Pray When You Need to Know the Truth


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When I need to know the truth, I trust the One who is Truth and turn to Him in prayer asking Him to reveal His truth in His way and His timing.

I want to know the truth.


Truth is so important to me, it feels more like a need than a want.

I have learned however that my need to know the truth can be challenging in a world where truth is commonly believed to be relative. Where what’s true for me isn’t necessarily true for you. Where truth is distorted and manipulated by those who believe “the end justifies the means.”

And where beliefs change from day to day and place to place.

I need a truth that keeps me from being tossed about by every idea that blows by.

Paul wrote…

Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. Ephesians 4:14

I believe that’s why God gave us His Word.

The Psalmist wrote…

All of Your Word is truth, and every one of Your laws, which are always right, will last forever. Psalm 119:160 (NLV)

And Jesus told those who followed Him…

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. John 14:6

So, if, like me, you need to know the truth … please join me as I pray and ask God to help me know and trust His truth that it might be the solid foundation of my life.

Pray When You Need to Know the Truth

When I need to know the truth, I trust the One who is Truth and turn to Him in prayer asking Him to reveal His truth in His way and His timing.

Psalm 119:28

Open my eyes to see
    the wonderful truths in Your instructions.

Father, life can be so confusing at times. There are as many opinions of the truth as there are people on the planet. I need Your Spirit to help and guide me. I need a foundation on which I can rely. I need Your absolute truth. Your true for everyone, everywhere … always truth. Lord, please open my heart and mind as I study Your Word. Reveal Your truth to me and by Your grace, give me all I need to trust and obey You. Amen.

Psalm 25:5

Lead me by Your truth and teach me,
for You are the God who saves me.
All day long I put my hope in you.

Father, I believe You are Truth and Love. You are my Savior, the One in whom I place my hope. Father, even throughout the church there are so many ideas, beliefs, and teachings each claiming to be the truth.

I need Your help. I need Your Spirit to teach me. As I turn to Your Word, please grant me the discernment to know and understand which teachings align with Your truth. Help me know those things that are important to You and trust You with the rest. And by Your grace help me to continue searching Your Scriptures each day for the rest of my life. Amen.

Proverbs 30:5 (NCV)

Every word of God has been proven true.
He is a safe-covering to those who trust in Him.

Father, throughout history people have challenged and distorted Your Word. Yet, it withstands the test of time. And as historical books and documents are discovered, Your Word has been proven true repeatedly. Thank you!

I love that when I trust Your truth, my life is blessed with the fruit of Your Spirit. Keep me so focused on You that the world’s lies and temptations have no power over me. By Your grace, fill me with Your love and grant me Your peace. Amen.

John 5:24

“I tell you the truth, those who listen to my
message and believe in God who sent me
have eternal life. They will never be
condemned for their sins, but they have
already passed from death into life.”

Lord, I love this truth. This promise. You are the Word made Flesh. You are God’s promise of forgiveness and life. Thank you!

Father, I don’t want to just know Your truth … I want to live Your truth. Please help me follow where You lead. Help me to faithfully obey You … without doubts or questions but trusting that every Word is true. May I say like the Psalmist: “Every word of God holds true and we can trust everything He does.” Psalm 33:4  Amen.

Pray When You Need to Know the Truth by Deb Wolf @ Counting My Blessings

Colossians 2:6–7

Just as you accepted Christ Jesus as Your Lord,
you must continue to follow Him.

Let your roots grow down into Him,
and let your lives be built on Him.
Then your faith will grow strong in the
truth you were taught, and you
will overflow with thankfulness. 

Father, thank you for the gift of Jesus. By Your grace, I will follow His Law of Love. I will study Your Word that I might know and love You more. I will build my life on the foundation of Your truths and promises.

Please protect me from empty philosophies and worldly thinking. Give me the courage to stand strong as I share Your truth with love … with gentleness and respect. You, Lord, are the Truth that meets my every need. In Jesus precious name, I pray. Amen.

Friends, when you want to know the truth … pray! 

I’ve learned there will always be ideas and philosophies that claim to provide a better way. Those who claim to have the answers for life will accuse you of being narrow-minded and naivé.

But praise God, we have His Word of truth to guide us and the blessing of prayer to focus our hearts and minds on who He is and what He does.

We are so very blessed! Our Heavenly Father loves us so much, He wants us to know the truth!

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  1. Thanks for the linkup deb, and for the powerful verses for us to cling to when we need truth. I really like Psalms 33:4 – Everything He says and does is true! (my paraphrase 🙂 ) Blessings to you

  2. Hey Deb, after my summer blkgging break, it’s good to be back with the Faith and Friends family of bloggers. Thanks for hosting. Have a great weekend!

  3. Thanks for encouragement to value the Truth above all else! And a great reminder of the Source!

  4. Deb,
    I am so like you. The NEED for truth is strong and this world today ‘relatively speaking’ doesn’t care. Thankful that we can stand on the one who is truth. Praying God blesses your day!
    ~Sherry Stahl

  5. God’s truth is everlasting and final. May we all cling to His Word.
    Blessings, Deb!

  6. I always enjoy reading an article about prayer, Deb. I have seen it at work in my own life and the lives of others as well. I appreciate you for exposing me to some new and enlightening scriptures as well. Thank you again for allowing me to share here today. Have a wonderful weekend, and God bless.

  7. This is a wonderful prayer, Deb. You’re right … there are so many conflicting voices and “truths” in the world today … it’s so hard to know what is real and what is not. I often pray Psalm 43:3, “Send your truth and your light, let them lead me” when I am struggling to figure it out. Thanks for featuring my little list of summer lessons today … your linkup is a blessing!

  8. When you need the truth pray; and may we stay in His word always willing to learn more. May we be like Jesus – never abrasive, condemning the sin not the sinner, engaging until they too found truth.
    These are points of conviction for me and that keep me focused up. Because sometimes Christians are the worse truth offenders.

    Good post and scripture references.

  9. The Truth sets us FREE! Hallelujah! Thank you for encouraging my heart and soul this day.

  10. So true! I pray that God will reveal his truth to all of us and keep us from believing the lies that are told in the world.

  11. Deb, this post spoke to me because I am always wanting Truth in my life, in increasing measure. Thank you for these verses and now I want to go back and read each one slowly. Blessings !

  12. Yes, I too always want to know the truth. I can handle the truth better than a lie; even it is a terrible truth. Over time I have had to learn to let some of that go. I won’t always know the truth on earth, but yes with God, I can know His truth.

  13. Deb, I know what it feels like to be freed from a lie, and I couldn’t agree more that knowing the truth is so important! Thanks for sharing these verses.