Jesus, Help Me Praise You Every Day of My Life

Crowds lined the road that first Palm Sunday, shouting…
“Praise God! Blessings on the O
John 12:13ne who comes in the name of the Lord! Hail to the King of Israel!”
And as they proclaimed You the One who would save them from Roman rule and oppression, Jesus knew the truth…
Jesus knew what was coming.
So, today I will pray…
Jesus, Help Me Praise You Every Day of My Life
Lord, how can I begin to thank and praise You for all You have done for me.
I can imagine myself standing with the crowds shouting Your name but I struggle with the idea that I might have joined those same people just a few days later as they shouted, “Crucify Him!”
Although You knew the pain, suffering, and death that awaited You … You still willingly traveled that road for me.
Your love overwhelms me. You knew and yet You courageously fulfilled every prophecy and promise.
Lord, with Your help, I not only want to speak my gratitude in praise, but I also want to live with gratitude for all you’ve done and all you continue to do for me.
May the roots of my faith grow deep into the knowledge of who You are. May I build every part of my life on seeking and knowing You. And may my faith grow strong in the truth so that I might overflow with thankfulness. (based on Colossians 3:7)
Lord, You have graciously made me Your own. You delivered me from sin, from death, and from the power of the satan. You cover my life with Your grace and mercy.
And the best part is that no matter what I face, You are always with me. You never leave me. You never forsake me. (based on Matthew 2:20)
I never have to face a storm alone. You strengthen, comfort, and give me peace whenever I need it.
And that overwhelms me.
You know how often I fail You. How often I fall short of doing Your will.
I’ve denied You through unkind words and actions. I’ve betrayed You through sins I’ve committed. I’ve failed to stand up for Your truth and fled in fear like the disciples.
Still, You forgive me … not because of anything good I do, not because I go to church or read my Bible, not even because I try really hard to obey. You forgive me simply because You love me.
Love made evident even on that Palm Sunday. A day You willingly entered Jerusalem fully knowing all You were about to suffer.
Lord, I ask that You will give me all I need to…
Offer You a continual sacrifice of praise. Hebrews 13:15
Faithfully worship You in spirit and truth. John 4:24
Seek You and Your Kingdom first … always. Matthew 6:33
Know and follow Your good, acceptable, and perfect will. Romans 12:2
Endure temptation and stand on Your truth in faith. 1 Corinthians 10:13
Do everything for Your glory. Philippians 4:19
Courageously speak the truth in love. Ephesians 4:16
And by Your grace…
I will tell of Your goodness and will praise You every day.
Psalm 34:28 (NCV)
Jesus, thank you!
I will praise You the King of kings and Lord of lords, my Savior and the Lord of my life. Amen.
Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful prayers to pray this week and every week.
Your devotionals are so touching and they help me in my daily walk with
God and Christ Jesus. You are blessed with a beautiful gift of knowledge of God’s Word. Thank you for sharing with women who desire to grow in the Lord and learn from God’s Word and His truths.
Praise and glory,
Barbara, Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to leave a comment. Your encouragement truly blesses me! I’m so excited to have you join us as we study God’s Word and go to Him in prayer. His love never fails … what a blessing to be able to celebrate that truth as sisters in Christ! God bless you, my new friend!
I just sent you the first comment I have ever posted on any site. I feel like I’m
part of your great group of women. I desire to learn and apply God’s Word
to my life. I’m so excited.
Sisters in Christ,
What a surprise blessing on this Palm Sunday, Deb! Thank you for your ever encouraging and inspiring words. May we continually give the Lord thanks and praise.
Aw, thank you, Martha! Amen to that! Thanking a praising Him today and forever! Have a blessing-filled day!
I am praising God today! Thank you for the encouragement to do this every single day. He is worthy!
Thank you, Maree! I am so very blessed by your kind encouragement! Enjoy a beautiful day!
Good morning Deb,
What a wonderful encouragement to to praise God with you! You inspire me ????
Thank you, Dorothy! I so appreciate your kind encouragement! God bless you!