Praying Proverbs When You Need Godly Wisdom


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I believe we were made by God for His plans and purposes; so, I'm praying Proverbs 3 and asking God for wisdom.

There are so many resources claiming to be the source of wisdom, a.k.a. the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

Unfortunately, not all “wisdom” claims are helpful.

If you and I believe we were made by God for His plans and purposes then we don’t just need wisdom, we need Godly wisdom and that can only come from God, Himself.

Godly wisdom is found in our relationship with God through Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit.

No amount of knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, or insight alone can give us Godly wisdom . . . because Godly wisdom is God-given. And it grows as you and I draw close to Him, know Him, trust Him, and follow Him.”

So today, I’m praying Proverbs 3 and asking God for Godly wisdom.

I believe we were made by God for His plans and purposes; so, I'm praying Proverbs 3 and asking God for wisdom.

Praying Proverbs 3 When You Need Godly Wisdom

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding. v. 5

Father, I want to trust you with all my heart. Please help me and forgive me for the times I think I know better or listen to others who make claims of having greater wisdom and knowledge. It’s so easy to let whatever thought is trending persuade me. But when I read Your Word I see how often trending thought led entire nations to disastrous results. I need You, Lord. I will seek You and with Your Spirit’s help . . . I will trust Your will.

Seek His will in all you do,
    and He will show you which path to take. v. 6

Father, by Your grace, teach me Your ways and show me Your will. My heart’s desire is to follow wherever You lead and obey You in all that I do. I know that begins with trust . . . trusting Your promises, goodness, and love. Thank you, Father for being the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are faithful and true. You give me all I need to follow You with confidence and joy.

Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
    Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
Then you will have healing for your body
    and strength for your bones. v. 7–8

How easy it is to learn a little and think I know it all! Please forgive me, Father. You alone are my source of truth. I am in awe of You. I need You and with Your help, I will turn away from the world’s lies and follow You.  I need Your healing forgiveness. Healing for my body from the lies of sin. Sin that robs me of joy, peace, courage, strength, and closeness to You. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for Your forgiveness, healing, and strength.

Honor the Lord with your wealth
    and with the best part of everything you produce.
Then He will fill your barns with grain,
    and your vats will overflow with good wine. v. 9–10

Father, make me a wise steward of Your gifts. Help me use all I am and all I have for Your glory . . . not just the leftovers but all. You promise to know my needs and provide for them. Forgive me for confusing my wants with my needs. With Your Spirit’s help, I will trust Your loving care and share Your blessings as You lead me.

My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline,
    and don’t be upset when He corrects you.
For the Lord corrects those He loves,
    just as a father corrects a child in whom He delights. v. 11–12

Father, discipline is hard. I don’t even like to think about it. Being upset is my natural response to discipline, not because I don’t deserve it but because I do. So, I will thank you for reminding me that Your correction comes from Your love and praise You for the ways You use it to draw me closer to You.

I believe we were made by God for His plans and purposes; so, I'm praying Proverbs 3 and asking God for wisdom.

Joyful is the person who finds wisdom,
    the one who gains understanding. v. 13

Father, Godly wisdom comes from Your Spirit the Giver of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I want that! I love this promise, Lord! Help me hold it close when my days are full of temptations and struggles that I might trust and follow You.

For wisdom is more profitable than silver,
    and her wages are better than gold.
Wisdom is more precious than rubies;
    nothing you desire can compare with her. v. 14–15

Father, Your wisdom gives me an eternal perspective. It gives me all I need today and eternally. Thank you! Your love overwhelms me. You are Lord of all! I place all my trust in You. With Your Spirit’s help, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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  1. This post! And tonight I’m going to crack open the cover of Liz Curtis Higgs’ new book on the Proverbs. God is so good to bring all the pieces together, even in something so small as what my eyes read today!

  2. Debbie Putman says:

    I love this prayer. It is a great example of how to pray Scripture. This goes in my prayer journal. Thank you!

  3. Lillian Nakato says:

    I have been overwhelmingly blessed by praying into proverbs. I have made many mistakes in life because I relied heavily on emotions, people and experience to make important decisions. I will continue to pray into Proverbs 3

  4. Powerful Proverbs Prayers!
    It’s good to be back 🙂 Praying you have a blessed weekend with time to rest and restore.
    ~Sherry Stahl

  5. I always love your prayers. I just read The Wisdom of God by A.W. Tozer and it lead me through scripture that really helped me understand. It amazes me that the God of all creation and the source of all wisdom wants us to know Him in a way that changes our life. Thank you Deb!

  6. I’ve missed being here! Praying these words over my own heart this morning, and I’m grateful for the peace and the perspective to center our hearts and mind. Thank you!

  7. Happy Friday morning, Deb, and thanks for reminding us of the treasure we find in Proverbs. We may not have the wisdom of Solomon, who wrote these wise sayings, but we have his words as God gave them for us to live by. I turn to them often. Proverbs 3:5-6 are my favorite! My second favorite is 16:9 A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. I have that one on my phone and see it every time I use it!

  8. I absolutely love this particular Proverb. Certain verses in Proverbs chapters 1, 2, and especially 3 have made such an impact over the years. I’ve been looking at the first 12 verses in chapter 3 over the last few days. Glad to see we’re both hanging out in Proverbs. 🙂

  9. Deb, Proverbs 3:5 seems simple enough but, boy is it KEY to our faith walk. Good, good reminder this morning. I love when my reading takes me to Proverbs b/c every time it divides my soul and marrow. <3

  10. I love how you guide us through praying the scriptures, Deb! Thanks so much for sharing your heart and prayers with us. Thanks also for featuring my post today. I hope it blesses others.

  11. Deb, Proverbs is a great place to turn when we need wisdom–godly wisdom that is. You’ve given us some good examples of how to pray the Scriptures.


  12. “Joyful is the person who finds wisdom,
    the one who gains understanding.”

  13. Deb – Thank you for featuring me this week. I always feel so encouraged when you choose one of my posts. I know it shouldn’t matter, I write for God but it sure gives me a boost to know someone liked my writing.

    I liked your “wise post.” I often pray for Godly wisdom to flood my mind. I love learning and I can from time to time mix up wisdom with Godly wisdom. YOu also picked some of my favorite verses.

    Praying you have an amazing weekend!



  14. Oh, boy. Proverbs 3 is full of the life-changing kind of wisdom, the real thing, isn’t it? Thank you for the timely reminder!

    And thanks so much for featuring my post this week. I appreciate it more than I can say! I thank you for giving us all a place to share our thoughts and encourage one another. God bless you!

  15. What a power packed post, Deb! The Proverbs which are just so straight-up and direct and then you guide us through using those verses to pray Scripture! Yes! Thank you, sweet friend, for your constant encouragement and love!

  16. I love praying the Scripture, but I haven’t prayed Proverbs nearly that in depth. And because I use a daily plan that includes two or three verses in Proverbs each day, I hadn’t though about how much of chapter 3 pertains to wisdom. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Loved, loved, loved all your prayers here, Deb, and prayed right along with you. May God shower His wisdom upon all of us each and every day.

  18. Deb,
    Just letting you know I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award over at Embracing the Unexpected.

    Please do not feel obligated to do a thing. You are one of my favorite writers, and I thought it would be a fantastic opportunity to let others know about your website.

