Mountain Moving Prayers for Holy Week
We’ve been praying 40 Days of Mountain Moving Prayers each morning on my Facebook Page since Ash Wednesday. If you missed out … you can find them all here.

Lent is traditionally described as the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter when you skip the Sundays. We didn’t skip the Sundays; so, our 40 days will end tomorrow.
Mountain Moving Prayers for Holy Week
I want to keep these prayers going through Easter; so, beginning Sunday we’re going to pray … Mountain Moving Prayers for Holy Week.
We’ll use this time to focus on and grow closer to Jesus.
Anne Graham Lotz wrote…
Why did Jesus have to die
If there was any other way to offer us forgiveness of sin, to reconcile us to God, to give us eternal life, and to open Heaven for us when we die, God would have found it. He never would have sent Jesus to die on the cross.There simply is no other way.
That’s how much God loves us! How much Jesus loves us! He willingly paid the “no other way” price to give us what we could have no other way.
“This is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only
John 3:16–17Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him .
And our response…
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.
Luke 10:27
And through Mountain Moving Prayers for Holy Week, you and I will ask God to help us love like Jesus.
He knew He was approaching horrible suffering and death and yet, He moved ahead because of His love for us. He also knew the victory that would follow and because of His victory You and I can have everything we need to live with faith and love.
Like the original 40 days of prayers, these prayers will be a short under 2-minute commitment each day.
I’m hoping you will join me because I want you to know that whatever you’re going through … God’s love is greater.
I’m ashamed to say I used to doubt that … but it’s true! I believed there were potentially unmet needs or possible losses that would destroy me.
And when some of those very things did happen, Jesus gently and lovingly whispered…
“You don’t have enough faith.”
Matthew 17:20
And He was right. But then, at one particularly low point, I cried out…
“I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!”
Mark 9:24
By His grace, that’s a prayer the Lord always wants to answer and with His Spirit’s help … my faith is growing as I keep my eyes on Him…
Let us keep looking to Jesus. Our faith comes from Him and He is the One Who makes it perfect. He did not give up when He had to suffer shame and die on a cross.
Hebrews 12:2 (NLV)
He knew what followed…
He knew of the joy that would be His later. Now He is sitting at the right side of God.
Hebrews 12:2b
And so do we! We know what follows. We have the promises of the One who sits on the throne — the King of kings and Lord of lords.
We have the promise of Easter.
So, between now and then, we will pray…
Palm Sunday – Father, help me praise You every day … whatever my circumstances.
Holy Monday – Father, guide Your church. Keep us in Your will and fill us with Your love.
Holy Tuesday – Father, help me sit with Jesus and learn from Him.
Holy Wednesday – Father, by Your grace, help me know when it is time to simply “be still” and rest in Your presence.
Holy Thursday – Father, help me to be a humble and caring … willing to serve like Jesus.
Good Friday – Father, fix my eyes on Jesus and His sacrificial love.
Holy Saturday – Father, give me hope even when it appears that all is lost.
Easter Sunday –
So, join me as at the intersection of faith and life as we walk with Jesus and pray – Mountain Moving Prayers for Holy Week!
We would love to pray for you.
You can leave your prayer requests here…
and even take a few minutes to pray over the list left by our friends.
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God’s love is indeed greater Deb!
Thank you for featuring me this week and for a wonderful place for us to gather and support each other’s writing. It’s very appreciated.
Wonderful prayers for us in preparation for Holy Week, Deb. Thank you!
This week I’ve been pondering Mark 9:24 and that father’s situation as he brought his boy to Jesus. There’s so much going on there, and I keep coming back to it. It was good to see it again today in this particular mountain-moving context.
Maundy Thursday resonates with me. It’s when we were given a new mandate to love as he loved.
Praying with you.
Love this, Deb!
Excellent Mountain Moving Prayers! When we focus on Him, we will see so much more!
Thank you for these mighty prayers. I need them in a mighty way. happy holy week, my friend.
Thank you for these scriptures and prayer for meditation.
Love the Anne Graham Lotz quote: “There simply is no other way”. So simple, yet powerful! Thank you for sharing, Deb.