The 5 Important Things Necessary to Speak the Truth in Love

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What does it mean to speak the truth in love? Here are 5 important things we need to speak the truth with gentleness, respect, and love. #Truth #BibleStudy #Friendships #Blessings

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the way we talk to each other. Maybe it’s because of what I see as I scroll through social media.

I’ve received comments like:

  • A belief in god is the antithesis of all that it is to be human.
  • Prefabricated prayers are offensive to God.
  • Religion divides the nation.
  • God is imaginary and the impossible can’t be done.

And I have to pause before I reply because…

Paul wrote…

We will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ.

Ephesians 4:15

And Peter wrote…

If someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. But do this in a gentle and respectful way.

1 Peter 3:15b–16a

It’s easy for us to forget the “love, gentle, and respectful” parts of speaking the truth. And we can also get so focused on being loving, gentle, and respectful that we fail to speak the truth.

It’s challenging, isn’t it?

So, let’s look at some ways you and I can speak the truth with God-glorifying gentleness, respect, and love:

  1. Admit your own weakness and imperfection.
  2. Speak with Humility.
  3. Listen with kindness and compassion.
  4. Pray before you speak.
  5. Practice the Golden Rule.

Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. 

Matthew 7:12

Something I realized as I’ve been thinking about this is that not speaking the truth is really unloving!

Let me explain…

If you have a toddler who wants to run into the street . . . it would be considered unloving to let them. If your teen wanted to drink and drive . . . it is unloving to sit by and give silent affirmation.

And it is unloving not to tell people the difference that Jesus is able to make in our lives now and for all eternity.

After His resurrection and before He ascended into heaven, Jesus said…

 “You are to go to all the world and preach the Good News to every person. He who puts his trust in Me and is baptized will be saved from the punishment of sin. But he who does not put his trust in Me is guilty and will be punished forever.”

Mark 16:15–16

He didn’t say it would be easy but He did say it is important.

What does it mean to speak the truth in love? Here are 5 important things we need to speak the truth with gentleness, respect, and love. #Truth #BibleStudy #Friendships #Blessings

So, let’s pray and ask God to help us speak the truth with gentleness, respect, and love.

A Prayer to Speak the Truth in Love
with Gentleness and Respect

Father, please forgive us. We have hurt the message of Your love through our unloving words. We have harmed hearts, minds, and souls by failing to tell others of Your love. Please forgive me. I have been timid and weak. I have stood by in silence when I should have spoken the truth and I have shared things I’ve believed without testing them against Your Word to know if they are true. I have failed with my words and I’m so sorry.

Please give me a passion to know Your TRUTH through Your Word. Help me hold Your promises in my heart that I might be ready to share Your love with someone who is hurting or confused. Please fill me with Your Spirit. Give me wisdom and discernment that I might know when to speak and when to be silent. And please go before me preparing hearts and minds that they might receive well the words I speak knowing that my intent is one of love. And help me pause to show that love with gentleness and respect. I ask this in the name of Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen.

What does it mean to speak the truth in love? Here are 5 important things we need to speak the truth with gentleness, respect, and love. #Truth #BibleStudy #Friendships #Blessings

It’s important to know that the “truth” we’re talking about is the TRUTH that God gives us in His Word.

There is no such thing as “my truth” or “your truth.” There is only THE TRUTH! God’s TRUTH!

Jesus said that His truth gives freedom. (John 8:32) He said that He came to testify to the truth. (John 18:37) And He repeatedly said, “I tell you the truth.”

As God made human . . . Jesus speaks the TRUTH. God’s TRUTH!

And when you and I share that TRUTH, we are sharing God’s love.

So, may we gently and respectfully share the truth with love by telling people the difference knowing and loving Jesus has made in our lives and inviting them to get to know Him themselves.

May God be with you and bless you as you speak the truth in love.

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  1. Thank you! ???? ???? ????

    1. You’re very welcome, Amanda. God bless you!

  2. May we all have the courage to speak about the truth of Jesus to others who need His love, and may we do so with love and grace.
    Blessings, Deb!

  3. Kathy Francescon says:

    Deb, this post is so needed and so appreciated today! More and more the devil as a roaring lion is devouring so many! We definitely need to be able to speak God’s truth and speak in a way that will be impactful, but not in angst or frustration! And would you believe, Deb, as I finished reading your post, letting the words take meaning in my thoughts, my Bible was open beside me and I just happened to look down at the last verse on the open pages…Psalm 119:42
    So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I trust in Thy Word. KJV
    To me this is a bit mind blowing! No one can ever tell me, that God doesn’t work in mysterious ways! With your informative post and this verse, He was certainly giving me much needed guidance! Bless You Deb! You are such a good teacher!! God is using you to guide so many! What a powerful blessing I have received today!! Thank You and Thank God!

    1. Kathy, your encouragement always blesses me. I am humbled. It is such a wonderful blessing to be able to share God’s love and the wonderful ways He has worked in my life. God be with you and bless you, my friend!

  4. Deb, Yes it is so important to tell people the truth of Jesus – that is love! Thank you for your prayer!

  5. I’ve been fighting a subdued war. Insert passages in my signature block in my work email that applies to current events. I heard a very good sermon from CH Spurgeon today about “little sins”. Part of this teaching perfectly fits your posting Deb, that indeed Christians can’t bow down to wordly views, norms or expectations. Just like Shidrac, Mishac and Abednego, Daniel, the Apostles….they all stood by the Truth, spoke the Truth at any cost. We have the same obligation regardless how the world reacts. We are the seed sowers, as even if they trample the Truth, one never knows when and how they going to remember in time of need….

    1. Amen, Gaby! We are called to turn to and stand on God’s truth. May He give us the courage and strength we need each day. God bless you!

  6. Thank you, Deb! SO timely. Much needed and I am saving the 5 reminders and the prayer. Perfect helps for imperfect me.

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement. It is greatly appreciated. God bless you!