What Happens When You Pray the Promises of God

I always struggled to put my prayers into words. And in all honesty, most of the time, I tried to figure things out on my own before I’d pray about them.
When the kids were acting out, I’d read a couple of parenting books.
When one of us had health issues, I’d do a symptom check investigation.
When a relationship was strained, I’d go looking for advice from so-called relationship experts.
Oh sure, I prayed. But they typically went like this…
“Please heal __________.”
“Please help __________. “
“Please fix __________.”
“Please give __________.”
Now, I’m not saying those aren’t valid prayers or that we shouldn’t pray them. In fact, sometimes when I’m in the middle of a crisis and my emotions are frayed and thoughts scattered, those are the only words I can find.
But I’ve experienced something that has blessed and transformed my prayer life.
When I can’t find the words … God has filled Scripture with verses and prayers of His people. God’s Word gives me everything I need to go to Him with my burdens, gratitude, and praise.
The truth is, nothing you and I face is new to God. Solomon wrote…
History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.
Ecclesiasted 1:9
Nothing in our lives surprises or shocks our Father.
And He promises to give us everything we need for whatever we’re living through. So, when I don’t have the words … I pray the promises of God.
His Word helps me thank and praise Him, repent and implore. And praying Scripture imprints it on my heart and mind.
I’d love for you to join me as I …
Pray the Promises of God
This hope will never disappoint us, because God has poured out His love to fill our hearts. He gave us His love through the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to us.
Romans 5:5
Father, Thank you for the amazing and overwhelming gift of Your love. Your creation shows Your love and care but the One who came … who lived and died to show us Your love is our promised hope. Through Jesus’ resurrection, You give us the promise of victory over sin, death, and satan’s power. And from His ascension on through time, You give us the Spirit’s presence to fill us with love and the hope that will not disappoint.
I believe Your Word and trust Your promises. Please fill me with all I need today through Your Spirit. Fill my heart with faith, hope, and love – three blessings I can count on now and eternally.
Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6b–7
Father, I need You!
It’s funny, I can make a long list of things I thought I needed in my life … things I brought to You through pleading whines that bordered on childish tantrums. And the truth I’ve learned is whether You answered me with a “yes,” a “no,” or you asked me to “wait,” You always gave me what I needed. You always gave me Your best. How can I begin to thank you?
And when my circumstances were painful and hard, You gave me what I needed to live through them one moment at a time. Your grace is sufficient! In every high and every low, You are able to give me exactly what I need.
Resting on that truth gives me the peace I need. Today, I ask You to help me remember all You have done for me in the past that I might experience Your peace today and hope for tomorrow.
The Lord is faithful; He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.
2 Thessalonians 3:3
Lord, Thank you! You are faithful! You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Your children are safe under Your care.
When I look around, it feels like the enemy at work everywhere. Your Word says He will use every kind of deception to fool the world. And Jesus taught that we should pray and ask You to deliver us from evil.
Please protect me through the enemy’s attacks on my heart and mind. Give me the strength I need and keep me focused on You, Lord … remembering how You have faithfully given me the strength and protection I have needed in the past.
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2
Father, these words are unsettling. I see churches adjusting to the world’s customs and behavior. James wrote, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.” I need wisdom. I want to know Your truth that gives freedom from the world’s lies. I want to know, trust, and follow Your will.
Please transform my heart and mind through Your Word and the power of Your Spirit. Make me humble and teachable. Help me listen and fill me with love. Give me the courage and strength I need to obey You even when everyone around me is not. I need You, Lord, and surrender myself to You.
We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.
Romans 8:28
Father, I rest my heart, mind, and soul on this beautiful promise. You are always working in my life doing what is best for my eternal future. I’ll admit, sometimes it’s hard to find the “good.” Sometimes people are cruel and life is painful. And in those moments, it’s hard for me to remain focused on You.
Help me cling to the promises that…
- You are good. (Psalm 119:28)
- You are love. (1 John 4:16)
- You are my refuge and strength. (Psalm 46:1)
- You are merciful. (2 Corinthians 1:3)
- You are my Savior. (Psalm 68:20)
Whatever is going on around me … You are at work for my good and Your glory. I can trust this promise because I know that my ultimate good is to spend my life now and forever surrounded by Your glory and love.
Thank you, Father. In Jesus name. Amen.
What Happens When You Pray the Promises of God
God promises to hear you. (1 John 5:14)
We are confident that He hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases Him.
- God gives you hope that does not disappoint. (Romans 5:5)
- God gives you hard to understand peace. (Philippians 4:6–7)
- God reveals His will for you. (Romans 12:2)
- God gives you strength and protection for your circumstances. (2 Thessalonians 3:2–3)
- God works in your life for your good and His glory. (Romans 8:28)
What is your favorite of the promises of God?
Think about how you might add it to your prayers.
Whaooooo im so grateful to join your page. I able to read more on regards to Jesus.
Thank you sp muc.
Nancy, thank you so much for visiting and for your kind encouragement! God bless you!
Deb. I laughed when I read your point about the symptom checker. I have spent to much time on WebMD, giving myself an anxiety attack. I prayed these prayers with you — such comforting prayers. I can feel the grace of God spilling over me as I read. Thank you for sharing and for your testimony. You have blessed me with these promises of God today. Be well, sister, and God bless.
I love these truths. I love prayer that is fueled by the Word of God. It would be hard to nail down one favorite, but one I often pray for my children is Philippians 1:6: “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
Praying Scripture always helps me to step back from my tendency to pray prescriptively. God is in the heavens and he does whatever he pleases–sometimes the best thing I can do in my prayer time is to align my own will with his!
Oh, this truth is exactly what I needed to remember today. God is always good. And He always loves me! Thank you, friend!
Prayers generated by God’s Word are always powerful, Deb. I so loved praying with you today!
I have been praying more and more like this lately because my “list” was getting so stale. laurensparks.net
Deb –
I am a little embarrassed to say it, but I don’t usually pray scripture in this way. You have inspired me to give it a whirl. I do admit I head for the remedy too many times on my own. This morning in my time, I was doing just that, but then I sat down to write out my prayer and realized all I had to do was give it to God. It wasn’t even my problem to solve.
My favorite promise is- God reveals His will. Thank you for the verses above. I have pinned to go back to your post.
A huge thank you for featuring me this week. I hope it blesses many.
Deb, the song All His promises are yes & Amen! Keeps going through my mind in the last month.
I like to sing His promises as prayer at times 😀 great post!
Beautiful prayers, Deb. One verse full of promises that I often pray is Deut. 31:8… “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Plenty of reasons why this is my favorite verse in the whole Bible! Thanks for including my post … it was a fun surprise to see that this morning. 🙂
Your prayers always encourage my heart. Thank you! I have several favorite “promise” verses that I’ve clung to over the years. Jeremiah 29:11, however, is the one that I’ve prayed since I was fourteen and it’s sustained me through adulthood. I appreciate you more than you know!
Peace and grace,
As you ask God to fulfill His promise, believe that He does it as that moment. Believe that you receive what you requested according to His promise. In some cases it may be a matter of believing that what He has promised will come to you when you need it. But in such cases you have the gift in His sure promise.
Our God is awesome keep faith he will answer our prayers.
I want to thank y’all for the inspiration encouragement that you have wrote here has inspired me keep up the good work
I’m so very glad it encouraged you, Drenna. God bless you!
Thank you so much for all your words of wisdom and encouragement to help us walk daily with our Lord Jesus Christ.
May God bless you and His favour be with you always.
Thank you, Mona! I truly appreciate your kind encouragement. God be with you and bless you!
I am so grateful to have found your site. I have a difficult time finding the words I want when I pray. Your scripture and prayers have been a tremendous help to me. God has answered my plea for help and has lead me to you. May God continue to lead and bless you.
Thank you, Nelie. I’m so glad the Lord sent you this way. I appreciate your kind words of encouragement and look forward to getting to know you better through your visits. God be with you and bless you!