5 Amazing Ways God Will Heal Your Broken Heart

She broke another promise.
He cheated again.
She lied.
He left.
Have you ever had a broken heart?
Being heartbroken is a feeling of enormous pain that is more than anything imaginable caused by overwhelming sorrow, grief, or disappointment.
How do you heal your broken heart?
I’ve been heartbroken … curled up on the bed with slow-motion pain that felt like it would never leave wondering if I’d ever feel like myself again.
Most likely you’ve been heartbroken too. Maybe your heart feels broken right now.
David began Psalm 147 with another Hallelujah…
Psalm 147:1 (CSB)
How good it is to sing to our God,
for praise is pleasant and lovely.
Sing praise because the Lord heals broken hearts…
He heals the brokenhearted
Psalm 147:3
and bandages their wounds.
So, let’s look at some of the ways God helps to heal our broken hearts…
God will Heal Your Broken Heart
When you and I surrender our broken hearts to God, His Spirit works in us to help us heal and live again.
1. So Begin by Telling God About Your Pain – Yes, He knows. But it’s been my experience that it helps to honestly and openly talk with Him about the details. Remember His invitation to “come and talk.” (Psalm 27:8) We can trust our loving God to listen with understanding and compassion.
How great is our Lord! His power is absolute!
Psalm 147:5
His understanding is beyond comprehension!
2 Give God Your Fear – One of the overwhelming emotions of heartbreak is the fear of “nevers.” It’s easy to be afraid that you’ll never: 1. Feel like yourself. 2. Be happy. 3. Trust anyone. 4. Love or be loved again.
I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears.
Psalm 34:4
3. Ask God to Walk with You Through Your Pain – He promises that He is with us. He will help you through it … not around it, over it, or under it. But through it one moment at a time.
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
Isaiah 43:1b–3a
I have called you by name; you are mine.
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.
For I am the Lord, your God.”
4. And Ask Him to Help You Forgive Quickly – Clinging to anger and bitterness makes it harder to heal. Forgive those who hurt you as often as necessary until it sticks … until you can let it go.
Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:32
“The Holy Spirit, thank God, often enables people to forgive even though they are not sure how they did it.” ~Lewis B. Smedes
5. Finally, Trust God to Help with Your Slow Stutter Step Progress – I can tell you from experience that a broken heart does not heal in a straight line. You will take a few steps forward and one or two steps back. Some days are harder than others, so it’s important to focus on progress, not perfection.
But remember…
We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love.
Romans 5:3–5
I promise you God will help you heal your broken heart.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer Asking God to Heal Your Broken Heart
Father God, I need You. This pain is sucking the air out of the room. Every part of my being aches and the loss feels like more than I can endure. I need You to lift me out of the pit of despair. I need You to set my feet on solid ground. (Psalm 40:2) Please help me.
You invited me to “come and talk” with you. Your Son told me that when I surrender my heavy burdens to Him, He will help me carry them. He promised that Your Spirit would be with me and within me.
I believe that You alone can give me what I need to heal. I trust that You are able to help me live without fear of the future. I believe that You will give me everything I need to forgive the source of this pain. I trust You to lead me along this path.
Please forgive me for taking my eyes off You and for stepping backward in grief. I believe You gather my tears in a bottle and that You are able to bring beauty from ashes. So, I humbly give You my broken heart.
I love You, Lord. Hold me. Heal me. And grant me Your perfect peace. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Psalm 34:18
God promises His presence. His peace. His healing grace.
If God has helped you heal after your heart has been broken, please tell us about it in the comments.
May the Lord be with you and bless you as you trust Him with your good days and bad. May He hold you close and give you everything you need to heal your broken heart.
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God will most definitely heal our broken hearts and spirits when we invite Him into our pain, Deb. I suffered a huge loss years ago, one I thought I’d never get over. But God . . .
Blessings, my friend!
You’re right, Martha! But God… are two of my favorite words in Scripture. But for God we would be without hope and lost forever. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
Amen, Martha…I lost my wonderful and beloved mom and dad 4 months apart. But God–without God, I would have never been able to bear it. I am sorry for your great loss too. Bless you for all the encouraging comments you share with us here!
God is helping me heal after the sudden loss of my husband who I was married to from age 17 for 40 years when he passed away. Without faith in God I could not have gotten out of bed much less been able to deal with all the trials I’ve been through. Thank you Jesus
Oh, Annie, I am so very sorry. My heart is hurting for you. My husband, Rev, is quite ill with ALS and I don’t think either of us could move forward through each day without God’s presence and help. He truly does give the peace that passes understanding. The pain doesn’t necessarily go away but He gives us what we need to endure under the shadow of His wings. God be with you and bless you as He holds you extra close.
Deb I’m sorry about ur husband rev and his ALS. I pray god gives u both love strength n comfort and help god bless u both xx
Sweet Annie, I am so very sorry for the loss of your husband…I cannot imagine the heartache you have endured. I am so very thankful that God has been with you through it all, and led you to be here sharing with Deb’s readers. Your comments have touched my heart and soul and given me such encouragement along the way. Your comment today speaks of the your faith, your strength in it, and the assurance God will never leave us, especially when we need Him most. Sending you prayers, love, and hugs.
God bless u Annie x from Dawn christy x god bless u too deb thanku x blessings xx
Thank you! God bless
Thank you Deb for another fantastic devotional! I know that God heals broken hearts because He has healed mine. I was married to a wonderful Christian woman years ago and while most (if not all) relationships are never one-sided, this one was close to it. She gave me her all and tried for years on end to be the glue that held us together. I was neglectful, mean-spirited, and harsh with her and her kids because of the pride in my heart. I grew up in the church and claimed to be a God-fearing man, but my actions proved otherwise.
She finally decided that enough was enough, and had warned me several times that she could only tolerate so much, so she filed for divorce. I tried after that to reconcile with her, but the damage had been done. It took many gut-wrenching months and buckets of tears to get through this, and the only way through was to confess to God my sins and disobedience.
We’ve been divorced for nearly seven years and to this day I still ask God to reconcile our relationship, but I have fully come to believe that His sovereignty rules over everything and everyone, and God (in His great and amazing grace) has shown me that whether or not I am reconciled to this woman, He loves me and wants me to be content in all things. I have fully and finally surrendered all of myself to Him, and I know that His will shall always be accomplished and I can be at peace knowing in my heart that I am His and He is mine!
Hi, Ken. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I think many of us have allowed ourselves to be in situations where God has allowed us to learn the truth of His will the hard way. I certainly know that’s true in my case. What a blessing to know that He continues to love and forgive even when people are unable or unwilling. His grace is great and amazing and I am so very thankful for the peace that comes from knowing that nothing can snatch us out of His hand.
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement. I’m asking the Lord to bless you and fill your heart with peace and joy throughout the days ahead.
Hello deb hello to all.my brothers and sisters on here too. God bless u all. I have Been praying for u all. I have been praying for myself too. And deb as been also praying for me and maybe some of u too . I have Been praying for nearly 2 years now over a tenant above who is very bad and disruptive . It as Been a demonic attack for 2 years with her living here above me and I’ve nearly died in health because of it. The council would never listen or help me and I just had to keep praying and trust tgat God would help me. Today I got a long awaited welcome email to say that she will be moving in a few weeks time. Thankyou so much heavenly father !! Amen !! There’s still problems in the flats I live in but she was the worst problem for me !! The man necmdt door called jalal is mentally ill and he disturbs me also with his banging and disruption and screaming shouting and howling . Often all through the day and night and into the early hours. When he bangs my flat vibrates its so very very violent n bad !!!! Pls !! Can people just pray for him to stop his noise now too or to leave or for he council to remove him and he go elsewhere abd for him to pls get the mental health help he needs and for him to find peace pls abd salvation. I beg u to pls pray for me. I’m in a wheelchair disabled with no care help or family around me and I have severe mental health and severe physical n emotional help n can’t walk. I’m struggling to survive vert very literally !!! Thanku 4 ur kind prayers xx God’s love forever x im so grateful to godfor his kindness and mercy to me and for answering my prayers for the nasty woman above to move out. Pls I need peace I’m my life and home very very desperaterly so pls can u pray jalal will pls stop his severe noise . My mind cannot take anymore of his noise . But I’m still grateful to.god and deb and all.u prayed for me about the woman above n that she would move. Thankyou amen . Thankyou Jesus!!
Hi Dawn. We are happy to pray for you. I do hope that you are able to get some relief from the noise situation here soon and that God will surround you with His peace and love. God bless you!
Hello deb and my brothers and sisters ..After 2 years my prayers have finally Been answered !! The disruptive woman above me is now going to move out in the next few weeks .amen !! Thanku Jesus!! She caused me sooooo much problems heartache illness n.oain
n noise !! Yes deb !! She’s moving out ! Thanku all 4 ur prayers xx Dawn christy
Hello deb thanku 4 that. I wish I coukd get some peace n relief from the severe constant noise here but its not happening !! The woman above mevas Bern making huge noise all morning after I has no sleep all night and after she went out the guy next door as been banging violently with a sledgehammer for endless hours making me feel.jumpy and that I just can’t carry on living anymore .I have called the police. I hope they come out. Pls will u and others pls pray that this noise will stop forever pls I honestly cannot carry on lije this anymore it’s just far too much for me . Oh lord help me pls I’m.beghing u Jesus pls !!!!!! Pls people pls pls pls pray for me I’m.very v v v v desperate !!! Thanku.n god bless u all. Dawn christy leeds
Rejection is not easy in any way, shape or form. Broken hearts are not healed overnight and sometimes the only resolution is no resolution. Comforting is the fact that God loves us and will not break our heart or reject us. Broken hearts bring us closer to God if we choose that. That is my choice. A closer relationship with God.
That’s my choice too, Sue! I am so thankful that He used my broken heart to pull me close. Blessings and hugs, dear friend!
I have definitely been living with a broken heart most of my life. I have only made it to the ripe old age of 65 through the Mercy and Grace of my wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so very blessed by God and I do praise and worship and read his Word in Scripture every day. I know I could not begin to survive life own my own power, because I depend on Jesus Christ to keep me on the path that he chooses for me. So many people have broken my heart over and over and over again. My true essence has always leaned toward loving and forgiving others, though as I have grown I find that I must guard my heart, set boundaries that protect me and even * fight back* or completely let go of so many unhealthy relationships that I allowed to crop up in my life. Yes, that can hurt and I even find myself missing at least some aspects of those relationships. However, I firmly believe that God wants me to remain in his peace and his love, which far outweighs the human connections that have unfortunately hurt me more than they have helped. I KNOW that Satan is alive and well, watching and waiting to interfere in our lives and cause as much mayhem, chaos and ungodliness as possible. For me, I also know that I am loved as I am by my Lord and I have access to him and his supernatural protection at all times. After all, Jesus defeated the Devil, Sin, Death and Hell in his Resurrection and he *promises* he WILL return to this Earth and change our mourning and sorrow and tears into laughter, joy and freedom! Thanks be to God!
I am so very sorry, Ann. I do love your testimony of faith and God’s faithfulness. You are an inspiration to others who have been hurt by people yet continue to rely on the Lord. God be with you and bless you!