How to Find Your Significance in the Only Thing that Lasts Forever

Do you ever feel insignificant? Do you feel like you’re trying hard to do your best yet you’re just not measuring up?
Welcome to the club! The enemy of our souls wants us to believe that without popularity, possessions, prestige, and power . . . we are insignificant.
But how did Jesus describe the enemy?
[The devil] was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.
John 8:44
The truth is—you are precious and valuable. You are significant. Not because of what you have or what you do. Jesus said you are significant because of who you are . . . because of whose you are.
Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are?
Matthew 6:26
The Lord doesn’t want us to worry about our significance or anything else. He wants us to trust His love, trust His promises, trust His plans and purposes, and rest in the knowledge that He is the One who makes us significant.
Rick Warren wrote in The Purpose Driven Life:
“Without God, life has no purpose, and without purpose, life has no meaning. Without meaning, life has no significance or hope.”
The enemy wants to distract and confuse us with lies about what it takes to be significant and Jesus says follow me…
“I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”
John 8:12
The Life Application Bible Notes add:
Jesus is the light that leads to life, significant life, everlasting life . . . life that includes God’s presence, protection, and guidance.
And a couple of my favorite quotes by Brennan Manning in the Ragamuffin Gospel:
“My deepest awareness of myself is that I am deeply loved by Jesus Christ and I have done nothing to earn it or deserve it.”
When you want to feel significant; remember…
“Jesus comes not for the super-spiritual but for the wobbly and the weak-kneed who know they don’t have it all together, and who are not too proud to accept the handout of amazing grace.” ~ Brennan Manning
God knows us as we are. He loves us as we are. But He loves us too much to leave us as we are . . . He sent Jesus that we might find our significance in Him.
A Prayer to Find My Significance in Jesus
Father, Your Word says that you made people in Your own image. (Genesis 1:26) You love us so much that You sent Jesus to die for us. (Romans 5:8) And that by Your grace, when I place my faith in Jesus as my Savior His Spirit lives within me. (Galatians 2:20)
You love me so much that You promise to lead me by Your grace and help me know, trust, and follow Your will. You know me inside and out, everything about me, and yet, You love me.
Please forgive me, Father. I can be prone to listening to the loudest voices and tempted to follow what’s considered popular. Please keep me faithful to Your Word. Teach me Your truth that I might know Your commands and obey Your will.
I believe You sent Jesus to save me. I believe I was lost until You found me. I believe You want only the best for me today, tomorrow, and always. Please help me believe that I am significant because I am created by You . . . because I am saved through Christ. I am significant because You love me.
I thank and praise You. I love You! I give myself to You. Amen.
Friend, the enemy is a liar.
Let’s make today the day we remind him that we are no longer listening to his lies.
Jesus, the Truth, tells us that we are significant to Him and to our Heavenly Father. We are cherished, valued, and precious to the God of the universe.
Max Lucado said it this way:
“You weren’t an accident. You weren’t mass-produced. You aren’t an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on the Earth by the Master Craftsman.”
You are significant!
Pause throughout the day today to remember that it’s not about who you are but about . . . whose you are. You are a cherished child of God!
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I will remember whose I am today and every day that I might live according to God’s perfect will.
Blessings, Deb!
Blessings, Martha!
It is sad that so often I forget this message and believe the lies of the evil one. I should never second guess the love God has for me. This blog deserves to be posted where I can be reminded everyday how much God cares about me and loves me. Thank you Deb for another marvellous insight God’s Word.
Thank you, Marilyn. Your kind encouragement is truly a wonderful blessing! Hope you’re having a great weekend!
So refreshing! I struggle with putting my value in what I can offer. I’m so grateful that it’s not what I can offer but Whose I belong to.???? Thanks for the timely message Deb!
Thank you, Veronica! The enemy of our souls is constantly shouting worldly lies at us. I hate the way I can get distracted by things that are so unimportant. Life is simply better when I focus on the fact that I belong to the Lord . . . His love lasts forever. Thank you for visiting and for taking time to join the conversation. God bless you!
Love this Deb. This is such a wonderful message. Insightful and encouraging. Thank you. Blessings.
Thank you, Paula! I appreciate your visit and your encouragement. God be with you!
Deb I so enjoy your blogs.
I am grateful for your encouragement, but I am more grateful that you listen to the Lord because every one of your blogs is God speaking to me through you.
thank you again!
The Lord bless you and keep you.
Thank you so very much, Lori! I truly appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!