7 Verses and Prayers that will Bless Your Marriage Adventure

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After 45 years of marriage - these marriage verses and prayers have blessed us. I pray that will bless your marriage adventure, too.

Rev and I will celebrate our 45th Anniversary this weekend.


I remember thinking people married 25 years were old and those married 50 were ancient. Now that we’re closer to 50 than 25 . . . I’m surprised at how not old we feel.

Sure, on the outside our hair is gray and our skin has a few wrinkles but on the inside . . . we’re still just a couple of kids who fell in love living our adventure.

Adventures are full of joys and challenges and ours has definitely had both. In joys, we celebrated with praise and in challenges, we turned to God in prayer.

What a blessing to have always been able to go to the Lord for help and direction. So often we’ve grabbed hold of each other and poured our hearts out in prayer.


I can’t imagine our marriage without it.

So, I’d like to share some of my favorite marriage verses with prayers God has used to bless us. I pray they will bless you, too.

After 45 years of marriage - these marriage verses and prayers have blessed us. I pray that will bless your marriage adventure, too.

7 Verses and Prayers that will Bless Your Marriage Adventure

Psalm 63:3

Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise You! Psalm 63:3

Father, You are love. Love You show us day after day, year after year, and generation after generation. Perfect love . . . in and through Jesus. Thank you for Your countless blessings. Thank you for our marriage. Thank you for our family. Thank you for love! Thank you for Your love. Amen.

Ephesians 5:21

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21

Father, forgive me. I can get so caught up with the word “submit” I fail to honor Your will for me. I’m selfish and I want things my way. It’s hard to yield myself to someone else. Honestly, it’s hard for me to surrender myself completely to You. But submission comes from reverence for Christ. It responds to Your love and all You’ve given. You want me to submit to You and to my spouse. Help me, Father. On my own, I can’t but with Your help, I can do all things, even love better than I am able. Thank you, Father. By Your grace and with Your help I will surrender myself today. Amen.

Mark 10:7–9

‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” Mark 10:7–9

Father, It’s hard for parents to let their children go off and make a new family. It’s hard for two independent selfish people to become one. There are so many things in our lives trying to tear our marriages apart. Thank you for this Word that tells us how precious the “oneness of marriage” is to You. With Your help, may it always be precious to us. Help us set safe boundaries around our marriage, to remember we are a team and with Your help, we can stand united and strong. Thank you in Jesus. Amen.

After 45 years of marriage - these marriage verses and prayers have blessed us. I pray that will bless your marriage adventure, too.

1 Peter 4:8

Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

Father, I need an outpouring of Your love that covers sins. You are faithful to forgive me, please help me to faithfully and quickly forgive my love. Please help me remember my failures and ask for forgiveness. Keep me from maximizing my dear one’s faults while I minimize my own. Make me generous with mercy that puts problems in the past and grace that fills the present and future with kindness and care. Amen.

Ephesians 4:2–3

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. Ephesians 4:2–3

Oh, Father, humble, gentle, and patient. I want that. I know I want to receive it and yes, I even want to give it but in the daily messiness of life . . . it’s just hard. Unite us by the power of Your Spirit. Help us see the best ways to work together united by love. Make us humble, gentle, and patient. Give our home the peace of Your presence. In Jesus name and with His help. Amen.

Joshua 1:9

“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Father, give us strength and courage as we live through problems. It is so easy to become frightened and discouraged. We need You! Help us to stand strong and lift each other up when we are weak. We can get distracted by the things that divide and defeat us. Unite us to each other and draw us close to you. Help us feel Your presence, trust Your wisdom, and follow Your direction. In and through Jesus. Amen.

After 45 years of marriage - these marriage verses and prayers have blessed us. I pray that will bless your marriage adventure, too.Proverbs 3:5–6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5–6

Father, we want to love and trust You completely. It’s hard to admit how often we rely on our own understanding. The number of times we try to fix things our way then running to You when that way fails. Forgive us. Forgive me. We come to You for help. Father, we surrender this day to You and ask You to show us the path to take. With Your Spirit’s help, we will study Your Word and learn Your commands and by Your grace, we will trust that You will never take us where Your love cannot sustain us. Your grace is sufficient and Your mercy complete. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen.

God is Faithful!

Like you, we’ve had joys and sorrows, easy fun days to celebrate and hard days when we could only drop to our knees in prayer.

Life’s an adventure. One I can’t imagine taking without God’s faithful love and mercy.

“The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in Him!”  Lamentations 3:22–24

I’m so very thankful for our 45 years and I’m praying that by God’s grace we will enjoy the adventure for many more.

Finally, a quote from Tim Keller…

“In sharp contrast with our culture, the Bible teaches that the essence of marriage is a sacrificial commitment to the good of the other. That means that love is more fundamentally action than emotion.”

Leave your prayer requests…

May we pray for you

and stop to pray one or two of the requests listed.

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  1. Oh, such inspiration for marriage here, Deb! I’m going to forward this post to my husband so he can read it, too.
    Wishing you and Rev and Happy and Blessed 45th Anniversary filled with love and joy!

    1. Aw, thank you, Martha! That so kind of you! You bless me so much!!!

  2. 28 years in March.
    Prayer is the glue. We pray separately but don’t always pray together and it’s the silliest reasons that prevent this.
    My current prayer is that we can pray together more often.

    Thanks for this post.

    1. Congratulations on 28 years! I love your prayer! It’s a good one for all of us!

  3. Marriage sometimes feels like a mirror that allows us to see our own selfishness. We definitely need to rely on God, to change us and make us more like Him, to make a marriage work well. I love the verses that you shared here.

    1. You’re right, Dawn! Our marriage is perfect when we’re both putting the other person first but when that old selfishness sneaks in . . . well, that’s when, by God’s grace, we have to work together and remember we work best when “it’s not about me” it’s about us.

  4. Woohoo for 45 years of marriage, Deb!
    You guys are amazing~

    1. Thanks, Melanie! Blessings to you, as well!

  5. Congratulations on your 45 years together!
    Not ancient yet! 🙂 Funny how we have such ideas when we’re young and can’t imagine the passage of so much time, then when you get on the other side, the view is so different! You go, girl! Keep up the good work! Thanks for these precious Scriptures that help us in all walks of life, including marriage.

    1. Thank you, Ruth! I know! In so many ways it seems like a blink! Yet, so many memories to cherish. We’ve had fun this week taking a trip down memory lane . . . from our dating years and on through the adventure.

  6. Congratulations on 45 years! We are approaching the big 12! Better watch out, we are catching up. 😉 Thank you so much for these verses and prayers, very appropriate and timely for this season of our lives while we are raising kids to really put time into praying and nurturing our marriage. <3

    1. Thanks, Jessica! You are catching up! 🙂 God bless you!

  7. My 21st anniversary is tomorrow! And yes, I still feel young inside even though my hair is turning grey and I can’t keep up with the coloring, lol. These are powerful prayers! I loved this, “Keep me from maximizing my dear one’s faults while I minimize my own.” Yes, Lord!

    1. Yay! Have a wonderful day tomorrow! And you ARE still young! It’s all perspective. 🙂

  8. bethany mcilrath says:

    So sweet! Happy anniversary to you and your husband! Such a wonderful testimony to 45 years of Christ-like love. Thansk for celebrating by sharing!

  9. Happy Anniversary and congrats on 45 years! Praise the Lord! I don’t understand how anyone gets through marriage without prayer for the marriage, their spouse and themselves!
    God bless you! – sort of your neighbor at Thought Provoking Thursdays

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! I agree! There have been many times when we’ve looked at each other and said, “I have no clue what to do now. Let’s pray about it and trust Him to guide us.” And He has always been faithful! Blessings and thanks so much for visiting!

  10. Congratulations on 45 years together! My husband and I are approaching 39, and finding that every season requires a deeper renewing of the vows made in the very beginning. I love your beautiful prayers and Scriptures that share such truth. Blessed to be your neighbor over #TuneInThursday this week!

    1. Thank you, Bettie! 39 years, that’s wonderful! I agree! We often talk about all the things God has brought us through. It’s a great reminder when the road gets a little bumpy! God’s blessings! Thanks so much for visiting!!

  11. Kaylin Zimmerman says:

    These are wonderful. Thank You for sharing.

  12. Thank you for these inspiring and challenging verses and the prayers to go with them! I so appreciate the wisdom you offer, gleaned from your 45 years of marriage!

  13. Happy Anniversary and Congratulations on 45 years! Yay, definitely something worth celebrating. My husband will be celebrating 28 years this August. Thank you for sharing the Scriptures as well. I really like the 1 Peter verse for support of marriage, Thank you for linking up with #TuneInThursday today!

  14. Hi! Deb, Thank you for sharing your wisdom from 45 years of marriage.Wow! Congratulations, what a blessing. I have been married for 25 years which has been over half of my life, and it has also been filled my extraordinary blessings, and challenges! So thankful that no matter what season we are in God is there to guide us and direct us! Blessings, Misty

  15. Congratulations on 45 years! Thank you for sharing these verses and your wisdom with us!

    1. Thank you, Sarah! May God bless you and your family!

  16. Please pray with me. I am standing for my marriage. We’ve been married 25 years, separated for the last 4 years. My husband is dating his second girlfriend in two years, he is now pursuing divorce. I always wanted reconciliation, but did nothing about it until last August when he told me about girlfriend number one – now I pray fervently for the restoration of our marriage. Please help me bear this excruciatingly painful burden by praying with me. I do not want to be divorced.

    1. Heather, I’m so sorry! I can see how much your heart is hurting. I am praying and asking God to give you the peace only He can give and that He will do a mighty work in your marriage. God bless you!