It’s Important To Listen When God Says – Just Breathe

Imagine yourself at the beginning of creation.
God – Father, Son, and Spirit preparing to create “the heavens and the earth.”
And then, word by word light, dark, sun, moon, and stars. Land and sea. Plants and trees. Fish, birds, and land animals. God spoke and creation happened.
Two simple words. God Spoke…
And “it was good.”
That’s what I picture David thinking about when he wrote Psalm 29 . . . the all-powerful voice of the Lord.
The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea.
Psalm 29:3–4
The God of glory thunders.
The Lord thunders over the mighty sea.
The voice of the Lord is powerful;
the voice of the Lord is majestic.
This same all-powerful voice that created everything is still very much alive and active in our world today. And yet, He chooses to speak to you and me in quiet stillness.
I’ve found myself trying to accomplish too much lately . . . rushing through extra tasks making sure nothing gets left undone only to be overwhelmed by exhaustion each evening. The other night, I took it all to the Lord and asked Him to give me wisdom and discernment.
And do you know what He said?
“Just Breathe!”
Words I needed. Be still and just breathe.
Be still and know that I am God!
Psalm 46:10
So, I paused this morning and read through the different translations of that verse and found:
- Be still.
- Cease striving.
- Stop fighting.
- Calm down.
- That’s enough.
- Let go of your concerns.
- Be quiet.
The voice that is powerful and majestic . . . the One who is still able to speak a word and make things happen tells us to be still and breathe.
Too often, we try to do too much on our own before turning to God and asking Him to guide us and give us wisdom and discernment. Oh, but when we do . . . when we quiet our restless hearts and invite Him to guide us with His gentle loving quiet voice, the voice He uses to talk with His children as they sit embraced in His love, that’s when we experience His peace.
David ended Psalm 29 with the following words…
The Lord reigns as king forever.
Psalm 29:10b–11
The Lord gives His people strength.
The Lord blesses them with peace.
The all-powerful King of Creation cares personally and individually about you and me. The One whose voice makes light in the darkness and hills, valleys, plants, and animals come to life, wants to speak strength and peace into you and me.
So stop and breathe! God is with you and He is able to speak over you and give you everything you need one moment at a time.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer to Listen to God’s Voice and Just Breathe
Father, You are all-powerful. You are the breath of life. You are the Creator. You are my Redeemer. You are my Comforter, Helper, and the Lover of my soul.
Please forgive me. I can so easily become distracted by all of life’s busyness. I can focus on doing more than on simply being. And when I do take a break, I often spend it on silly time-wasters rather than spending time with You. I’m so sorry. You want so much more for me. I want more for me. I don’t want to spend my days in a frazzled rush. I don’t want to center my life on the unimportant only to miss the important.
Please help me to pause throughout each day to be still with You. Help me to let go of my concerns and allow You to give me wisdom and discernment. Help me to center my mind on the things You call important.
Thank you for loving us. Thank you for loving me. I can’t begin to imagine what that moment will be like when I stand before You and hear Your voice echo above creation.
I give myself to You. Please hold me close. Whisper Your words of life into my heart and soul. And by Your grace, use me according to Your will in ways that give You glory. Amen.
When I was a young teen, my pastor gave me this verse…
“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.”
Revelation 3:20
Sometimes we get so busy and distracted that we fail to hear the voice of the Lord just on the other side of the door.
But read the verse again. The Lord of the universe, our Savior, wants a personal relationship with us. So much so, that He patiently and persistently keeps knocking waiting for us to pause long enough to just breathe. He’s waiting for us to recognize our need for Him and open the door.
When you pause today to just breathe . . . open the door. The Lord is waiting on the other side and His arms are full of blessings. Every blessing you could possibly need today, tomorrow, and forever.
May you be blessed today as you quietly listen to the voice of the One who loves you more than you can imagine.
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Oh my goodness, Deb! I am amazed how You keep coming up with such comfort and beauty in Your always lovely and instructive posts! This post actually relaxed my heart! I am sitting here to “Just breath!” Life is so hectic at times, so noisy everyday! I am encouraged to not be slothful, but to also take a time out and rest in the presence of God! May we all “Be still and know!” Praying for You and Rev and I know God will be with you in all the challenges you are going through. Warm thoughts and loving hugs, precious friend.
You’re so kind, sweet friend! Thank you for your encouragement and your prayers. I’m praying that you enjoy many sweet moments breathing in His peace and presence. Have a wonderful weekend.
Good Morninig to you my friend. I am always amazed at how the things you post hit so close to my heart and what I am going through. I am also amazed that you, with all you are going through, take the time to pour out your wisdom and grace to all of us who enjoy your wonderful posts. You truly are the example of, “less of me, more of you” in bringing these Bible verses to us. A true servant to the God who created you. A blessing to us!
Prayers and blessings to you.
Amen Sue! Deb is so giving! She is def an “ensample” for us to follow! What would we do without her?
Every post brightens and lightens my heart and soul! Blessings to you also! Sisters in Christ!
Thank you Kathy. This means a lot to me. We are all so fortunate to have Deb post these wonderful words of wisdom and for the explanation of the scripture. I always enjoy your input. It is wonderful to be called Sisters in Christ too. Because we are.
God bless you always.
We are indeed Sisters in Christ! I cherish the little community that Deb has created for us! I also enjoy all of your comments too!! I can see your beautiful soul and heart.
1st Thess. 5:11
Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.
God lead me to find Deb and her blog several years ago and It has been such a blessing of spiritual growth for me. However, it took me a long time to have the courage to comment…I felt so unworthy and inadequate. Thank you for your kind words about enjoying my input! It is such a blessing to be able to edify and build each other up. May God continue to bless you with all peace and love and joy! Love and hugs, dear friend and Sister!
Thank you so much Kathy. I think you are very special too in all of your comments. I think that these blogs from Deb has helped all of us grow so much spiritually. What a blessing they are to us.
I appreciate your comments and I appreciate your response back to me. Developing friendships is such a good thing. Especially our Christian friendships.
God Bless You My Sister in Christ,
You are so very kind, Sue! Thank you! I love being able to do this each day. It keeps me focused on the Lord and helps me constantly remember that He is greater than our circumstances and He is the strength we need. I truly appreciate your visits and your faithfulness to joining the conversation! Thank you! God bless you!
Breathe was my word for the year last year, and it served as a perfect reminder to simply stop, listen to my breathing, and enjoy communion with God. May we all learn to slow down in His presence.
Blessings, Deb!
I love that, Martha! It’s such a simple yet powerful word. We are so very blessed to know and love the One who wants to be with us and teach us through simplicity and love. God bless you! Have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Deb
This was a beautiful topic we all can relate to with our busy lives. Thank you for the prayers and words to help us learn to make time for our Lord Jesus Christ knowing he is always waiting for us to open the door for him so we can spend a quiet time with him. He will always be there to give us the peace and comfort by just breathing.
Love it have a blessed weekend ????
Thank you, Ana! I truly appreciate your kindness. We are so blessed to experience the peace of the Lord’s presence! Blessings!
So apt for me today. Thank you Deb x
I’m glad, Angela! Thanks for letting me know. God bless you!
I’m so glad I discovered your website. This is just what I needed today. 🙂
I’m glad too, Jamie! Welcome! I hope you visit again soon! Blessings!
Yes! I’ve felt this deeply lately, and this reminder is such a refreshing one. It’s time I take a moment to just… breathe.
I’m glad it blessed and encouraged you, Stephanie. Praying that you’re finding time this weekend to rest in Him and just breathe. God bless you!