When You Need Strength Pray These Powerful Promises

When you need strength to act in faith, you need confidence in the One you believe is true and trustworthy.
It breaks my heart when I get a comment from someone who tries to convince me that the Bible is fictional and anyone who believes its “fables” is foolish. I typically reply by telling them why I am confident that the living and active Word of God is TRUTH and then I pray.
Jesus prayed…
“Make them holy by Your truth; teach them Your word, which is truth.”
John 17:17
And said…
“Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.”
Matthew 24:35
“But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”
Luke 11:28
Because I believe the Bible is the true and trustworthy Word of God, I turn to His promises when I need strength. So, I’d like to share some of those promises to encourage you on the days you feel powerless and uncertain.
Pray God’s Promises When You Need Strength
The Lord is Trustworthy.
For the word of the Lord holds true,
Psalm 33:4–5
and we can trust everything He does.
He loves whatever is just and good;
the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth.
Father, when I need strength because the enemy is using life’s challenges to taunt me with doubt, please help me remember that I can trust You in everything You do. When You allow something in my life You will use it for something good and it will glorify You.
I may not always understand Your ways but I can always depend on You to be gracious and fair. I thank you for loving me perfectly. I don’t deserve Your forgiveness and unfailing love but through Jesus, You have made me Your own now and forever. Amen.
The Lord is My Shepherd.
The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in green pastures. He leads me to calm water. He gives me new strength. He leads me on paths that are right for the good of His name.
Psalm 23:1–3
My Shepherd, thank you for faithfully giving me everything I need. Right now, I need strength. When I focus on yesterday’s problems and tomorrow’s potential problems, I surrender to weakness and fail to realize the strength You want me to have today. Please forgive me and help me focus on the truth of who You are and all You do.
Help me boldly follow where You lead trusting that You are faithful to give me exactly what I need to live one moment at a time for Your glory. Amen.
The Lord is a Loving Savior.
For the Lord your God is living among you.
Zephaniah 3:17
He is a mighty Savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
With His love, He will calm all your fears.
He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.
Lord, these words of the Prophet have always blessed and encouraged me. Thank you for inspiring Him to write this beautiful promise.
As I hold them close, I remember that when You, my “mighty Savior” are with me … I can have the strength I need. It’s hard to comprehend how I could delight You. I’m not worthy. But by Your grace, You declare me forgiven and free. You calm my fearful heart and remind me that nothing in this world can separate me from Your love. Thanks and praise forever and always! Amen.
The Lord Guides Me and Watches Over Me
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
Psalm 32:8
I will advise you and watch over you.
Father, forgive me. You guide me and too often I fail to follow. You know the best path for me and I think I know better. You advise me wisely and I turn to foolish counsel. I fail and You forgive again and again.
So, I will hold these words You spoke to David close to my heart. With Your Spirit’s help, I will follow Your guidance and listen to Your counsel. And I will rest in knowing that You are always with me. You watch over me. When You are with me, I have the strength and peace I need. Amen.
The Lord is with Me to Help Me and Give Me Strength
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
Father, because You faithfully keep Your promises, I trust You to strengthen me today. I will not hold on to fear or discouragement because You, my God, are holding me. I have hope for the future because I can rely on You to help.
Jesus won the victory over sin, death, and the enemy and I believe He has won the victory in me. I thank and praise You, Lord of my life. You are my strength and courage. Please help me show You my love by trusting and obeying Your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
When you and I need strength it’s important to stop and remember that our loving Heavenly Father is with us watching over us and faithfully leading us. He calms our fears and gives us strength when we surrender our burdens to Him. He is forever trustworthy.
Andrew Murray wrote…
“Do not strive in your own strength; cast yourself at the feet of the Lord Jesus, and wait upon Him in the sure confidence that He is with you, and works in you. Strive in prayer; let faith fill your heart so you will be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”
May God be with you today and every day. May He give you all the strength you need.
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It is so sad how some people will not even open a Bible, but put those who believe in God as ignorant. May God shine His light on them and open their eyes to His truths.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Joining you in prayer that many will come to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE the Lord through the pages of Scripture. Blessings to you!!
This was just what I needed today. We have been ravaged in our area with Hurricane Helene. Deaths and destruction. So many in our area have lost their homes. We finally got our power back on Wednesday night. It was very frightening to say the least. We have damage to our back yard and porch, but it is nothing compared to others. God was with us, and He still is. I am like you, I rely on my Bible and God’s word, but I have to admit, I had the hardest time praying in the midst of this. I was so anxious and nervous. I did try to pray. I prayed for the man down the street that lost his home, but thanked God that he didn’t lose his life. Anyway, please, I know that you will, pray for all of us in all of the States that were so hard hit, especially Florida.
Love and hugs to you my sweet and faithful friend.
Dear Sue, I thought of you as Helene swept Georgia and I am so happy to hear you are ok! Kingsport didn’t get any major damage, but so many areas that are close by are truly devastated! Unicoi County-Erwin, Greeneville, Damascus, Mtn. City, Boone, Asheville, and so many other surrounding counties. Everyone is shocked, traumatized, and in disbelief. My heart is broken for everyone that was impacted by this hurricane. I know that so many are praying for all the states involved…
I will be praying for you and asking God for His mercy and grace for all of us. Love and hugs precious friend…
Kathy, I am so thankful to hear from you. This has really been an emotional time. So many have lost their homes and some very tragic deaths. When we were able to go and get a few groceries the other day, we saw so many homes in our neighborhood and surrounding neighborhood that art lost. Trees fell on them, and some lost their lives because of it. Two of our friends here in Augusta have children that lost their homes. We have friends in Maggie Valley, NC and they are ok, but the river and creek places have flooded areas. We love Waynesville and they had lots of damage there and our friends tell us that they are still in the process of rescuing folks. I have been praying, but just truthfully, have had a hard time knowing what to say. I just ask Jesus to help us all and especially those who have lost loved ones and homes. And on and on.
I am so grateful for your note today. I am glad that Kingsport didn’t get as much damage and you, and your family are safe. I thought about you and had you in my prayers too. Augusta, Ga and surrounding areas got hit hard and so did South Carolina. I have so many friends in North Augusta, SC who are still without power, and my sister-in-law, her husband and my other sister-in-law are still without power. Anyway, I need to quit going on and on about it. Thank you for letting me vent. I thank you so much for your friendship and your prayers. You are such a blessing to me.
Love Hugs, Sue
Oh Sue, I so understand your pain for all those in your neighborhood and friends in all the other places that were impacted too! I too, have been so upset and saddened for all the lost lives, lost homes, lost businesses, loss of everything! I have been numb about all the pictures that I have seen. Some places here are totally cut off from help due washed out roads and bridges! Even part of Interstate 26 is totally gone! I read Helene created a 600 mile swath of devastation!
A couple of dams here were reported as failing as the water rose so swiftly! The small Unicoi hospital was almost totally covered with flood waters. About 50 staff and patients had to be rescued via helicopter from the roof top! It has been so hard to see and hear all the horror this hurricane caused. I feel the pain of everyone in my heart so deeply, and even feel guilty laying down in my bed at night, knowing so many, many have no beds, no water, no food, no nothing…I have cried, I have prayed, I have shaken my head in anguish and disbelief. I am praying how best to help and asking God to please guide me. I realize immediate help is needed, but help will also be needed long term. I will keep you close in heart and thought and I know that we will be in prayer together for everyone, no matter the miles between us. May you and all those in your area feel the comfort of God’s presence surrounding them. May God’s Amazing Grace carry us all through this storm. And if it s the last thing I ever do, I am going to get my email fixed, so Deb can hook us up and we can text anytime! I love you sooo my special friend!
Thank you, Kathy. I would truly love that. I hope you can get your email straightened out very soon. Prayers for all.
Oh, Sue! I didn’t realize you lived in that area. My heart breaks for all of you! I can’t imagine the level of anxiety you have experienced. I hate storms with wind and we’ve never experienced anything close to a hurricane. I’m sorry it took me a few days to reply to your comment. I had family visiting from out of town. But know that I read the comments each day and have been praying for you and your neighbors since Friday. I will continue to pray for you and ask the Lord to provide all you need.
Thank you so much Deb. I really do appreciate it. I just pray for those folks in North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina too. I can’t imagine what they all must be going through. God is good and He will take care of everyone and give the strength we need. Thank you for your loving friendship.
Thanks Deb for another beautiful and inspiring message!
Thank you, Eunice! Blessings and Hugs!