Why It’s Important for You to Run to Jesus Before You Run Out

Why do we so often wait until we’ve run out of self before we take our needs to the Lord?
The idea of self-sufficiency is a powerful drive in our lives and I think the enemy of our souls is just fine with that. We turn to so-called “experts and authorities,” read self-help books, worry a little more, and push ourselves a little harder. But sometimes no matter what we do or how hard we try . . . we run out of self-sufficiency.
Jesus, His disciples, and His mother were all attending a wedding in Cana. We don’t know how Mary learned of the host’s empty wine barrel embarrassment. They had prepared. They thought they had enough. But in spite of all their efforts . . . they ran out.
“They have no more wine.”
John 2:3
It’s not clear what Mary expected her son to do but she trusted him to care and to do something.
“Do whatever he tells you.”
John 2:5
And like Jesus’ mother, Mary, we can take our needs to AND trust Him to care and deal with the problem in a way that He knows is best.
His best may mean that He will miraculously change our circumstances and supply what is needed, like turning water into wine. But it may also mean that He will choose to work in us instead.
I am absolutely confident that whenever He acts, whatever He does, and however He does it . . . it will always be for our good and for His glory!
We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
Romans 8:28
This same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Now all glory to God our Father forever and ever! Amen.
Philippians 4:19–20
We have His promises!
Promises that invite us to take our empty selves to Him quickly . . . trusting His all-sufficient grace to do what is best and give what is needed most. We can count on Him! Why would we ever choose to wait until we run out? It’s so much better—no it’s best, to run to Him first.
A Prayer to Run to Jesus Before
Lord, Please forgive me! It’s so easy for me to foolishly fall into the pattern of self-sufficiency. I listen to the lies and follow advice that tells me to just try harder and do more, to be better prepared and more organized. The truth is that when I try to do myself relying on my own strength . . .I will always fall short. I will always come up lacking. I will always run out!
I need you. I need to run to You, Lord Jesus. I am learning that when I can’t . . . you can. Your all-sufficient grace gives me everything I need. Whether my need is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, when I bring it to You in faith, You will work in Your timing to use my circumstances to bless me and glorify Yourself.
I believe You are always at work in my life. I believe You always do what is best. I give you every part of my life and I pray that with Your help, I will faithfully do . . . “whatever [You] tell me.” I thank you, Lord. I trust You. I run to You. Amen.
The truth is . . . you and I will always “run out” when we try to do it all ourselves depending on self-sufficiency. The only way to have all we need is to run to Jesus and trust Him to provide His “best.”
On today’s note write:
Today I will run to Jesus and trust Him to give me His best.
God bless you today and you surrender your self-sufficiency to the One who loves you so much He wants you to have His best.
Running to Jesus today and every day, Deb. I know I can’t do this life by myself.
Amen, Martha! I’m so thankful to know that we don’t have to do it alone. God bless you, my friend!
I needed this reminder. The prayer today brought me to tears. I have not been running to Jesus and trying to carry it all myself. Time to hand it over again. 🙂
I’m so glad you were blessed, Michele! I so often write what God is laying on my heart because He knows it is something I need to hear. It always blesses me when I know He used it to encourage someone else as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!
Jesus is our supply, our safe place, our refuge – we don’t have to do it all by ourselves. We can stop and hand it all over – we don’t have to wait until we run out! The best is yet to come! Thank you Deb for reminding us to go to Him, with all our needs…Jesus knows our hearts and when we go to Him with child like trust – we can be assured, all will work out for our good and for the glory of God. “Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ, king of eternal glory”.
Angela – Ireland
Thank you, Angela! God bless you!