How to Have Peace When You’re Facing a Crisis

When you’re facing a crisis and you feel overwhelmed where do you go for peace?
David wrote today’s Psalm when he was running for his life. His son, Absolom, had organized an army against him. His advisors pressured him to leave town.
Now, David’s army had defeated countless enemies but this time it was his son who had turned against him.
So, David turned to God.
O Lord, I have so many enemies;
Psalm 3:1–4a
so many are against me.
So many are saying,
“God will never rescue him!”
But you, O Lord, are a shield around me;
You are my glory, the One who holds my head high.
I cried out to the Lord…
How could David confidently turn to God as enemies and the “enemy” taunted him with doubt?
Will, David remembered the times God had protected him in the past. But this time, he not only needed God’s personal protection, he also wanted God to protect his son.
So . . . the first two things to do you and I need to do, when we are facing a crisis, are:
- Run to God in prayer.
- Remember all the times God has helped and protected us in the past.
David was so confident the Lord would help him, he continued by writing the following…
I lay down and slept,
Psalm 3:5–6
yet I woke up in safety,
for the Lord was watching over me.
I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies
who surround me on every side.
I’m not sure about you, but when I’m facing a crisis—sleep does not come easily. And if I do experience a bit of restless sleep, I don’t tend to wake up unafraid ready to put it all behind me.
But David was able to give his crisis to God trusting Him to hear his prayer and to take care of him.
So, the third thing to do when we are facing a crisis is:
3. Give it to God and trust Him to guide us and help us.
When you and I have confidence that we can trust God’s loving care . . . then we are able to rest peacefully knowing that He is in control.
It’s true that we’re sometimes uncomfortable when a Biblical author asks God to punish an enemy, so in light of Jesus’ command to forgive, the next verse feels awkward.
Arise, O Lord!
Psalm 3:7
Rescue me, my God!
Slap all my enemies in the face!
Shatter the teeth of the wicked!
But based on the account in 2 Samuel, we know that David was not seeking personal revenge He was calling on God’s justice to prevail. God tells us to forgive and leave justice to Him.
Paul wrote:
Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God.
Romans 12:17–19
For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the Lord.
God says, Leave them to me!
So if you’re facing a crisis in a relationship, in your finances, in your health, or anywhere else . . .
- Go to God in prayer. 2. Remember the ways He has guided you and helped you in the past. 3. Trust Him to guide you and help you today. 4. Leave it to Him and rest in His care.
A Prayer to Have God’s Peace When Facing a Crisis
Father, thank you for knowing me fully. You know when my life feels calm and easy, and You know when I’m dealing with a crisis. Nothing in my life is beyond Your knowledge or Your care and compassion. You created my heart and You most certainly know how to care for it.
Thank you for inviting me to run to You when I’m facing a crisis. Thank you for David . . . shepherd, warrior, and king, who was a forgiven sinner like me; yet, someone You referred to as “a man after [Your] own heart.” (1 Samuel 13:14)
I’m running to You, Lord. Please forgive me. Please help me overcome doubt and fear. You have graciously delivered me and helped me so many times in the past. Here are just of few of the times I’m thinking about today—____________. I believe that You are faithful because You have been faithful in the past. I believe You are caring and compassionate because You have graciously and mercifully watched over me in the past. I believe You are able because nothing is impossible for You.
So, I give this situation to You. I believe that You will guide me and help me. I believe that You keep in “perfect peace everyone who trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3) Thanks and praise forever and always. Amen.
Finally, I love the way David ended this Psalm…
Victory comes from You, O Lord. May you bless your people.
Psalm 3:8
What a wonderful statement of faith!
May we all be able to, with the Spirit’s help, proclaim our faith in the Lord’s victory and rest in His guidance, help, and bountiful blessings!
If you’d like to learn more about this time in David’s life, click here to read 2 Samuel 17–18 and Psalm 3.
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May we all learn to trust God like David did.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for this, Deb. I soaked in these words and prayed them over ALL of those in my inner circle who are walking through difficult times. Thank you for ministering to us from right where you are. Hugs!
You’re so kind, Stacey! Thank you! Your encouragement is truly a blessing! Hugs!
My lifetime wish is to have faith and love for God as David had. That faith that despite all his sins, knew the place of repentance and wholeheartedly trusted in the Almighty God.
Mostly, sleep aludes me in time of trouble. Actually, I generally go through the deep waters of doubt and anxiety until finally I turn to Jesus.
But there was a time in my life that I cherish until my dying day. I faced an extremely difficult time. But it also happened to be the time when Jesus cradled me in His love. Despite the dire situation, watching all our savings vanish, not knowing what the next day will bring – I never experienced through my entire life such a peace ????. My husband used to wake me up in the morning in utter bewilderment saying, you were smiling in your sleep! Yes, Jesus gifted me with the most special dreams and with such a closeness that I never experienced before or since. He showed me what that Peace that exceeds all human understanding means.
Your message reminds me of what I learned from a sermon and often repeat to myself – “stack your stones” of memories when God came through for me. Just as the Hebrews were stacking the stones each time they built an altar. Stack the stones of the past blessings of love…..amen ????????
I agree, Gaby! How David’s words have encouraged generations of seekers and followers with God’s love. I love that image of your dreams . . . when the Lord assures us of His loving presence as we sleep. May we stack the stones of gratitude for who He is and all He’s done. Blessings, my friend!