When You Need to Know How to Be Strong – Put God First

Would you describe yourself as someone who is strong? What about your faith? Is your faith strong?
I would like to be able to answer with a resounding “yes” consistently but the fact is, I’ve had times when I’m humbled by the strength God has given me and times when I’m ashamed at the way I’ve allowed fear to overwhelm me.
I’ve heard Jesus say…
Why do you have so little faith?
The truth is, my faith is weak when I fail to trust Jesus’ promise…
All the people in the world are trying to get these things, and your Father knows you need them. But seek God’s kingdom, and all your other needs will be met as well.
Luke 12:30–31 (NCV)
My faith is weak when I fail to seek God first … when life gets crazy busy and distractions lead to worry and anxiety.
You see, I’ve learned that I struggle most when I fail to consistently seek God first.
Which made me ask myself … what does seeking a God-first life look like?
I believe the answer is…
A God-First Life Trusts God’s Promises and Surrenders to God’s Will.
Before I can trust God’s promise … I need to know God’s promises!
Promises like:
For Your unfailing love is as high as the heavens.
Psalm 57:10
Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
For Jesus Christ, the Son of God, . . . is God’s ultimate “Yes,” He always does what He says.For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for His glory.
2 Corinthians 1:19–20
But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
1 John 1:9
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11
“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.
John 14:27
The next thing I need to surrender is my will to the truth of God’s promises.
But I’m going to be honest with you. I fall short! I look around and see the many bad things happening in this sinful world and that’s when doubts creep in tempting me to hold back a little, trust a little less and do a little more of whatever I can to be in control my of own circumstances.
Yes, I’m guilty.
Maybe you can relate.
The problem is, when you and I fail to take those “Did God really say” doubts to the truth of God’s Word, we start to question His absolute truth and give ourselves permission to tweak His will a little here and there to make it align more comfortably with culture so we can be in control.
It’s crazy how many painful consequences we experience because we, like Eve and Adam, listen to the original words of temptation and allow our doubts to not only question but edit God’s will.
Imagine what would happen if we stopped before we grabbed the apple and took that bite? If we took our questions and doubts straight to God … surrendering our will again and trusting His promises one more time to give us the strength and power we need?
I love these words of Isaiah…
Have you never heard?
Isaiah 40:28–29
Have you never understood?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
No one can measure the depths
of His understanding.
He gives power to the weak
and strength to the powerless.
God wants us to bring our doubts and questions to Him, so He can replace them with the truth. Absolute truth which is able to give us His power and strength.
Which is what we need to live a God-first life.
So, I’ve written 5 steps I want to consistently apply to my life to have the power and strength I need.
Power and strength He is able to give me.
Power and strength God wants to give me.
5 Steps to Help You Put God First
I like the saying, “Make time for quiet moments, as God whispers and the world is loud.”
It’s true. The world is shouting ideas and values that are contrary to God’s Word. I know I need to spend time in prayer, read my Bible, memorize His promises, and spend time with people who put God first if I want to know His truth and trust His will.
Jesus said, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:31–32
When the enemy tempts me to doubt and question God’s will … I need to take those feelings and frustrations to God. I need to ask Him to show me the truth and give me everything I need to surrender my will to Him.
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2
I’m taking a look at my calendar and budget. I’m assessing my emotional health. I want to know where I’m spending my time, money, and effort. Then I will evaluate my attitudes and decide if the way I’m living really demonstrates God-first living.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
Proverbs 3:5–6
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
When I know where my time, money, and efforts are being spent, it’s time to pray. I need God’s help to completely surrender every area of my life but I believe He will help me trust His will and start making choices that put Him first.
Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7
I plan on repeating the following phrase as often as necessary… “God loves me. I am His child. He knows and wants what is best for me in every situation and every relationship.”
Despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:37–39
I have victory in Jesus and with His help, I can put God first and love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
I found the following by Pastor Rick Warren on The Ways to Put God First:
Finances. If you want God to bless your finances, even during a recession, you must tithe. Sorry! There’s no other alternative.
Interests. Put Him first in your hobbies, your career, and your recreation. Give God first consideration in every decision.
Relationships. Put Him first in your family, your marriage, and your friendships.
Schedule. That means you give Him the first part of every day. You get up and sit on the side of your bed every morning and say, “God if I don’t get anything else done today, I just want to love you a little bit more and know you a little bit better.”
Troubles. You need to turn to God first when you have a problem. Prayer should never be your last resort. It should be your first choice.
When you and I put God first in everything … life is better.
We will have the strength we need and be blessed with the joy we want no matter what is going on around us.
Don’t believe me?
Look around. How does the other way seem to be working for people?
Amen, Deb! Putting God first in every facet of our day is crucial to staying strong and confident in His love and will for us. Thank you for blessing us with these scriptures and your wise words today.
It is, isn’t it?! I am so thankful to be able to spend time in His Word and for the encouragement it gives. Blessings, my friend!
Thank you this is what I needed to hear to day, this verses speaks to me in so many different ways. Amen
Oh, Charlotte, I’m so very glad it blessed you! Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!
These five steps to putting God first are great! May he help me to put them into practice daily.
Thank you, Summer! That’s my prayer for myself as well. Blessings!
Trust is so important. God woke me up last night with this same word. Thank you for this direction. We have to be able to lean on His understanding and not our own and that takes constant communion and a walk that will not look the same as others we see around us.
It’s just so easy to get distracted by all that’s going on around us, isn’t it? I constantly need to be drawn back to His truth … especially when I need His strength. Thanks, Brittany! God bless you!
Yes! Oh, Deb, how encouraged I am after reading your post this morning. I needed these reminders as I’ve been struggling with anxiety about a few things. God is faithful and I know His Word is life-giving and powerful. I never regret spending time with Him! Thank you for your unceasing commitment to His Word and pointing us back to the Truth always.
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement, Jana! I needed this reminder and I’m always thankful when it blesses someone else, too! God’s blessings, my friend!
Amen.I am so encouraged by those words.I’m presently going through a rough time in my life and it made me realise that I need to trust God more and don’t t let fear conquere my heart
I’m so glad it blessed you! And I’m so sorry you’re going through this difficult time. May God hold you lose and give you everything you need each day to live each day with His peace. God bless you!
Hi Deb,
Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and the bible verses. May we all continue to love God almighty.
Amen, Richard! Thank you so much for stopping to say “hello.” God bless you!
Hello! I have just subscribed, and look forward to all your postings. Under “Troubles”, we know that we have seeked Him, but we realize it’s taken forever to see the signs of anything happening. God is faithful, I know. I have seen it many times over in my life. Still, it’s in His timing. So I continue to receive His patience on a daily basis.
Waiting is so hard, Linda! Trusting God’s timing when the circumstances are difficult is one of the greatest challenges we face. I’m praying for you and asking God to give you His peace while you wait and to bless you with an affirmative answer to your prayers. God bless you!
This was such a great post Deb and I relate to so much of it. Those “did God really say” moments where I tangle with the enemy trying to steer me away from God’s will are real for me! I also love where you say “I’ve learned that I struggle most when I fail to consistently seek God first.” I have been having those moments lately as I struggle with my health issues. It is easy to look away from God and focus on the pain but I need to remember that when I struggle most I need to seek Him first. He will get me through anything but I need to, like Peter walking to Him on the water, look to Him first.
I think that’s the hardest part, Diane … keeping our focus on Jesus when our circumstances feel overwhelming. I sure know I struggle. I love that He says, “Come to me when you are burdened and loaded down and I will give you rest.” I continue to pray for your complete healing and God’s covering of peace. Blessings and hugs!
It is so easy to put God first when things are going great. But what about when things aren’t so great? This is the true test of faith – remaining faithful through the deep struggles. Great post Deb!
Great post Deb! God is definitely my first go to! I can’t do this life without Him! Nor do I want to!
Bless you,