How to Have What You Need to Walk on Water

Can you imagine what it must have been like to be the disciples sailing across the Sea of Galilee in the middle of the night . . . when Jesus approaches walking on the water.
I can’t imagine all the emotions the disciples were feeling. They had received word that John the Baptist had been killed by Herod. And when they followed Jesus to a “remote area to be alone” to grieve, they were followed by crowds of sick and hungry people . . . thousands of people Jesus healed and fed because “He had compassion on them.”
And now…
The disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen and they were fighting heavy waves. About three o’clock in the morning, Jesus came toward them, walking on the water.
Matthew 14:24–25
I want faith like Peter’s to enthusiastically ask Jesus to help me jump out of the boat and walk on water but I think I’m more like Peter a few moments later when he sank into the sea overwhelmed by the storm.
How I can relate to Peter crying out with the words…
“Save me, Lord!”
Matthew 14:30
And I remember Jesus compassion and picture a patient and loving twinkle in His eye when He says…
“You have so little faith.”
Matthew 14:31
Today, I want to pray and remember that when you and I are emotionally exhausted by the storms of life . . . Jesus is the One who controls the wind and the waves. I want to pray to keep my focus on Him—trusting Him to give me everything I need to walk on water.
A Prayer to Have What You Need to Walk on Water
Lord, I can so relate to what the disciples were feeling . . . grief, loss, overwhelmed by demands and responsibilities, caught in a storm sudden and then You come onto the scene doing the impossible—walking on water. How I would love to think I would see nothing but You in that moment, that I would jump out of the boat and run to You ignoring the wind and waves because I know they are completely controlled by You.
Please help me keep my eyes on You, trusting Your ability to give me walk on water faith even when the storm rages around me. Cover me with Your all-sufficient grace and grant me all I need to live today with bold faith for Your glory. Amen.
Friend are you ready to live with bold walk on water faith? Me too!
The enemy wants us to focus on the the losses, demands, and storms but you and I have Jesus and when we focus on Him we have everything we need to live boldly and do the impossible.
On today’s post-it note write:
Today with the help of Jesus, I will have walk on water faith!
God bless you today with courage, strength, and bold faith!
Walk on water faith . . . Oh, how I so need that in these troubled times, Deb. Thanks for the inspiration and comfort today!
Me too, Martha! Blessings and hugs!
Thank you Deb for the reminder. With so much change, divide and uncertainty; ladies and gentlemen tend to forget how Big our GOD is. Are we praying Bold Prayers, expecting GOD to show out in our lives? To ask in spite of what the enemy keeps whispering in our ears. We can have Walk on Water Faith. I can, I will, I must! Have an Amazing Blessed Day!
Praying you enjoy a blessed day as well, Christy! I agree with you . . . whatever the storm the enemy wants us to focus on, Jesus is with us and able to show Himself almighty. Thanks so much for stopping by!