How You Can Live in Victory Every Time the Enemy Torments You

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The enemy of our souls diligently tries to rob our joy and remove our peace but there is a way to defeat him and live in victory every single day... #LiveinVictory #Hope #Joy #Blessings

I want to live in victory every day. Really I do.

If you’re here, I’m guessing you want to live in victory too.

But no matter how hard you and I try . . . the enemy and his demons heckle and harass us. They continually torment each of us with negativity, divisiveness, concerns, and temptations.

Recently, I had one of those weeks when there wasn’t really anything “wrong” other than the regular aches that annoyed me, the painful memories that were picked at my peace, and the situations out of my control that added to my anxiety.

I knew I needed a wake-up call! I needed to adjust my focus. I needed to prayerfully resist the enemy’s negative taunts and temptations and focus on God’s gracious blessings.

Because in all honesty, nothing had changed except my thinking. Nothing.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who struggles with this occasionally. Please tell me that you too have times when you just feel off . . . times when you realize that the enemy has been working overtime to rob you of your peace and joy. And you are being a willing participant?

So, here’s my wake-up call. I’m grabbing the promises of God’s gracious blessings and I’m fighting back!

I Can Live in Victory because:

♥ God loves…

 See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us his children.

1 John 3:1

♥ God forgives…

 If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

1 John 1:9

♥ God saves…

For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16

♥ God guides and directs…

When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. 

John 16:13

♥ God says, I am His and He is mine forever…

The One who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.

Isaian 43:1

My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.

Psalm 73:26
The enemy of our souls diligently tries to rob our joy and remove our peace but there is a way to defeat him and live in victory every single day... #LiveinVictory #Hope #Joy #Blessings

Let’s pause to pray for faith and victory…

A Prayer to Trust God’s Promises
and Live in Victory

Father, I thank you! Your Word is an awesome wonderful gift. It is filled with promises and blessings that You have for Your children.

Please forgive me for the weak and foolish ways I allow the enemy to tempt me in ways that rob my joy. You are so very good to me. You have blessed me in so many wonderful ways. You tell me You love me. You forgive me and remove my sins as far as the east is from the west. You have saved me from sin and given me life that lasts forever through the gift of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

You guide and direct me through Your Spirit and You call me Your child . . . You tell me I belong to You. You promise that nothing in this world can separate me from Your love.

Father, You are all I need. I give myself to You. I offer myself as a living sacrifice that I may be used by You in ways that bring You glory and honor. By Your grace and with Your help, I will focus on You and the beautiful blessings You lavish. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The enemy of our souls diligently tries to rob our joy and remove our peace but there is a way to defeat him and live in victory every single day... #LiveinVictory #Hope #Joy #Blessings

I’m smiling as I type this. Really, is it any wonder the enemy puts extra effort into stripping away our joy? He continues to tempt us with his old original question, “Did God really say?”

And often, you and I still give in with the same old response. We’re human. We’re weak, foolish, stubborn, and sometimes we’re even quick to feel sorry for ourselves.

But you and I have been given a greater truth…

By grace alone, there is a God in each of our lives who is greater than the enemy and anything he throws our way. We have a Father who knows our weaknesses and still loves us. We have a Savior who understands our battles and who gave up everything to make it possible for us to live in victory. And we have a Comforter who pursues us, lifts us up, and guides us to live with faith and hope.

The enemy of our souls diligently tries to rob our joy and remove our peace but there is a way to defeat him and live in victory every single day... #LiveinVictory #Hope #Joy #Blessings

 He is and He always will be . . . I AM.

May you be blessed by the One who is with us and giving us what we need to live in victory.

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  1. Thank you for your posting sometimes they really hit home.

    1. I’m glad you were blessed, Barbara! Thank you much for letting me know! God bless you!

  2. Alicia Nelson says:

    Thank you so much for the words of encouragement I really needed it this morning you are truly a blessing.

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged, Alicia. Thank you for visiting and for blessing me with your kindness. God be with you and bless you!

  3. Nancy Lail says:

    I struggle with this problem too, Deb. I have two things I do to combat the enemy. I read my Bible or turn on a favorite Jesus song. It works because Satan can’t handle God’s word or praises sung to Him. Thanks for your writing.

    1. I think we all struggle at times, Nancy! And I love the way you achieve victory through the Word and praise! As my husband, Rev, would say, “that’s downright Biblical!” God has given us the weapons we need. Now, may we faithfully use them and celebrate the victory we have in Jesus. Blessings!

  4. Thank you so much for Blessing us with God’s awesome word.
    The word of God always work. It’s quick and powerful and sharper than a 2 edged sword.

    1. Amen, Lea! The Word is our weapon to fight the enemy and our source of faith, hope, and strength when we need encouragement. Thank you for blessing me with your kind encouragement. God be with you!

  5. Wow, Deb, your post could not be more timely! In the last few days since I’ve taken up your W.I.T. Suggestion, I have been seriously attacked by the enemy. I didn’t know what was wrong with me until last night when bam! I realized that I was getting closer to Jesus, and so the enemy was upping his antics. THANK YOU for your post today! I am going to claim the promises you’ve written over and over. May God be praised!

    1. Oh, Jodi, the enemy is so like that! We make a commitment to move our hearts closer to the Lord and to the ones we love and the enemy sticks big ugly lies in the way trying to dissuade and discourage us. Asking the Lord to bless you and give you everything you need today to live in the victory that comes from Him alone. Blessings!

  6. I’ve recently entered a phase of melancholy, Deb. It’s not that I don’t see God’s blessings or feel His comforting presence, but instead of being infused with joy, I find that I’m inwardly reflective and nostalgic for what was and has been, not what’s right here and now. I’ll continue to pray about this quandry.

    1. I think many are struggling right now, Martha. The news is discouraging and people are stressed and anxious. I’m lifting you up in prayer today, sweet friend. Asking the Lord to hold you close and surround you with His presence. Sending hugs!

  7. Kathy Francescon says:

    Precious Deb, from the comments already posted, I think we have all been plagued by the enemy lately! I can be happily sailing along, and suddenly it feels like my boat has flipped over and I am gulping for air! I go through some days when I don’t even recognize myself. I feel blue, heavy, tired and spent. And like you said, nothing earth shattering has occurred, but I feel despondent. I hate these times and I pray, I read my Bible, and feel so guilty that I am not rejoicing for all the wonderful blessings that God showers me with everyday! I absolutely want to live in victory, and hate those days, i feel so defeated! Thank you for somehow always knowing what we need to hear! Praying we all will have a victory today! Praises to God for all His mercy and grace!

    1. It helps to know that we’re not alone in the struggle, doesn’t it, Kathy? The enemy is relentless in the ways he goes after our minds and our hearts. And I know there are so many of us who don’t want to give in to his lies. Praise God, He has given us the weapons we need to fight the battle knowing that the war itself has already been won. Claiming His Word and with His help, living in victory today! Blessings, my friend!

  8. Goodness, you are not the only one who just feels “off.” There are weeks when I wonder why I am doing this. Who even cares what I write? And on and on… Then I start rebuking the devil. I know that God called me to write to a small corner of the world. I don’t have to be perfect, or even great at it. I continue to improve and He does the rest! Thanks for opening up, Deb. It’s nice not to feel alone!

    1. It is a blessing to know we are all in this together . . . serving the Lord, sharing His love, praising His name. I’m praying today and asking the Lord to bless you, Julie, and that He will send many to encourage you with His love. Blessings!

  9. It seems I can only join the group. Felt it in the past, but during these past couple of weeks it intensified. Just as you said Deb, it comes out of the left field, no real reason, nothing really changed, yet there is a strong discontent in my heart. Nothing can put a genuine smile on my face, or warm my heart. There is no honest desire to read the Scripture and feel disconnected from the Lord. Even my prayers sound hollow, empty, lifeless. I feel lost and totally out of touch from God. So just desperately cling to the promises received through my life – one of them that very passage from Isaiah you quoted ????. And keep reminding myself not to focus on my feelings but of what I know. So often I question if I even love Jesus and our Heavenly Father. Yet, when I think about it, I can’t imagine life without being able to turn to the Lord, seek His assurance, security, love. He’s my only hope, my strenght. Whenever I wonder away from Him, life becomes grey, meaningless and empty. My hubby said something today that stuck with me – one of my hubbies is wildlife photography. I’ve been visiting a bald eagle nest for several years. For some reason, I didn’t get a chance to see them while the parents were teaching the babies to hunt, and witness their cute antics. Lately I’ve been trying to catch the last couple of glimps of them before they leave for good – so my hubby said, you’re trying to make up for the lost time!!!! And it hit me – as so many times that’s what I do in my spiritual life as well – trying to make up for the lost time….but can’t. Have to learn to look ahead, look to Jesus no matter what the circumstances.
    Yes, it was indeed a very timely post dear friend. Lot’s of blessings to you. ❤️

    1. Kathy Francescon says:

      Dear Gaby, i can so relate to how you feel. I have these same feelings. Sometimes it seems the harder I try, the worse I feel. I love God with all my heart and soul and want to be all He wants me to be. I struggle with depression and anxiety, and sometimes I feel so inadequate to do all I know I should be doing for His glory. I will keep you in prayer and would appreciate your prayers for me. I love you are so honest here on these posts and I feel you, dear sister. May God bless you today with happy thoughts. Sending you a big hug! Praise God, and may we stay strong and brave in this fight against the enemy.

      1. Dear Kathy, your replies are always a balm to my soul. Yes, the battle rages on in our soul, and while many times I crave for some quiet, joy filled peaceful times, I guess we have to look it as a confirmation that indeed we are heading in the right direction that’s why the devil unleashes on us all his anger. Just like in the Pilgrim’s Progress. The closer got Christian to Jesus, the harder satan fought him. Guess, this is the meaning of “fighting the good fight” ????. I most surely keep you dear sister in my prayers and thankful for yours. We are band together for encouragement, strenghtening each other, share our joy and sorrows. Much love Kathy and wishing you Jesus’ peace, joy and blessings ????????

    2. What a beautiful testimony, Gaby! We are all learning to “look ahead, look to Jesus no matter what the circumstances.” Amen! Keeping our eyes focused on Jesus, the One who is the author of our faith and the One who makes it perfect! God bless you, my friend.

  10. Dear Deb,
    I hit a wall of gray yesterday out of the blue and for no real reason. I stretched out on my bed wondering why. Again, I took stock of my endless blessings. God did as He usually does with me and tells me to get up and move forward. Take the first step and the next and He will be with me. The enemy wants me to wallow and sink, become emotionally paralyzed. I obeyed My Heavenly Father even though I didn’t believe I could shake this funk. But within the hour with prayers in my shower, the gray was gone. Praise God! And thank you Deb for the encouragement. Blessings to you!

    1. Hi, Donna. It is helpful to be able to identify those insidious attacks of the enemy, isn’t it? When I pause and realize that my mood and emotions are being attacked in a way that wants me to live defeated and discouraged . . . it helps me run to the One who has given us victory and encouragement. Praise God for giving us everything we need to live with joy in victory every day. God’s blessings be with you!