How to Know the Best and Right Way to Glorify God with Love

We often talk about the importance of living for God’s glory but…
What does it really mean to glorify God?
And what are the best and right ways to do it?
Giving God glory has been defined as:
- praising and worshipping Him.
- highlighting His attributes and characteristics.
- lifting Him up in honor.
In John 12, Jesus said:
“Father, save me from this hour? But this is the very reason I came! Father, bring glory to your name.”
John 12:27–28
Jesus said that His death would glorify God. But how?
The Greek root word [for glory] is doxa, which refers to brightness, beauty, and even fame. One helpful way to think of the word is to substitute the word spotlight. Jesus was consciously giving God, the Father, permission to spotlight himself through what would happen to Christ, God’s Son.
Barton, B. B., Life Application Bible Commentary
What if the best way to glorify God is to simply trust and follow Him in obedience by following Jesus’ example.
Whatever He asks, commands, or allows . . . simply obeying Him for for His glory because we love Him.
Isaiah wrote:
Lord, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws; our heart’s desire is to glorify your name.
Isaiah 26:8
And the law we are to obey…
This is my command: Love each other.
John 15:17
The best and right way to glorify God is to shine the light of His love because we trust Him.
A Prayer to Trust and Glorify God with Love
Father, thank you! Jesus showed us Your love and He showed us how to love and glorify You. I love you. I want to trust You with all that I am but I fall short so often. I am prone to self-focus and selfishness. I am easily annoyed and short on patience. I fret about the future and fail to notice the needs of my neighbors. Please forgive me.
Jesus said that Your commandments can be summed up in the word LOVE. Your commandments speak of loving You and loving others. Please help me live with humility. Give me the strength and courage to walk in faithfulness through whatever You allow. Help me praise and worship You in good times and bad. Help me shine the light of Your love into a world full of lies and confusion. Help me LOVE for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
We often see the image of a burning candle representing the light of God’s love. But what if His love shines more like a spotlight!
A spotlight brilliantly illuminates a person, object, or group on a stage. A spotlight draws attention to someone or something.
Jesus shines a spotlight on God’s love…
I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark.
John 12:46
And when you and I follow His example . . . we focus on Jesus and shine the light of love. It’s something we can’t possibly do on our own but with His help . . . all things are possible.
We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.
1 John 4:16
Jesus allowed His life to spotlight God’s glory, so you and I can live in and reflect the LIGHT of His love!
On today’s note write…
I will glorify God by shining the light of His love.
May God bless you and shine His love on you and through you today and always.
May we all shine brightly for the Lord each and every day!
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, dear friend!
Thank for your amazing Blog Deb. I always read something I need in it. May I Glorify God in all ways.
Thank you, Marilyn. Your kindness is truly a blessing. God be with you!
I’m inspired by this message. I pray that God fill me with his lovely it overflow through for his Glory
Thank you, Suzie. I’m praying for you and asking God to give you everything you need as you shine for His glory. God bless you!
I taught drama to high school students, and one thing I learned about spotlights is they also highlight defects ;). In the bright footlights and spotlight we can see ourselves more clearly and know where our loving God wants to bring us healing.
I love that, Anita! Thank you so much for adding it to the conversation! God bless you!
Truly inspiring Deb. May we all shine brightly in the darkness, the way Jesus wants us to for all the world to see. Showing our LOVE gives glory to God.
Angela – Ireland
Thank you, Angela! I am so very blessed by your encouragement. Blessings, my friend!
Thank you as always, Deb!!
Thanks for your encouragement, Krista. God bless you!
May I shine bright for Him! Thank you for the great post, Deb!
Thanks for visiting and for your kindness. I visited your site and love what you’re doing to spread the love of the Lord. God bless you!
A wonderful prayer, thank you Deb.