5 Verses that will Inspire You to Praise God in the Mundane

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5 Verses that will Inspire You to Praise God in the Mundane by Deb Wolf

Some days you and I wake up filled with joy and praise comes easy. Some days life is hard and our praise is wrapped in cries and pleas.

Today I want to talk about the other days. Those “run-of-the-mill” mundane days full of routine and normalcy. Days of dirty bathrooms, piles of laundry, and carpooling that make it harder to stop, look up, and praise God with words of worship and adoration.

Join me for a few minutes as I fill this space with praise and prayer to the One who is worthy of all glory and honor every day, even those full of less than fun mundane responsibilities.

5 Verses that will Inspire You to Praise God in the Mundane

It's hard to stop and praise God in the midst of dirty bathrooms and piles of laundry. These 5 verses will inspire you to praise Him in the mundane.

Psalm 103:1–2

Let all that I am praise the Lordwith my whole heart, I will praise His holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lordmay I never forget the good things He does for me. 

Father, with all I am I will praise You. Too often, all I am is weak, distracted, and selfish. Please forgive me. I’m like a little child whining, “I’m bored,” wanting You to entertain me. Or I forget what You did yesterday as I focus on what I want today. You faithfully bless my life with countless good things. Set my heart and mind on all I have because of Your goodness and grace. I have Jesus. It is well with my soul. It is a good day. A day to give You all my thanks and praise.

Psalm 119:140

Your promises have been thoroughly tested; that is why I love them so much. 

Every promise You made is true forever. You never change. Thank you that I never have to be cautious about approaching You in prayer. I never have to worry about whether or not You are having a bad day. Lord, You faithfully invite me to come and sit with You, giving me courage and strength for every circumstance. Countless generations testify to Your goodness and the certainty of Your promises. I love Your Word. I love You, Lord.

Psalm 115:1

We are the people He watches over, the flock under His care. Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your name goes all the glory for Your unfailing love and faithfulness. 

Father, thank you for watching over and caring for me. It is in You, I live, breathe, and exist. (Acts 17:28) You knew the number of days in my life before I was born. (Psalm 139:16) Please forgive me for taking even a moment of time for granted. Help me live this day with wisdom as a faithful steward of my time and resources. Everything, every moment is a gift from You. With Your grace and guidance, I will do better. In Jesus name, I pray.

Psalm 18:30–31,49

God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. For who is God except the LordWho but our God is a solid rock? Lord, I will praise You among the nations; I will sing praises to Your name. 

I love that, Lord. Your way is perfect. You cover me with love and keep me eternally safe. When I keep my eyes on You, I have courage and strength. I have nothing to fear. You give me a solid foundation for my life. Help me proclaim Your goodness to everyone. Forgive me for the times I am a lousy witness, times my weaknesses hurt Your holy name. Help me live for Your glory.

Psalm 34:1–3

I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak His praises. I will boast only in the Lordlet all who are helpless take heart. Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness; let us exalt His name together.

Oh Lord, I praise You. Thank you for this day. Help me to love my family well. Help me be Your hands and feet to those around me. Help me find joy in doing the little things that may seem insignificant but serve to keep my family clean, fed, and cared for. Help me love them well and celebrate the gift of this day for no day is unimportant to You. And by Your grace may I proclaim Your goodness and grace to a hurting world. In Jesus name. Amen.

5 Verses that will Inspire You to Praise God in the Mundane by Deb Wolf

Friends, the dailiness of life can distract me from the many reasons I have to praise God and rejoice in Him. So for this moment, I will stop lift my hands in the air, shout glory, sing a song a praise, and pray a prayer of thanksgiving.

Care to join me?


I am so excited! I’m getting together with my best blogging friends to share our best of the best blog posts this summer in the Summer Sizzle Blog Hop Series.

You don’t want to miss this! Nine new posts each week rated by our readers as our most popular.

And you wondered what you were going to read on these lazy warm days…

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  1. Thank you for your post today Deb. I have one more reason to thank God in the mundane, and that is that there is a mundane! I couldn’t stand to always live in either the extremes of mountain high or valley low. Give me some good old mundane for awhile 😉
    Blessings to you my friend,

  2. I’m a few chapters into Courtney Reissig’s Glory in the Ordinary, and this post affirms the same truths. So thankful that God meets me when I’m vacuuming or weeding because these tasks have merit in His economy!

  3. I so appreciate this focus Deb! Just last week, the house was empty and the “mundane” work awaiting me left me feeling discouraged and very quickly entering into a pity party. Then it occurred to me that I really had been given a gift, so I took a fresh look, cranked up the music and got my house in order. I’m adding these scriptures to my fridge because I know it will hit again. Such a treat to be here every week:)

  4. I wanted to send you a quick comment to say, “Thank you for featuring me this week.” I always feel so honored when you feature me. Love this link-up. I will back later to read your post. It looks great. I find the mundane so difficult.

  5. Thank you for your post today, Deb. I usually have music playing as I clean for the very reasons you shared – then God is in the mundane. And then, somehow the mundane becomes more wonderful 🙂 Wonderful post!

  6. There is nothing like God’s sweet presence as we go through our day. Thanks for the encouragement to praise Him! I love it! Praying for you, Deb!

  7. Many thank yous! I actually stopped, and raised my hands in praise – then the phone rang!!!

    God is good and faithful anyhow.

  8. Oh deb – these are some awesome verses and so hard to pick a favorite one of the 5! Good choices 🙂 thanks for hosting!

  9. Oh, the mundane is hard for me and I know I am not alone. Thank you for theses verses. I find sometimes listening to Christian music really helps and reminding myself I am doing this for the Lord and it doesn’t matter if no one else even notices.

  10. “Or I forget what You did yesterday as I focus on what I want today.”
    The line above caught my attention and grabbed at my heart. Thank you Deb for reminding me to take my focus off me and praise God for everything He has already done.

  11. Deb- thank you for this post! Each of the verses spoke to me!
    I enjoy this space you have here!