The Truth – When You Have Jesus You Have More Than Enough


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"Jesus doesn't just give you what you need; Jesus is what you need." Jesus is enough. Take your eyes off the craziness and turn to the One you need most.

I read this devotion by Louie Giglio the other day and it blessed me so much I wanted to share it with you.

Jesus doesn’t just give you what you need; Jesus is what you need. Your heart was created by Him, for Him. You can fight and claw to gain the world, but without Jesus, you will never be completely satisfied.

If there is a growing discontent deep inside your heart—a hunger that hasn’t been completely satisfied by the people, pleasures, parties, material things, or accomplishments—today is the day to open your heart to the idea that it is Jesus that you were made for. But you have to walk away from “less,” and ask Him to become your “more.” Jesus is enough for you, and He is here.

“Jesus doesn’t just give you what you need; Jesus is what you need.” Louie Giglio

Wow, that’s like a smack up the side of the head, isn’t it?

Jesus is exactly what you and I need. He is exactly what a hurting and broken world needs.

Jesus is enough!

Enough love.
Enough peace.
Enough strength.
Enough contentment.
Enough joy.


When you’re stressed out by Christmas preparations – Jesus is enough.
When your kids are having a “let’s drive mommy and daddy crazy” day – Jesus is enough.
When you neighbors are less than neighborly – Jesus is enough.
When the news from your doctor is unsettling – Jesus is enough.
When the next report of terrorism hits the news – Jesus is enough.
When life gets turned upside down – Jesus is enough.

I want to replace every anxiety ridden dissatisfied thought with these words…

Jesus is enough! 

Because this one thing in a fallen and hurting world is absolute.

God will use His wonderful riches in Christ Jesus to give you everything you need. Philippians 4:19

"Jesus doesn't just give you what you need; Jesus is what you need." Jesus is enough. Take your eyes off the craziness and turn to the One you need most.

The love you crave. The forgiveness you don’t think you deserve. The strength you want. The peace you need. And the forever future you hope for. Everything you need.

Because His promises are true. Guarantees for today and for always.

Promises like…

“Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20


“So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord, your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

And one more…

You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, LordYou go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Psalm 139:3–5

As I’ve dug into the truth of God’s Word and written The Faith Project this year, a few verses stand out. Verses like this one…

Let us keep looking to Jesus. Our faith comes from Him and He is the One Who makes it perfect. He did not give up when He had to suffer shame and die on a cross. He knew of the joy that would be His later. Now He is sitting at the right side of God. Hebrews 12:2

Jesus is enough!

Yet, I can still foolishly turn my focus to current events—global and/or personal.

It’s hard to focus on Jesus, when what’s right in front of our noses is screaming for attention.

I think about the challenge like this…

Jesus calls Himself our Shepherd which makes you and me sheep.

Picture yourself part of the flock. You’re calmly munching away on grass when there’s a stirring around you. Hoofs are shuffling and bleating gradually increases. You look up as wooly bodies start to press in around you.

Then you see them . . . wolves prowling the perimeter.

But here’s the question.

Where will you look?

Will you keep your eyes on wolves you can’t outrun or outmaneuver or will you look to the Shepherd who has promised to protect you? Who will give His life for yours? Who goes before you and behind you?

This is the deal . . . your Shepherd is there for you. He loves you. He has promised that nothing will separate you from His love and nothing is too difficult for Him. He will protect you.

Will you focus on the Shepherd and watch Him defeat your enemy or will you let gaze at the danger with fear and doubt?

My friend, your enemy has been already been defeated on the cross. And because he has been defeated…

 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39

Jesus is enough.

Jesus the Word, who became flesh.

In the beginning, there was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were made by Him, and nothing was made without Him. In Him there was life, and that life was the light of all people. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overpowered it. John 1:1–5

Remember Louie Giglio’s second sentence… “Your heart was created by Him, for Him.”

You and I will never be satisfied until we find our purpose in Him.

But when we do, when Jesus becomes our “more” . . . our enough.

We are satisfied.
We know and live our God-given purpose.
We no longer fear the future.
We have peace that passes understanding.
And we celebrate with joy.

Because we have everything we need. We have Jesus and He is enough!

"Jesus doesn't just give you what you need; Jesus is what you need." Jesus is enough. Take your eyes off the craziness and turn to the One you need most.

Mary DeMuth wrote, “When Jesus isn’t our everything, our enough, we pursue every other thing that fills.”

Aren’t you tired of chasing after things that can’t satisfy? Don’t you want more than a pretty picture to put on Facebook? Wouldn’t you like your Christmas to be more than a pile of presents and stressed-out exhaustion? May you and I make Jesus enough this Christmas and throughout the New Year. Here are some ideas to help you get started… Simplify Gift Giving and Enjoy Christmas More Watch The Nativity Story as a family. Hang a Christmas stocking for Jesus and fill it with thank you/love notes. Choose family activities that will serve and bless others. Pray together. Start a family prayer journal. Attend church and celebrate with your faith family. Talk about the ways Jesus is enough. Be full of joy! Smile and laugh more.

And… a few final quotes from Louie Giglio…

“God calls each and every star by name. It’s not likely He has forgotten yours.”

“In spite of our foolishness and rebellious hearts, God has pursued us with relentless passion and patience, fully expressing to us His unfathomable love through the mercy and grace of the cross of His Son, Jesus Christ.”

“Don’t overcomplicate God’s will. Just stay connected to Jesus. Love Him. Look into His eyes. He will lead. Follow. Repeat.”

When you have Jesus . . . you have more than enough!

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  1. Deb, Thank you for these timely words. I am busy preparing to host a Christmas party for coworkers and Board Members of the crisis Pregnancy center where I serve. These words remind me what is truly important.

    Love your blog- I read it every morning.

    1. Oh, Teresa! You made my day! Thank you so much! Praying God’s blessings on your Christmas party as you gather with those who join you in ministry.

  2. Indeed, Jesus is enough and more than enough! I love the quotes from Louis Giglio, too, Deb – how inspiring and uplifting! Just what I needed to start my day off on a “God” foot.

    1. Yay, Martha! I’m so glad it blessed you!

  3. Thank you Deb this was such a good message and reminder for me! Love Louis’ words also. Jesus is enough! Amen.

    1. I want to make that my constant thought. Nothing else would matter. Nothing could rob my joy if I faithfully remember . . . Jesus is enough! Thank you, Lynn! God’s blessings!!

  4. God is my BFF! He is always with me! I love him more each day. I talk to him before I go to sleep at night. I talk with him when I wake in the morning. He is my BFF.

    1. Toni, What a great way to say it! Jesus is our best friend forever! He is our forever! Many blessings to you!

  5. Amen! Jesus is enough. What great tips too. I love your idea to start a family prayer journal!

    1. Oh, thanks, Valerie! I wish we had made one when the kids were still at home. What a wonderful way to look back at the way God worked in and through our family. Blessings to you, my friend!

  6. Jesus is enough. That is so true! I loved reading this encouragement today, Deb. Thank you and God bless you.

    1. Oh, thank you, Dawn! I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you!!

  7. You know, Deb, I started this year with ENOUGH as my One Word for the year. Even then I was apprehensive about what God would do with that but I chose to trust Him. And as I prepare to close out the year, I can certainly say that He has shown up each and every time and reminded me that He is more than enough. Thank you so much for walking this journey of hope with me.

    Love you, friend!