Powerful Verses to Pray that will Bless Your Children

You and I want so many things for our children and grandchildren as a new school year begins.
We want them to have a love for learning and creativity. We hope they’ll be happy, strong, and kind. And we’d love for them to be successful and well-liked by their teachers and classmates. We hope they will make the team and accomplish their goals.
I can remember reading books, talking with friends, organizing, and planning in an effort to help them flourish educationally.
But something I’ve come to believe is…
Although, being organized and helping them have the tools they need is important … nothing is more important, nothing will bless your children more than covering them in prayer.
For some, praying for their children and grandchildren is second nature but I know I have times when my prayers flow easily and other times when I’m at a loss for words.
So today, I’m praying for our children … asking God to grant us wisdom and bless the school-year ahead.
Powerful Verses to Pray that will Bless Your Children
♥ That They Might Grow in Faith
Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
Colossians 2:7
Father, My greatest desire is that my children will grow in faith. That they will love You, Lord, with all their hearts, minds, souls, and strength. I pray that they will know You keep Your promises – that You are who You say You are and that You can and will do what You say.
Fill them with Your Spirit and give them a strong desire to SEEK You First and that they will trust and follow Your will as You reveal it to them. Guide them. Bless them. Hold them close.
♥ That They Might Be Courageous and Strong
Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Father, Some days are hard. There are days when we all would prefer to pull the covers over our heads and stay in bed. I know that’s true for my children as well.
They worry about assignments, tests, peer pressure, and popularity. They need a strong body and a strong mind to accomplish all that is asked of them each day. May they know who they are in You – no matter what others say to them or about them. May they be secure in the knowledge that they are deeply loved by You and by us. And may they remember … You go before [them] and follow [them]. You place your hand of blessing on their heads. (Psalm 139:4)
♥ That They Might Have Wisdom
Tune your ears to wisdom and concentrate on understanding… Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the right way to go. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy. Wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe.
Proverbs 2:2, 9–11
Father, Please give my children a desire to have the wisdom only You can give. I pray they will know and trust Your will as You reveal it in Your Word.
Lord, I need to know and live with wisdom. Please help me be an example for my children. Make me a SEEKER and give me all I need to consistently encourage them to Seek Your truth that they might have wisdom that will guide and protect them throughout life. Please give us all wise mentors, teachers, and pastors to give us good counsel and show us the blessings of trusting and following Your “right way to go.”
Grant us grace and give us the knowledge, wisdom, courage, and strength we need to make wise choices in difficult situations. Bless us and fill us with the peace and joy that’s found in Jesus.
♥ That They Might Be Protected
But let all who take refuge in You rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread Your protection over them, that all who love Your name may be filled with joy.
Psalm 5:11
Lord, I’ll admit there are things about going to school that are scary. There have been some frightening things that have happened in our schools in recent years.
Please guard and protect my children and all children from any and all evil and from anyone who might try to harm them … physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Place a hedge of protection around them and please fill our family with joy, worship, and praise for all You are and all You’ve done.
♥ That They Might Have Self Control
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
1 Corinthians 10:13
Father, temptations are everywhere. We face them every day and it’s hard. I know I don’t always set the example I want for my children. I lose my temper, I complain, I judge others, I get impatient, and fail to be a good steward of my gifts and abilities. Please forgive me.
And help me…
Help me admit when I am wrong. Help me set an example of confession, repentance, and forgiveness. By the power of Your Spirit, help me teach my children the truths of Your Word. Help me encourage them when they do well as well as encouraging them to try again when they fail.
Father, I ask that You would help my children make friends who encourage them to follow You … friends who are respectful, kind, and who have self-control.
♥ Bless Your Children
“May the Lord bless you
Numbers 6:24–26
and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord show you His favor
and give you His peace.”
Father, I pray this blessing over my children. Please bless them. Be with them. And give them Your perfect peace.
Friends, I pray you and your children are blessed with the love of the Lord and a wonderful school year!
Amen! Thank you Deb.
Bless you,
Prayer is the only thing that makes possible an open-handed release of our children into a scary world. Thank you for adding this fuel to our fire of faith.
You are absolutely right — nothing is as important in getting ready for school as prayer!
Oh, yes, our children/grandchildren do need to be covered in prayer as they begin a new school year. Beautiful reminders here, Deb, to always, always keep our precious ones in prayer!
Thank you for an absolute great devotional! We are a family of educators. I will certainly use these wonderful Bible verses to pray over my children and grandchildren, and greats. In school and those that have jobs. I’m a retired teacher, and know school can be a challenge for our precious children.
I love your prayer devotionals. They inspire me in my daily walk with God and Christ through Scripture. I love God’s Word. Praying God’s Word has just started to come together for me. So exciting! ????
Today I am thinking of my grown son who is looking for a job and suffers from social anxiety. I just wish he didn’t have to deal with that.
Definitely praying these verses as we ready for back to school Thank you. laurensparks.net
Great prayer Deb! Your heart for prayer shines bight in every prayer you write. Many Thanks
Love this! I just prayed similar prayers this morning. I can not be with my children all day while they are in school, but I can pray over them to the God who can be with them, and he loves them and cares for them more than me. Thanks for sharing. Pinned.
Praying now. Love this truth: “nothing will bless your children more than covering them in prayer.”
Fantastic prayers! I may not have kids going back to school but I adult children need prayers too. Your post encouraged me a great deal today. Thank you, Maree