How To Know for Sure That God Hears Your Prayers

Do you ever feel like your prayers are too simple? Do you struggle to find the right words to express your needs and feelings? Do you feel like your words simply bounce off the ceiling and fall flat?
Would you like to know for sure that God hears your prayers?
One of the things I love about the Book of Psalms is that the writers honestly and prayerfully lifted up their emotions and longings in short simple sentences.
In today’s Psalm, David begins…
Answer me when I call to you,
Psalm 4:1
O God who declares me innocent.
Free me from my troubles.
Have mercy on me and hear my prayer.
Answer me. Free me. Have mercy on me. Hear my prayer. Not because of who I am but because of Your grace and mercy.
David knew for sure that God would hear him and answer him. Why?
Because he had experienced God’s love and forgiveness in the past and was convinced that God would be loving, forgiving, and caring now and in the future.
You and I can be sure that God hears and answers every one of our faith-filled prayers, too.
Because His Word tells us that when we humbly come to Him with child-like faith, He welcomes us.
Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.”
Luke 18:16
The Word says that the Spirit prays for us.
The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.
Romans 8:26
It says that God hears those who SEEK Him.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”
Jeremiah 29:11–13
It also tells us that He loves us so much God hears our groans and sighs.
I am exhausted and completely crushed. My groans come from an anguished heart. You know what I long for, Lord; You hear my every sigh.
Psalm 38:8–9
God’s Word to us makes it clear that our Heavenly Father is not waiting for polished thoughts and articulate words . . . He just wants His children to come to Him in faith with child-like humility. He wants us to be assured that He is loving and caring and able!
The Lord wants us to come to Him trusting that He will give us everything we need. Not everything we believe we need. Not everything we want. But everything He knows we need not just at this moment but for all eternity.
So, like David, you and I can take our honest emotions and run to our Father with humble child-like faith…
Answer me. Free me. Have mercy on me. Hear my prayer. Not because of who I am but because of Your grace, mercy, and love.
A Prayer of Thanks that God Hears Your Prayers
Father, Your love for Your children is amazing. You are forgiving, loving, and caring. When we’re broken, hurting, frustrated, or disappointed You hear the cries of our hearts. When we’re celebrating with joy and happiness You rejoice at our thanks and praise. You gave us our emotions and you invite us to humbly and honestly talk with You about everything we’re experiencing.
Your Word tells us to…
- “Pray without giving up.” (Luke 18:1)
- “Give our worries and cares to You.” (Philippians 4:6)
- “Never stop praying.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
- “Trust Your mercy and grace.” (Hebrews 4:16)
Thank you for promising to hear the cries of my heart. Thank you for inviting me to bring my burdens and concerns to You. Thank you for Jesus who makes my forgiveness possible and mediates on my behalf. Thank you for always knowing what I need and for loving me enough to provide it even when it’s not what I want. You know the end from the beginning and You always work in my life for the good of my eternal future. I praise you and thank you, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
The other day, I was feeling overwhelmed and the Lord prompted me to drop to my knees in prayer. As I cried out to Him . . . He whispered two important truths to my heart.
- He told me that I was listening to the enemy’s lies . . . words of doubt that my loving Father was not able to give me the strength I needed each day.
- Then He invited me to picture myself running and climbing onto His lap where He would hold me close and assure me that His children never have to do a moment without Him.
For the first few years of my life, my “daddy” rocked me to sleep every night. I can remember as a two-year-old getting ready for bed and running to the chair, patting the seat, and calling my dad to come and hold me. This little girl, who was afraid of the dark, fell asleep each night knowing she was safe and secure.
Friend, you and I can know for sure that we are safe and secure in our Heavenly Father’s care. We are safe and secure when we run to Him and let Him hold us.
He knows our needs. Hears our prayers. And loves us so much, He sent Jesus to show us . . . to save us.
Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.
Hebrews 4:16
May you be blessed with peace today assured that every one of your prayers is heard by your Heavenly Father.
We would love to pray for you.
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I love God He owes me nothing but hope is in him I’m struggling so bad right now
I pray He hears me
We’re praying for you, Debbie! Asking the Lord to meet your needs and hold you close during this time of waiting. He does hear you. Blessings!
I sure needed this post this morning. I am aware that God hears all of my prayers, but the scriptures you gave are such a keen reminder. I am sure that God is with me always and He knows what is best for me at all times, but my humaness shows in my impatience. God’s watch is not like mine. I tend to want to rush his timing. Later, when prayers that have been answered remind me of how good God is to me and thankfully gives me what I need and not always what I want. That little girl in me loves to run, as you said of yourself, to God and let him grab a hold of my hand and hold me too.
Thank you always for your wonderful posts. You are a God send to all of us.
I’m glad it blessed you, Sue! I think you perfectly described what so many of us deal with when it comes to prayer. Our humanness gets in the way. May this be the year we faithfully run to Him with child-like faith completely trusting our Father’s loving care. God bless you!
The imagery you shared here of climbing into your father’s lap as a child, letting him rock you to sleep, is so precious, Deb, and a perfect picture of how we should approach our heavenly Father. He loves us and will protect us always.
Thank you, Martha! I love the way He invites us to come to Him with humble child-like faith. I have many days when I need my Father to hold me close and remind me that in His presence everything will be okay. Blessings!
Amen and amen! Not only does God hear our prayers but He really wants to hear them. What a might God we serve!
You’re right, Marie! He is so good and gracious! Mighty God! King of kings and Lord of lords! We are so blessed! God be with you!
Thank you so much for this teaching, It was truly needed and such a blessing!
I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you, Lea! Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!
TRUST again and again this is the word keeps popping up. The Lord holds His finger on it until I completely surrender it to Him. I love the picture you painted Deb. Countless times I pictured myself being engulfed in His arms, held tightly to His chest. It’s so wonderful that I can know if nobody cares there is One who does. To Whom we matter. I share others’ struggle with patience, waiting out the fulfillment of a promise. But find it even harder when I pour out my heart to God and the answer is a resounding “NO”. I accepted that just as our earthly parents can’t grant all of our wishes, neither can He. But it doesn’t make it any easier. Yes, I believe that the foundation of a heard prayer is honesty and even more so TRUST that Who gave the promise is faithful to keep it. Blessings my friend
You’re right! No child likes to hear the word “no” even when it’s for their own good. It takes trusting the parent’s love. And that is my daily prayer . . . that I will trust the Father’s love and care. He promises that we can trust His perfect love. So, even when it’s hard, I believe there will be a day when it all makes sense. God bless you, friend!
How precious that your daddy rocked you to bed each night. Yes, I long to be in Jesus’ arms. How neat that through prayer, we can do that now. It’s incredible to feel the closeness of our savior Jesus.
Amen, Kim! Being close to Him now and always is an amazing blessing. God has been so very good to us. Thanks for visiting and for pausing to join the conversation. God bless you!
This happened to me last week, I was stuck in self pity. And I thought I wouldn’t go back there. I’m finally out of the grip of that vile evil spirit. I pray every day and throughout the day and I am stumped how for days my mind was taken hostage. So be wary and don’t let it happen to you.
I’m praying for you, Lisa. Asking God to hold you close and place a hedge of protection around your heart and mind. God bless you!