This is What You Need to Do to Be Ready for Jesus

Yesterday we looked at what Jesus said about being prepared for His return. Today, in Matthew 25, Jesus went on to tell His followers about the importance of having faith and the importance of showing others their faith by demonstrating His love.
The first parable today, tells the story of 10 bridesmaids who were waiting for the party to begin. 5 if them brought everything they needed to be ready whenever but the other 5 were literally caught napping without the most important thing necessary.
Those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was locked.
Matthew 25:10b
The Life Application Bible Notes say…
When Jesus returns to take His people to heaven we must be ready. Spiritual preparation cannot be bought or borrowed at the last minute.
Be ready for Jesus!
You and I are ready for Jesus to return by grace, through faith. And one of the ways we demonstate our faith is through the ways we use the blessings God gives us to show our love for Him by loving others.
Loving others for Jesus is seen in our “doing.”
‘I tell you the truth when you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’
Matthew 25:40
And the notes say…
The importance of this parable is that we should love every person and serve anyone we can. Such love for others glorifies God.
James wrote:
Humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts, for it has the power to save your souls. But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says.
James 1:21b–22a
Loving others for Jesus is simply serving wherever we are needed . . . using our passions, and our gifts and abilities. It’s using the blessings God gives us to touch lives in ways that show others His loving care and compassion.
This is What You Need to Do to Be Ready for Jesus
Let’s ask God to give us faith that flourishes and make us willing to share His love through “doing.”
Father, when doubt and confusion cloud my mind please help me SEEK You above all else and increase my faith. When trials burden me please help me TRUST You that I may know and obey Your will.
Please help me LOVE like Jesus. Give me eyes to see the needs around me and make me willing to “do” whatever I can to shine the light of Your love.
Father, may I always be ready for Jesus to return for me. Whether He is coming with all the angels to judge the nations or quietly returns for me alone, help me be a good steward of all you have entrusted to me. May I trust and obey by loving You and loving others as You desire. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
In Matthew 25, we learn that we can’t borrow or buy what we need to be ready for Jesus. Our relationship with God is personal.
So, on today’s note write…
Keep watch and be ready for Jesus is coming!
God bless you as you love and serve Jesus today!
Good morning Deb,
Since my Mother died almost a year ago, COVID regs and unable to assist at nursing homes I feel I am not doing as much as I should be physically. Scripture reading and prayer are in my my schedule also. I do donate monetarily to those in need, but I feel I am to do more. Have not figured out what.
I love your heart, Sandra! I’m sure that with your desire and prayer God will lead you to the perfect place to serve. One that will be a blessing to you and to those whose lives you touch! God bless you!
May we all be ready for Jesus’ return by showing love and compassion for others.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Shining the light of His love for His glory! Blessings to you, as well!
Thank you Deb! Your writings and understanding of God’s word is inspiring. We all need to be ready for the Lord’s coming. We do not know the time or the place but we must be prepared. We are all called to be bearers of the light and spread His love to others through our words and actions. We must shine brightly into the darkness for all to see and come to know, by our example, that the Lord is good.
Blessings to you Deb and all glory to God.
Angela – Ireland