An Important Truth Jesus Taught People About Worship

Did you know the word worship is used 496 times in the NLT version of the Bible? What do you think, is worship important to God?
I believe you and I were created to KNOW, LOVE, and yes, WORSHIP God. He spoke about it often because He wants us to understand its importance. The who, what, and how we worship matters.
God began the Commandments with a decree that there should be no other gods but Him. He alone is the One True God—Father, Son, and Spirit.
Throughout the Old Testament He told people the laws of worship but when Jesus came, He taught a new and more personal form of gospel worship.
Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well continued…
The time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.”
John 4:23–24
It sounds simple.
But God’s people disagree about what we call “worship” more than anything else.
There is traditional, contemporary, rock, folk, liturgical, non-liturgical, with instruments, without instruments, dancing, clapping, raised hands, bowed heads, and I’m sure I’ve missed something.
There are almost as many “worship” styles as there are churches.
And I’ll be honest. I think I’ve experienced almost every one of those worship styles at one time or another. Although I have my preferences that’s all they are … preferences.
What is the right way to worship?
According to Jesus, the only right way is “in spirit and truth” because worship is, a matter of the heart and mind.
When you and I worship in spirit, God’s Holy Spirit unites our hearts with His and fills us with awe and adoration for the King of kings and Lord of lords. Worshipping in spirit is about loving and trusting God.
Worshipping in truth is SEEKing to KNOW God more intimately through Bible study, prayer, and praise led by the Holy Spirit both individually and corporately.
Let me ask…
Do you ever sit there during a service and think:
- I hate this song.
- Wow, that musician is terrible.
- I can’t believe the reader wore that to church.
- The pastor didn’t hold my attention today.
- Why can’t we do things the way we used to?
- This music is awful, you can’t even sing along?
Okay, that’s enough. Yes, I’m guilty of thinking a couple of those myself.
So, I’m committing to memory and practice the truth that – WORSHIP IS NOT ABOUT ME!
Please pray with me…
A Prayer to Humbly Live the
Truth About Worship
Father God, I want to worship You as You want to be worshipped. I want to SEEK Your Kingdom and KNOW what You know I need to worship You in TRUTH and LOVE You with all my heart and soul.
I can’t come to You in faith on my own. I can only connect and grow in the faith that You offer me through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. So, I humbly give myself to You. Please mold and make me into the faith-filled child You created me to be.
I pray that when I worship with the family of believers, I will focus my heart and mind completely on You and on loving the people around me. Remove any pride and selfishness in me that thinks my music or service style preferences are more important than the attitude of my heart. Forgive me for thinking about myself when I know that You alone are worthy of all my worship and praise.
Thank you for the way You love and care for us. Thank you for Jesus who showed us Your patience and gracious love. Thank you for blessing us with Your Spirit and Truth! Amen.
A. W. Tozer wrote…
“God wants us to worship Him. He doesn’t need us, for He couldn’t be a self-sufficient God and need anything or anybody, but He wants us. When Adam sinned it was not He who cried, ‘God, where art Thou?’ It was God who cried, ‘Adam, where art thou?'”
God wants us. He created us and gave His Son because He wants us. He loves you and me more than we can begin to imagine.
He is faithful, righteous, and gracious. He alone is worthy of all our worship, praise, and love. Not just when we’re gathered together in faith, but every moment of every day.
So, let’s pause daily throughout our days to worship Him intentionally. Praising Him for who He is even more than we thank Him for what He does.
Then, when we gather together in praise, let’s turn our hearts and minds from our preferences to the Lord, Himself, because isn’t that really what worship is all about?
God bless you and give you everything you need to worship in spirit and truth.
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Thank you, Deb, for grabbing me by the coattail and reeling me back in. The things you listed, I have to admit that I am guilty of several. Bringing me back to reality; that worship is not about me is what I needed to hear. This will make me more mindful during worship service to keep my attention where it belongs and to whom it belongs—-GOD! I am at services to worship HIM and not complain because I don’t like the music or various other things. God will fill my heart and soul!
You always seem to “hit the nail on the head! ” I needed this today.
God Bless you, my friend!
I’m guilty too, Sue. You know how often I say that the Lord prompts me to write what He knows I need. I’m glad it blessed and encouraged you too my friend. Have a wonderful week filled with awe, wonder, and worship.
“God wants us.” Wow!
Sometimes I feel so distracted in worship services. I needed your words today. I’ve been struggling & sometimes even depressed about the casualness of worshippers and have allowed distractions to yank me away and not focus on Jesus. Thank you for the reminders that we worship in joy-filled praise and prayer for the relationship Jesus has with us as our Savior and Friend. He wants each one of us to be close to Him in our daily walk and talk. What would we do without Him?! Today is THE day—it’s our opportunity to live with an attitude of gratitude for His love and forgiveness and share Him with others. Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus! Thank you for all the insights you share! God bless your day!
I’m guilty too, Jane. Phones have become a distraction in every part of our society and I can easily catch myself focused on the person looking at their phone that the awesome Father who invited me. I want my heart to be so focused on the wonder of our Lord that nothing can distract me. Thanks for visiting and for your much appreciated encouragement. Blessings!
Hallelujah and Amen Deb and Sue❣️
Blessings, JoAnne!!
And Jane❣️
We can too easily allow our hearts and minds to wander during a church service when our complete focus should be on worship of God. Thanks for reminding us that worship is NOT about us – ever! Blessings, Deb!
It’s so true, Martha! I typically try to sit close to the front so I’m not distracted by every movement. Now I’m working on focusing the attitude of my heart and greatness of our Lord and Savior. Have a wonderful week!!