Important Truth About the Most Delightful Relationship

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You and I are invited into a delightful relationship with the God of the universe through His Son and our Savior, Jesus. His love changes everything in our lives today and eternally.

What is the most delightful relationship?

Let’s begin by asking…

Who or what delights you?

Who or what fills you with joy and happiness?

Did you know the Bible says the Lord delights in you? He takes joy in everyone who loves Him through His Son, Jesus. You give Him pleasure. How cool is that?!

The Father Himself loves you dearly because you love me and believe that I came from God.

John 16:27

Scripture also tells us that the Lord wants us to delight in Him…

Take delight in the Lord,
    and He will give you your heart’s desires.
Commit everything you do to the Lord.
    Trust Him, and He will help you.

Psalm 37:4–5

That’s the most delightful relationship.

It’s the relationship God wants to have with us … He wants to be our source of our pleasure, joy, and satisfaction. And because of our love for Jesus, a relationship with us gives Him joy!

When the Father looks at us, He sees us through the lens of grace and mercy because of His Son and our Savior. He sees our love for Jesus and our humble and repentant attitudes prompted by the Holy Spirit – and He forgives us and says … this one belongs to me!

How awesome is that?!

Let’s spend today thinking about the most delightful relationship … the relationship we have with God through Jesus. Let’s focus on the pleasure, joy, and satisfaction we can experience knowing that we are in His presence and under His care.

Faith is not about going to church or following the rules. It’s not doctrine or denominations. Faith is enjoying the most delightful relationship with the God of the universe. A gift given by Him because that’s how much He loves us.

You and I are invited into a delightful relationship with the God of the universe through His Son and our Savior, Jesus. His love changes everything in our lives today and eternally.

Let’s pray…

Prayers Thanking God
for the Most Delightful Relationship

You will show me the way of life,
    granting me the joy of Your presence
    and the pleasures of living with You forever.

Psalm 16:11

Father God, Since Adam and Eve walked with You in the Garden, You have cared for Your children and guided them along the path of life.

You have instructed us in ways that give us peace, joy, and happiness. You gave us Jesus so we might know the depth of Your Love and the pleasure of living with You forever.

You invite me into a delightful relationship. I love You Lord, and my heart desires to love You so much that I trust and obey Your will in everything I say and do. Please prompt me to run to You when I’m hurting, frustrated, and confused and when life is wonderful, peaceful, and prosperous. Amen.

The Lord is like a father to His children,
    tender and compassionate to those who fear him.

Psalm 103:13

You are the perfect, Father. You love perfectly and guide perfectly. You forgive and provide. You are gracious and good. You are caring and compassionate. I thank and praise You and never want to disappoint You.

David wrote that Your “unfailing love” is better than life itself. I trust that I can confidently run to You my loving parent. I trust You to care for me. Thank you for claiming me as Your own. Amen.

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.

Revelation 3:20

Lord, thank you for persistently knocking on the door of my heart and for pursuing me with Your love. You love me and sent Your Son for me. You work in and around me through Your Spirit. I love You because You loved me first.

Please fill my life with Your presence. Help me listen to Your voice and willingly trust, and obey Your plans and purposes. Help me open every door to every part of my life so I might enjoy the blessing of KNOWing and experiencing the joy of Your presence. Amen.

You and I are invited into a delightful relationship with the God of the universe through His Son and our Savior, Jesus. His love changes everything in our lives today and eternally.

Through your faith, God is protecting you by His power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see.

1 Peter 1:5

Father, thank you for inviting me into a relationship that began long ago and that You promise will last for all eternity. By Your grace, I can live each day with the hope of being in Your presence forever.

Your Word paints a beautiful picture of the glories of heaven. Jesus promised that He has gone to prepare a place for us and we anticipate the blessing of living with You forever. Amen.

For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of His Son while we were still His enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of His Son. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.

Romans 5:10–11

Thank you, Jesus! You gave everything to make our relationship possible. How can I begin to thank You? You pour grace, mercy, and love into my life … enough to help me face every trial and challenge.

You took my sins upon Yourself so I could be declared the Father’s child. Thank You for making it possible for the Father to see You in me. Thank You for Your Spirit who guides me in the TRUTH and reminds me of all You taught. Thank you, Lord, for giving me strength, peace, and hope. Thank You now and forever! Amen.

I love this quote from Henri Nouwen…

“Let’s dare to enter into an intimate relationship with God without fear, trusting that we will receive love and always more love.”

Praise and thank God for His love that calls us into a delightful relationship that never ends.

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  1. Martha J Orlando says:

    Yes, the MOST delightful relationship any of us can have. We are blessed beyond measure, for sure.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Deb!

    1. Yes, we are, Martha! God is so very good! Blessings, my friend. I hope you’ve enjoyed a great weekend.

  2. Amy Skalicky says:

    This is a beautiful reminder that I needed today. Praise God!

    1. I’m glad it blessed you, Amy. God be with you!