Psalms to Pray When You Need to Be Hopeful

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The Bible says that it's okay to pray with honest emotions as we trust God to give us everything we need. That's a beautiful reason we can be hopeful always. #HopefulinGod #HopeintheBible #Faith #Prayer #WWGGG #CountingMyBlessings

Is it hard for you to be honest with God?

Do you struggle to pour out feelings of impatience or frustration?

Are you able to tell Him when you’re losing hope because your problem persists and you wonder if things will ever change even though you’ve prayed and prayed and prayed?

I love that God loves us so much, He included the honest struggles of those who followed Him throughout Scripture.

One of my favorite examples is David, who openly cried out to God when he was afraid, worried, lonely, angry, disappointed, uncertain, restless, outraged, or heartbroken.

And yet, he never stayed there…

He also praised, adored, worshipped, exalted, and received what he needed to be hopeful.

Maybe like me, you have several things for which you’ve prayed again and again … things that are important to your heart but you’re starting to wonder if God’s is responding with a “no” rather than a “not yet.”

Yes, I too have days when I feel disappointed and discouraged.

And it used to be hard for me to share those feelings with the Lord.

But the more I read and pray Scripture, the more I’m learning that God wants me to honestly tell Him when…

  • I’m discouraged.
  • I’m frustrated.
  • I’m anxious.
  • I’m afraid.
  • I’m worried.
  • I’m impatient.


Because He already knows anyway and when I’m open and honest before Him, I’m reminded that He loves me just the way I am.

And because of His compassion and love, God wants us … you and me, to trust that He will answer our prayers in His way and His time. He wants us to trust that He will give us everything we need while we wait … including hope.

So today, I’m writing honest prayers based on the words of the Psalmists asking the Lord to help me remain hopeful as I wait … trusting His unfailing love and perfect care. I’m excited to have you join me.

Psalms to Pray When You Need to Be Hopeful

The Bible says that it's okay to pray with honest emotions as we trust God to give us everything we need. That's a beautiful reason we can be hopeful always. #HopefulinGod #HopeintheBible #Faith #Prayer #WWGGG #CountingMyBlessings

I cried out, “I am slipping!”
    but Your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.
When doubts filled my mind,
    Your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

Psalm 94:18–19

Father, at this moment when hope seems like it is fading into the distance. I feel like I’m sliding into despondency. Lord, I so desperately want to keep my focus on You but the longing in my heart beats so loudly it’s hard for me to think about anything else.

I know the enemy is at work, speaking words of hopelessness and doubt. So, I’m running to You. I’m trusting Your unfailing love and asking You to encourage me and hold me. I need You, Lord. Please restore my hope, strengthen me and give me everything I need to live through this trying time.

Why am I discouraged?
    Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
    I will praise Him again—
    my Savior and my God!

Psalm 43:5

Thank you for this reminder, Lord. Sometimes I can focus on the fact that I’ve prayed and prayed for what seems like forever … and still I wait. And yes, when I do, I feel sad and discouraged.

Your Word tells me to trust You to know and do what is best in my life. It tells me to look at the ways You have protected and helped me in the past as I look to the future in faith with hope.

So, I will praise You in this storm. I will wait in faith today and if I must continue to wait another day, week, or longer … I will count on You to give me whatever I need to put my hope in Your wisdom and love.

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me,
    and He turned to me and heard my cry.

Psalm 40:1

Father, It feels like I’ve been waiting forever. I confess that I don’t feel very patient right now. I want my faith to be greater than my doubt but right now I feel weak and vulnerable.

I believe You are greater than my feelings. I need You. This season of waiting has gone on for so long. Please help me keep my eyes on You. Help me trust that You are working in my life on this situation even when I cannot see.

Hear my prayer. Restore my hope as I place my trust in Your unfailing love.

The Lord hears His people
when they call to Him for help.
    He rescues them from all their troubles.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
    He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.

Psalm 34:17–18

Father, I am overwhelmed and I need You.

These words of Dave, comfort me and give me hope. Even in this moment, You hear the cries of my heart. You hold me close when I’m crushed and brokenhearted … You forgive me and lift me up.

You are my rescuer and the source of my hope. Thank you! I will trust Your promise to give me everything I need when I SEEK You and follow You with all my heart. (Luke 12:31)

So, I will faithfully ask, seek, and knock. I will continue to run to You with honest emotions and trust Your love to comfort and strengthen me today, tomorrow, and forever.

But I trust in Your unfailing love.
    I will rejoice because You have rescued me.
I will sing to the Lord
    because He is good to me.

Psalm 13:5–6

Thank you, Lord! By Your grace, You have given me everything I need to trust Your perfect love that never fails and never ends. Your Word says that You are LOVE. (1 John 4:8) And LOVE is patient and kind. It forgives, endures, and never gives up.

Thank you for Your patient love. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for Your goodness and grace.

Today, I will praise Your holy name. I will surrender to Your will. I will trust Your love. And I will live with hope … by Your grace and for Your glory. And I will count on Your promise to give me everything I need to live with hope again tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The Bible says that it's okay to pray with honest emotions as we trust God to give us everything we need. That's a beautiful reason we can be hopeful always. #HopefulinGod #HopeintheBible #Faith #Prayer #WWGGG #CountingMyBlessings

Friend, I know what it’s like to pray and pray and wait and wait and feel like I’m losing hope.

Something has changed for me in recent years.

You see, I’ve been asking God to answer a very specific prayer for a very very long time. One day, as I was crying and explaining to Him that the wait and the hurt were just too great … I felt Him gently whisper, “You have no idea how I’ve spared you.”

And it changed everything.

You and I can only see what’s right in front of us. God sees the whole picture … past, present, and future.

I will always hope and pray that one day I will receive a heavenly “YES” to my heart’s desire, but I’m learning that the focus of my hope is not the thing for which I hope but in the One who gives me hope.

God is showing me that I can be hopeful because of who He is and because even if He asks me to wait or if His answer to my prayer is “no” … He will give me everything I need to endure in faith.

You and I can endure whatever He allows because…

Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.

Psalm 106:1

He will not leave us to endure alone and although He may not always answer our prayers the way we want, we can be hopeful because He will always answer them out of His goodness and love.

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  1. Kelly McKie says:

    Yes, it comes a time that when my frustration over challenging my faith that my of my blessings are not being answered but the Bible tells me that he is the one that is in charge. I had been looking for a better job position. He will open the door and bring the right person to assist me. I am in need of prayer because I am taking college courses to receive my master degree at this moment the course I am taking is a health care finance and marketing so that I am able to pass these courses with a 100%.

    1. I’m praying, Kelly, and asking God to give you His peace, strength, and courage and you work on your goals and live for His glory! God bless you!

  2. Yes, waiting for answered prayers can be discouraging if we forget how incredibly God loves us. I will continue to wait in hope, knowing He is there in all our moments.
    Blessings, Deb!

    1. Remembering His constant faithfulness and presence gives me hope when the wait is long and hard. Thanks, Martha, for your faithful visits and encouragement. I’m asking God to bless you today!

  3. Dearest Deb,
    Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post. It provided so much comfort to me, more than I can express to you. I always enjoy reading your posts, but this one especially came into my Inbox at the precise moment. Thank you for the Psalm 34:17–18.

    1. I’m so glad, Jackie! Thank you so much for letting me know! Blessings ad hugs!

  4. Thank you for your posts , Iam blessed by each one honestly.
    I too am waiting on God for an answer to a specific prayer. During the hard times I feel he has told me that his timing is perfect, so I rest and take comfort that. It sure is hard somedays but he always gives an encouraging word when I look to him.
    Grace and Peace to you Deb!

    1. Thank you, Autumn! You’re right, some days are hard but when I remember all He has done for me in the past … He gives me the strength and courage I need to trust His timing today and in the future. Thank again! I’m asking God to bless you today!

  5. Penny Dooley says:

    Your devotions are so johnny on the spot for me. I cannot express how this one today is just what I needed to be reminded how much God does love me/us and He knows the big picture and know what is best. My husband and I have had a rough year and half and have prayed and prayed for things to change in our financial situation. Still praying and praying in faith that God’s will be done. I look forward daily to your Counting My Blessings email. Thank you so much.

    1. Penny, I’m so glad it blessed you! Thank you so much for being a regular visitor and for making my day with your kind encouragement. I’m praying and asking God to hold you close as you wait on His perfect timing. God bless you!

  6. I loved your article today, Deb. This is exactly what I am going through right now. When you said that you felt God whisper that you had no idea how He had spared you, I felt as if I had awakened and saw things more clearly. Yes, God knows what the future holds and if we trust Him, we can be assured that He knows how to work everything out for our best. Thank you, Deb, for your honesty, your insight and wisdom….gifts that God has given you in order to encourage others. Again I reach for and cling to the lifeline of hope.

    1. Rosemary, thank you so much for your kind encouragement. I feel so blessed that God allows me to share my stumbling journey and uses it to bless and encourage others. His grace and mercy overwhelm me. Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.” I love connecting with every one of my readers! God bless you!

  7. Dear Deb,

    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful message. I am going through such things. Glory to our mighty God for His timely message. May God bless you and yours.

    1. God bless you, Belay! May He continue to give you hope, strength, and encouragement.

  8. Alphonsus Azhar says:

    Thanks so much for for your comments please send me updates thanks so

    1. I am happy to add you to my subscriber list. Thank you, Alphonsus. God bless you!