The Best Way To Live Free Of Fear Now

There was a time in my life when I would read the first verse of Psalm 27…
The Lord is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1
And I could quickly reply, “let me count the ways!”
My list of concerns, fueled by the enemy’s whispers of potential problems, convinced me that it was impossible for me to live free of fear.
Many people struggle with a fear of the unknown, rejection, injury, loss of independence, illness, death, etc.
David revealed that the best way to deal with every frightened feeling is to take it to the Lord…
Even if I am attacked,
Psalm 27:3b, 8
I will remain confident.
My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.”
And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.
And then he added…
You have always been my helper . . . the Lord will hold me close. (v. 9b, 10b)
David remembered what the Lord had done for him in the past and he trusted Him to care for him in the future.
On another occasion, David said, “My God, now I am deeply discouraged, but I will remember You.” Psalm42:6
When you and I are discouraged, remembering what God has done in the past, can give us the courage and strength we need in the present. Remembering who He is and all He’s done makes it possible for us to join in saying…
I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness
Psalm 27:13
while I am here in the land of the living.
David had seen God’s goodness in the past and that made Him confident he would see the Lord’s goodness again in the present. David trusted God to give him everything he needed to live through his current circumstances.
He could live free of fear because he believed that God is faithful.
Even if he had to wait . . . God would help him. And even if we have to wait, we can trust God to help us too.
Wait patiently for the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.
Waiting isn’t easy. The enemy often uses our seasons of waiting to fill us with fear. But God in His unfailing love wants us to live free of fear because we trust His promises…
The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
Lamentations 3:22–24
His mercies never cease.
Great is His faithfulness;
His mercies begin afresh each morning.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance;
therefore, I will hope in him!”
When we place our hope in Him . . . we can live free of fear now.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer for God’s for Help to Live Free of Fear
Father God, everywhere I look, the enemy is using voices to tell me that the world is a mess and there’s nothing to do except give in to doubt and fear. Even my own circumstances fill me with anxious thoughts.
Please forgive me. I know You want so much more for me. Your Word repeatedly tells me not to be afraid. It tells me that You want me to be strong and courageous. But I’m not, Lord. Courage and strength often feel so very far away.
But Your Word says that You are able to make us strong (Romans 16:25) and that it “pleases You to make us strong.” (Psalm 89:17) And when I remember all the times You have helped me in the past . . . I believe.
I believe that Your love never ends, Your mercies never cease, and Your faithfulness is great. I believe I will experience Your goodness in this life and in the life to come. Not because of who I am or anything I’ve done but because of who You are and who You have shown Yourself to be.
So, when I am afraid, I will come and talk with You. I will lay my fear before You and trust You to give me everything I need to trust You one moment at a time. I will wait on You because You are the God of victory. I thank You. I praise You. I give myself to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Do you want to live free of fear? Are you tired of sleepless nights and anxious days?
Talk with God. Remember all that He has done in the past. Rely on His promises. And live with hope.
God’s way is perfect.
Psalm 18:30
All the Lord’s promises prove true.
He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection.
May the Lord be with you and hold you close as you look to Him for peace and protection. May He give you everything you need to live free of fear.
Read the rest of Psalm 27 here.
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Wow!! I really needed this post today. It speaks so very much to me. Just knowing that someone understands and adding the scripture references with it helps so much. Thank you once again my sweet and wise friend for this post today. I will save it in my file to remind me that someone understands. I have been dealing with this fear and anxiety for the last two weeks. I feel like the enemy is constantly tugging at my coat tail. Clinging to my Lord and Savior I have been doing.
I’m glad it blessed and encouraged you, Sue! I do understand! Fighting fear is a daily battle. Only with God’s help! God bless you, sweet friend!
Oh my, Deb! I use to live under the umbrella of fear all the time. Always sure the next shoe was about to drop right on top of my head! But praise God for His mercy and grace and maturing my faith and wisdom and knowledge and acceptance that HE IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL, I have been able to let fear go and surrender everything to Him. What a glorious freedom feeling it is to not be a slave to fear!
Psalm 23:4 I will fear no evil, for THOU ART WITH ME!
If we stay crouched in fear, how can we ever be the light for others that God calls us to be?
Psalm 71:16 I will go in the STRENGTH OF THE LORD GOD.
Blessings for all fear to vanish as we walk in the strength of God!
“Fear is a liar, God is Truth!
Thank you so much for sharing these verses with us. His Word is strength and a balm for my soul. Blessings, my friend!
Amen, Deb! God will help us live fearlessly if we let Him.
Amen, Martha! Blessings, my friend!
I want to let you know what a blessing you are to me. My husband passed away in October and I feel afraid of everything. I pray for guidance and answers to these fears, nine times out of 10 my prayers are answered through your post. Today I was really struggling. This prayer was on target. I can’t imagine how much time and prayer goes into your posts. I’m so grateful I found you.
Oh, Becky, I’m so very sorry. My husband was diagnosed with ALS last fall. The enemy of our souls certainly loves to attack us with fear, doesn’t he? I’m so thankful that this blessed and encouraged you. We are so blessed to know and love a gracious and merciful God who watches over us with His care and compassion. I’m asking Him to hold you close and to meet your every need. God bless you! I’m looking forward to hearing from you in the days ahead. God bless you!
Thank you so much for this encouragement!!! It is so needed!!!!
I’m so glad it blessed you, Shay! Thank you for visiting and for your kind encouragement. God be with you!
Good Post. I enjoyed it and it was helpful to me. Thank You so much.
You’re welcome, Sue! Thank you!
My God, Deb
Thank you so much for this post. I am grateful to God that each day I am lead by ths Holy Spirit to live a fear free life. Your posts are truly powerful and encouraging. May God continue to use you for His Honor and Glory.
I am blessed by your kind encouragement, Vernetta. Thank you so very much! God be with you and bless you!
Thank you for this blog on fear. I have been dealing with fear for a long time. Reading these posts from your readers is very encouraging to me. Thank you for sharing about fear. I noticed you share a lot on fear. I always enjoy the scriptures and biblical encouragement. My prayers for your husband.
Thank you for your prayers, Carolyn. We are so thankful for every thoughtful plea that goes before our Lord. Yes, I write often on the subject of fear. I lived much of my life burdened by fear and by God’s grace, He has proven Himself loving and faithful so I am more able to use His promises to fight the enemy’s attacks. Thanks for visiting and for your encouragement. Blessings!