5 Verses that will Help You Experience Peace and Soul Satisfaction

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Taking a look at explaining our souls and the best way to experience soul satisfaction. Making it possible for us to say, "it is well with my soul." #wellwithmysoul #satisfaction #peace #contentment #blessings

Is your soul satisfied?

Let me ask another way, “Is it well with your soul?”

If we want to know if our souls are satisfied, we should probably begin by identifying what a soul is.

Simply stated, the soul is—a person’s mind, will, and emotions.

John Ortberg put it this way…

“Your soul is what integrates your will (your intentions), your mind (your thoughts and feelings, your values and conscience), and your body (your face, body language, and actions) into a single life.

And Dallas Willard said…

You’re a soul made by God, made for God, and made to need God—you were not made to be self-sufficient. 

So, if you and I want soul satisfaction, if we want it to be able to say “it is well with my soul,” we need a relationship with God.

Moses, who obediently led the whiney wilderness wanderers, prayed…

Satisfy us each morning with Your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.

Psalm 90:14

The truth is, you and I have been created to be restless until we find our rest in the Lord . . . to be unsatisfied until we find our satisfaction in Him.

But think about it for a minute.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to experience perfect peace in your mind, will, and emotions? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live with inner soul satisfaction every day?

Let’s look at what the Bible says about it by focusing on 5 verses that the Lord gave us to help us experience peace and “it is well with my soul” satisfaction:

The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me.
    I will protect those who trust in my name.
When they call on me, I will answer;
    I will be with them in trouble.
    I will rescue and honor them.
I will reward them with a long life
    and give them my salvation.”

Psalm 91:14–16

[Jesus said] “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”

John 10:10

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38–39

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

John 14:27

For the Lord your God is living among you.
    He is a mighty savior.
He will take delight in you with gladness.
    With His love, He will calm all your fears.
    He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

Zephaniah 3:17

Just think about it:

The God of the Universe loves us so much that He came to live with us, die for us, and give us an eternal future filled with hope and purpose.

He gave us His written Word that we might KNOW, LOVE, and TRUST Him.

He is so loving, gracious, and merciful that He wants us to experience “it is well with my soul” satisfaction.

Taking a look at explaining our souls and the best way to experience soul satisfaction. Making it possible for us to say, "it is well with my soul." #wellwithmysoul #satisfaction #peace #contentment #blessings

Let’s pray…

A Prayer Asking God to Help Us
Experience Peace and Soul Satisfaction

Father, You graciously made humans in Your image giving them a mind, will, and emotions . . . You gave us a soul. You created us not to be bodies with a soul but to be souls with a body.

Because You are love and because You love us, You want us to have soul satisfaction knowing that we can only be truly satisfied if our souls find peace and contentment in You.

The enemy of our souls comes and lies to us. He wants us to doubt your love and provision. He wants us to believe we can be satisfied by the temporary things of this world and sadly, we occasionally give in to those lies. Please forgive us. Please forgive me.

You sent Jesus to save our souls from sin for all eternity. You sent Jesus to make it possible for our souls to be satisfied now and forever. You sent Jesus to give our souls peace and deliver us from fear of the future.

I believe that because of Jesus nothing can separate me from Your love. I believe that in Jesus I have been given a rich and satisfying life. I believe that through Jesus I have everything I need now and forever. I thank and praise You, Lord. By Your grace, it is well with my soul. Amen.

Taking a look at explaining our souls and the best way to experience soul satisfaction. Making it possible for us to say, "it is well with my soul." #wellwithmysoul #satisfaction #peace #contentment #blessings

Friend, pause today and think about your soul. Ask yourself, “is it [really] well with my soul?” Are my heart, my mind, and my emotions satisfied in Jesus?

Then, sit with the Lord in stillness and prayer. Surrender to His love and invite Him to satisfy your soul.

And pray with Augustine…

“God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you.” Amen.

May God be with you and bless you with His love and “it is well with my soul” satisfaction.

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  1. Sandra Bolser says:

    What a wonderful, special post this is! Makes me pause and think about my soul! I love this post, and you Deb, for all you do! God Bless You, Sandy

    1. Thank you so much for your kindness, Sandra. I love being able to share my love for the Lord with all of you. Thanks for visiting and for stopping to say, hello. God bless you!

  2. Walt Sommers says:

    Thank you for words,praying, and caring for us. I’m praying for my wife Betty. She has so many
    health concerns.
    God bless you.
    ????s Walt Sommers

    1. I do care for you all, Walt. And we’re joining you in praying for Betty. May God hold you both close and bless her with restored good health. God bless you!

  3. Your words here today, Deb, had me asking myself that question in earnest. And yes, I am resting in God with a contented and comforted soul.

    1. God is so good, Martha! There is nothing better than a contented and comforted soul. Blessings, my friend!

  4. I wish that I could say it with you Deb, that “all is well with my soul”….. Whenever I hit rock bottom, I remind myself of Ezekiel 16. I got this chapter from the Lord long time ago as His Covenant, so I tap into it, refresh my heart and soul that He, despite my waywardness, entered into Covenant with me. Not only entered but Renewed it over and over. This is my soul’s hope, strenght and endurance, that He, the Almighty, Above All, scooped down to me, begotten me, gave me His Son, because He declared that I’m HIS.

    I’m missing that old intimacy with Jesus that I once experienced long time ago. Sometimes the fear grips my heart that I lost it forever, or that I grieved the Holy Spirit enough that He pulled back and done with me.
    But then I recognize God’s hand in all facet of my life. Then again, I pray boldly, humbly for my hubby’s healing and he’s getting worst and worst. I know that satan uses his sickness to attack my faith, to sow doubt, feer, despondency in my heart. But I know that God promised, I have His Word and confirmation over and over…. to heal his body and soul.

    At the end of the day, I have to say that I don’t think it’s all well with my soul…. something essential is missing. Missing that bold faith and commitment when I can literally laugh at the enemy and his attacks because I know Who I belong to.

    1. Gaby, I wish I could give you a hug right now. I can assure you of the Lord’s love. I’m so sorry your husband is ill . . . that is a burden on a wife’s heart. I’m lifting you both up in prayer for healing and the tangible assurance of His love. You have not grieved the Holy Spirit. Grieving the Spirit is “the deliberate refusal to acknowledge God’s power in Christ Jesus. It is the denial of His grace and hardness of heart to faith. May the Lord fill you with His peace and hold you close during this difficult time.

      1. ???? I welcome your prayers dear friend for both if us ????❤️

  5. Marilyn Laite says:

    Thank you Deb. You always make my heart sing with the glory of God. Bless you.

    1. Thank you, Marilyn. I truly appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!