The Best Way To Know And Live Your Self-Worth

What does it take for you to live your self-worth?
Every advertisement wants us to believe we’re not enough.
You and I can’t look at our phones, open our laptops, or walk into any store without being bombarded with ads that tell us we need to purchase their products because without them we’re not … skinny enough, beautiful enough, rich enough, sexy enough, cool enough, or popular enough.
Do you ever wonder why we give those messages so much power and influence over us?
It is tempting to surrender our self-worth to how we look and what we own over-valuing things that will never last.
What if we refused to believe those lies for one more minute?
I know it won’t be easy. Let’s face it, the messages are everywhere but what if it’s time for us to go to the Lord for help? What if we committed to SEEK HIS TRUTH and TRUST HIS PROMISES?
The world pushes us to care more than we should about current cultural standards and the opinions of others … many of whom we’ve never met or hardly know.
But Jesus didn’t say:
- Blessed are the rich and beautiful.
- Blessed are the thin and muscular.
- Blessed are the popular.
- Blessed are those who have sex appeal.
- Blessed are those who have _________.
He said:
- God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for Him.
- God blesses those who are humble.
- God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice.
- God blesses those who are merciful.
- God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right.
- God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.” Matthew 5 (NLT)
Jeremiah wrote…
Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.
Jeremiah 17:7
The enemy of our souls works overtime to convince us that it’s more important to…
- rely on popular opinions rather than trust and obey God.
- look good instead of being good.
- impress than to inspire.
- be popular than to be kind.
- be loved than to love.
- __________________ (What would you add?)
Do you know why the enemy surrounds us with these lies?
Because temptations contemplated become thoughts, thoughts become beliefs that turn into habits … and those habits go on until by God’s grace we wake up and realize that faith-filled trust and obedience are better than anything this world has to offer.
Our sinful nature doesn’t want what God wants for us. But what He wants is best!
If you and I paused to look closely at the people who appear to have all that the world says gives value, I wonder if we would find them enjoying more contentment and happiness. Or would we realize they haven’t found the peace or fulfillment they’re pursuing?
And if we followed that, by looking at the people we know who have surrendered everything to the Lord. Well, I have to say that I’ve never met anyone who trusted God with all they have and all they are who hasn’t found something more priceless and precious than any or the things listed above.
When you and I KNOW that to live our self-worth means surrendering everything to the Lord … our finances, popularity, purchases, time—yes everything, we’ll realize that we’ve found something more precious than anything else in the world.
Jesus said…
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field.
Matthew 13:44
Through Jesus, we have been blessed with the greatest treasure … faith, hope, love, and a beautiful future that lasts forever.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer to Wisely Know & Live Your Self-Worth
Father, the world says, “live your self-worth” and then lies about the things that give us our worth. You created us for Yourself. You gave us value when You made us. You call us precious, masterpiece, beloved, and child.
I am not worthy because of how I look, what I own, what I do, or what people say. I am worthy because You declare me worthy in Jesus. You gave me the gift of a repentant heart and faith. You have given me the very things that declare me worthy … Jesus, faith, and forgiveness. I am so very humbled and overwhelmed.
I have done nothing of my own to be considered worthy; yet, You say it is so through Your grace, mercy, and love.
I pray that You will help me surrender my all to You in faith. I ask that I will maintain a humble caring heart. I pray to live as though I fully believe everything I have is given through Your grace. Please make me a careful steward of my appearance, time, possessions, finances, and everything else so that I may use it all for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
When you and I know that our self-worth is found in who the Lord says we are, everything else in our lives falls into place. Culture, advertisers, and people’s opinions become much less important than the priceless and precious treasure we have through God’s love.
So, I’m joining the Psalmist in saying…
Turn my eyes from worthless things,
Psalm 119:7–8
and give me life through Your Word.
Reassure me of Your promise,
made to those who fear you.
And I’m praying to remember that…
My self-worth is secure when it’s based only on the opinions of My Creator.
May the Lord bless you as you live your self-worth as it has been given and defined by the Lord.
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God is the life blood of our very being. We are worthy only because He created us as His children, and not because of the world’s view or culture. Let us boast only in the Lord!
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! He alone is worthy and by His grace He chooses to declare His children worthy in Jesus. We are so very blessed! Hugs to you!
What a great reminder to me that it is only God’s opinion of me that is the truth! I have to admit, I am one who is always wanting to please everyone and seek approval!! It is exhausting! I am grateful for a God who knows me and knows who I am. Your post today will be copied and pasted and I will keep it handy so I can reread it often as a reminder.
I appreciate you my friend. Blessings for a wonderful week ahead for you.
I’ve struggled with people-pleasing too, Sue. It helps my heart when I remember to focus on the Lord, share His love, and let Him deal with those who are difficult to please. Blessings and BIG HUGS to You!!
Indeed, the false promises of perfection are everywhere and ever so constant. There is no advertising of any thing here on earth that will cleanse, beautify, and restore self worth except the saving grace that God gives to us so freely! If we have a beautiful heart, soul, and spirit on the inside, it shines out for all to see! No need for the artificial entrapments of this world! Our self worth, our joy and peace are all about our Lord and Savior! And we will all be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT AND LIVE IN A PERFECT HOME, when we are in heaven with our PERFECT FATHER! We are so valuable and beautiful to our Lord!
You are worthy!!
So true, Kathy! Some of the most beautiful people I have known would not be considered beauties by the world’s standards but oh, how they glowed with the peace and love of God. His love within us shines a light that glorifies Him and that’s where I want my self worthy to be seen. My love to you, my dear friend!
Amen! Deb this really made me see the importance of my self worth in my faith and not the world. It really touched my heart and to understand that the only important thing in my life is being 100% in faith so that God will lead me in
Into his glory. I must forget about the things of the world in order to have love, peace, grace, joy and mercy. My life will always be strong and secure so long as God has control of it.
Blessings Deb and thank you for all the positive energy and support you provide. May God continue to give you the wisdom to help me and others to grow in our faith.
Thank you, Ana! Your comments are always a blessing as they encourage us all in our faith journey. Blessings!