your comment was wonderful and I so need it today.

    2. What a wonderful word, Carlie! I love it! Be still and know … is one of my favorite verses. He is all I need. You’re right both stillness and seeking include trust. What a blessing to be able to go into a new year knowing we can trust our Good Father! Blessings in 2018!!

  2. I love, love, love your theme for the year, Deb! I’m so looking forward to taking this most meaningful journey with you in 2018.
    Yes, I’ve chosen a word for the year, rather it has chosen me. I will reveal it in this Friday’s blog post.
    Happy and Blessed New Year to you and yours!

    1. Thank you, Martha! I can’t wait to learn your word for the year! And yes, I love how the Lord seems to choose our words for us. He is so good! Blessings, my friend!!

  3. I loved reading your post. My word that I chose this year was Commitment – to my church, my family and my community to love like Jesus, live like Jesus and Learn His Word (better). That’s what I have chosen for this year. I want to take this journey with you.

    1. Yay, thank you, Betty! What a powerful word you’ve chosen for the year! I love it!

  4. Kathleen Hufstetler says:

    I have dealt with depression since middle School. I am now going on 49. My word for 2018 is joyous: the joy of the Lord is my strength. I am going to stand on this promise and look for the joy in all circumstances in 2018.
    I look forward to your posts they are always uplifting and seemed to come at just the right time that I need them. Thank you for your ministry, service, and faithfulness to God.

    1. Kathleen, I love it! The joy of the Lord is our strength. I believe that’s true for all of us in the Lord. I’m praying God gives you many reasons to rejoice and strengthens you with peace. Thank you for stopping to say hello and share your word! Blessings!

  5. Deb,

    Love this post and your word for the year! My word this year is presence. I want to linger longer and be more aware of God’s presence and be more intentional with being present wherever I am.

    Blessings, Misty

  6. Hi Deb thank you for your wonderful emails full of inspiration for me! Can you do a post on disillusionment … I struggle with this especially in relationships and what I see around me espesially in single woman and single men! Are their still happy couples? Why are people hurting each other so badly … is this what this world that our loving Father has made with His ever lasting love has come to? Is it true that hurting people hurt other people? Would love to get some truths from you in this regard may God bless you today!
