How You Can Know God will Faithfully Keep You Now and Always

Do you have things you consider “keepers”? Things you know you couldn’t leave behind if you were told to evacuate your home or community?
I think we all have photos and other treasures we cherish.
But I think our greatest treasures are the people we love.
Did you know that God considers you a “keeper”?
You are precious to Him.
The dictionary defines the word “keep” as – retain in one’s possession, to hold as one’s own.
But there are a couple of very important differences between the way God keeps and the way you and I keep.
And those differences are absolute unfailing faithfulness and permanence.
God’s love never changes! It lasts forever.
The Bible repeats “His faithful love lasts forever” more than forty times.
And because God loves . . . He faithfully keeps.
God has made it possible for us to be safe with Him forever, through faith in Jesus.
Jesus said:
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me, for my Father has given them to me, and He is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.
John 10:27–29
And Jesus’ half-brother Jude wrote:
I am writing to all who have been called by God the Father, who loves you and keeps you safe in the care of Jesus Christ.
Jude 1:1
Why is God faithful to keep His children?
Because they are loved and precious to Him. So much so He sent Jesus to suffer the punishment and death He didn’t deserve so that sinful people like you and me might KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE Him and become keepers in the Kingdom of Heaven forever.
When life is hard. When your heart hurts. When you are overwhelmed.
Remember. God will faithfully keep you!
And because He keeps you, your heart and soul safe in Him. He loves you. He will give you peace, strength, and comfort. He will give you everything you need.
He faithfully keeps His promises. Promises like:
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Isaiah 41:10
Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
And because God keeps us, we can say with confidence…
“The Light of God surrounds me;
The Love of God enfolds me;
The Power of God protects me;
The Presence of God watches over me;
Wherever I am, God is,
And all is well.”
~James Dillet Freeman
A Prayer to Live in Faith Knowing
God Faithfully Keeps You
Father, Simply saying “thank you” seems so insufficient. Words are not enough of a response to Your love that gives me everything.
You found me lost and broken, tossed aside like a dirty penny. You picked me up. Polished me. You call me precious, valued, loved. And now, You faithfully keep me safe and cared for like a cherished treasure.
Father, forgive me. Too often I still see myself as that dirty penny. I listen to the enemy’s lies and doubt my value. But Your promises tell me I am redeemed. Through Jesus, I can belong to You. I am a “keeper” who can accomplish Your plans and purposes. You proclaim me useful, beautiful, and precious because You have made me clean and whole.
You keep me safe in the care of my Savior, Jesus. I thank and praise You. Please help me live every moment of my life in ways that will bring You glory. I ask this in the name of Jesus who makes me Yours. Amen.
Pause today to remember how much your Creator loves you.
You may even want to memorize the following verse from Psalms…
The Lord keeps watch over me as I come and go, both now and forever.
Psalm 121:8
Nothing, absolutely nothing can snatch you out of the Father’s hand.
Thanking God today for polishing that dirty penny and holding me as close as a precious jewel.
Blessings, Deb!
Thanks, Martha! Have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much Deb, I’ve been receiving your emails for about a year now, and they truly are a blessing, such great encouragement and a word for every season I find myself in!! God bless you and your family!! Till we meet!! Xx
Thank you so much for letting me know, Judith! It is such a blessing to my heart to know that the Lord is encouraging someone as they visit here. I’m asking the Lord to be with you and bless you today!
Blessing Deb for your ministry, for bringing His pre word to our attention x
Thank you so much, Angela! I am always blessed by your kind encouragement! Praying you enjoy a blessed week!