Why You Need to Spiritually Clean Your Home

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You and I grab our cleaning products to tackle physical dirt and grime in our homes but what about the burden of spiritual dust and cobwebs? Sometimes the weight of life takes our homes from safe sanctuary to stress-filled oppression.

Is there anything we can do.

There sure is…

I’m thrilled to continue the Summer Sizzle Blog Hop by and introducing you to my friend Carmen Brown. I recently met Carmen in real life and I just love her. She wears her faith boldly and is absolutely hilarious. Wow, that girl can make me laugh but my favorite thing about her is the way she points everyone around her to Jesus.

Please make Carmen feel welcome . . . you’re going to love her.

Why You Need to Spiritually Clean Your Home

There have been times I have walked into a home and felt an overwhelming pressure upon my spirit. I felt like the atmosphere could almost choke me. Outside the sun is beaming but as soon as I walk into the home, there is nothing but weariness.

Have you ever felt that? Have you ever felt it in your own home?

Do not be ashamed to nod yes to the question. There are seasons in our lives where there is burdensome and havoc and it chases us place to place, room to room. There have been times for myself of this.

Like during the trail of my divorce; most days it was not an atmosphere I would want anyone to walk into. Especially in the evening time during dinner. It was when I felt the most alone. My entire attitude would change for the worse instantly even if I was having a good day.

Or when my youngest son was in the hospital last year and we almost lost him.  At one point I didn’t leave the hospital for nineteen days. I made the decision to stay in ICU with him every day. But my husband had to leave every night to go take care of our other three children. He would take them to school before spending twelve hours a day at the hospital with me then leave in the evening to pick up the children from their grandparents home. That was his routine for twenty-one days.

My husband would have to go home every night for nineteen days without his wife and twenty-one days without his child. He had heartbreak on him. The burden made him tired emotionally and physically.

As you can just imagine, when I walked into our home from the hospital one day to shower and take a nap in my own bed after nineteen days of not doing so, I felt the atmosphere shift from the moment I unlocked my front door.

God wanted me to take prayer deeper than just my living room. He was leading me room to room to pray over and spiritually clean my home.

I felt as if I walked into a war zone. I continued on into our bedroom, the room was bright, unlike the rest of the house that was dark and gloomy. Our bedroom felt free and restful. As I sat on our bed and began to pray for my family and our child that was not there in that home with me for the first time since he was born, I felt my husband’s presence in that room. I felt our spirits in sync. This is because in that bedroom, we have prayed many times together for it to be our sanctuary as a married couple. My husband had continued prayer while I had been gone.

He kept it as our sanctuary even when I was not there. A prayer that I always prayed came to life.

Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted to you. Mark 11:24 NASB

Prayer is big in our home. It is a vital part of our walk with Christ. Prayer is what keeps the intimacy between us and God.

In our home we pray together as a family. We pray when big decisions need to be made, changes are happening, and when exciting things are happening. Whatever it is, we do our best to pray together as a family. Meaning, to include each of our children in prayer time too.

Physically cleaning the home to make it look nice, and restful for when my husband and children walk through the doors is a given for me but what I have learned is that having a clean kitchen and living room does not always mean your home is clean.

Years ago, the Lord showed me I had to start praying room to room in my home. To anoint the pillows in every bedroom and to pray for peace in each room. To pray for protection, provision, joy, and for the word of God to dwell in that place. I was to pray for whatever the spirit was leading me to pray.

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groaning’s too deep for words. Romans 8:26 ESV

God wanted me to take prayer deeper than just my living room. He was leading me room to room to pray for every situation within the walls of the home.

When walking into my daughter’s room to pray, I felt the leading to pray for her spiritual gifts to be revealed to her, for her bedroom to become a place of revelation, and that no spirit of depression may enter.

For my oldest son, I would feel the leading to pray for leadership skills to enhance. I also prayed for his bedroom to become a place of knowledge. That as he would read, he would gain wisdom. I began to war against any spirits that had plans to attack him in his future.

After seven years of praying like this in my home, keeping the commitment of praying for the home once a month has become a vital part of my prayer life. It is a time for me to become intimate with the Lord as I walk room to room and pray for where God leads me to pray.

I anoint the doorways, the windows, the pillows and bed posts in every room. Each room is individually prayed for. I pray for each child in our home, for the master bedroom to become a sanctuary to our marriage, and for no defilement may come into the marriage.

I pray over our animals and for every part of our land. That the land our home lays on is prosperous and protected by the hand of God.

I pray for whoever steps onto it may immediately feel the presence of God.

I choose to do this task because this is where the Lord spoke to me to cover and cleanse our home. This does not replace any amount of prayer time for me or my family. If anything, the time I take once a month gives me more accountability to continuously be in prayer for all things.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18 ESV

Feeling burden in your home for a season is not a time to be ashamed; instead it is a time to begin warring for the home and for all who dwells within. For when we feel like the desolate times are near in our lives through the form of: losing a job, illness in a family member, children expressing rebellion, or any other chaos that feels like it is taking control over the home, you will be confident that your preparation of prayer in the home will take place.

Even when I walked into my home without my family that day and I felt heaviness swarm around me in majority of the home, the one place that my husband prayed every night before going to sleep was overwhelming with peace and I was able to feel the prayers working through.

The presence of God was dwelling there and it kept our bedroom as our sanctuary. Without that I don’t know if my husband would have been able to do what he did for 21 days. He encouraged me daily, endured physical strength to care for our children, maintained wellness with little sleep, and sat with me at the hospital twelve hours a day.

My prayer for you today is that you seek the Lord and ask Him where to clean your home. What needs prayer? Who needs prayer? Allow Him to lead you through your home room to room. Be blessed by the presence of God and with the revelation of His power in every room of your home.

Carmen Brown Bio:

Carmen Brown is the creator of Married by His Grace blog. She actively writes to women who are desiring to build their home with the word of God. Her passions involve staying connected with her family, drinking an immense amount of coffee daily, and developing content that will help and encourage new Christian Bloggers. You can connect with Carmen on her blog, Instagram, and Pinterest.

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  1. Loved this post by Carmen Brown! I wish I had thought of this while I was raising my own children. As a grandmother and mother of grown children I will think to do this as I enter their homes. I will pray over each home asking for God’s blessings on those that dwell within.

    1. I agree, Jean! I wish I’d done this years ago. We have done it recently and will be joining our daughter and her family to pray over their home. What a wonderful way to praise God for His gifts and invite the blessing of His peace and presence into every space of our homes. I love it!

    2. Christina says:

      I love reading thinks about my lord thank you for your words

  2. Thank you so much for this post! It challenged me so much to go to each room in my home and pray for each child! It can get discouraging sometimes, but when I’m in prayer…I definitely feel a burden lifted by the Lord. 🙂

    1. That’s so true, Kim! Prayer can totally turn around my attitude and restore peace when I feel like I’m starting to run on empty. Thanks so much for stopping by and a saying “hello.”

  3. I pray that people feel the presence of God as they walk into my house. I always want my place to be a respite and that can only happen with God.

    Thanks for this encouraging post.

  4. Amen, Nylse! That is so true! God’s presence changes everything! God bless you!

  5. Yes, yes, yes! I agree wholeheartidly. I wrote about this topic a few months because I cannot say enough about how true this is. Hopefully all the people who read this will be encouraged to pray over their homes too.

    Wishing you a very blessed weekend, Erin at BurdenFreeCaregiving.com

  6. Deb, Thank you so much for allowing me to post along with all the other amazing women for the Summer Sizzle Blog Hop series. I am so blessed to have met you all in real life. Each of you have such a beautiful gift for writing and the best part is, each of you are exactly what you write. Grace, beauty, love, and so much wisdom!! Love you dear friend!

    1. Oh, Carmen! You bless me, Girl!! I’m so thankful for the days we were able to spend together. God is using each of us in ways we may never know. Sharing His love is my greatest joy! I love you, too! God bless you, my dear friend!!

    1. Nkazimulo Mthembu says:

      Thanks so much will implement this today.

      Thank you for speaking the truth

      1. I’m glad it blessed you. God be with you!

  7. Such beautiful encouragement here! I love the depiction you give of walking room to room, praying for each situation that room encounters. I definitely need to start doing that! Especially as we are moving to a new house 🙂 Thanks for speaking truth here!!

  8. Thank you for sharing. I have prayed through my home. I love the idea of going room to room and praying. I am inspired to make it a part of my plan for my family to counteract any potential issues rather than waiting until the issues manifest. God is a good God! I’m so grateful to be His ; – ) and or have the privilege of coming before Him in prayer

  9. Vickey Campbell​​ says:

    Beautifully put. Thank you for offering encouragement to pray over our homes. This was a much needed assurance of how God is wanting us to invite him into our homes by praying over each member of the family and each room of the home.

  10. Thank you! I needed this gentle reminder and will ensure to keep praying In my home room to room. Amen

  11. Pamela Barker says:

    Dear. Carmen your blog on praying through your home was incourageing to me. I have felt pressed to pray over my home all lot lately, but Im just unsure what and how I should pray. I try and pray often for my family and church. But my prayers feel stagnant like it’s the same prayers daily. I talk to the Lord about not knowing what to pray or how to pray for others and ask for guidance, but I just don’t feel in movement in this area. I know that my Lord is there with me leading me it’s just. let’s be totally honest hear I feel like I don’t hear his voice, or how to go about listening for it. I really want to have that deep abiding relationship with Him so that He speaks and I hear,listen and do or go. Please pray for me that my ears and spirit are open and sensitive to His voice, so that my life is not a reflection of my choices and wants but His. That He is so bright in my life that others see Him and are drawn to Him.

    1. Thank you, Pamela! I’m so thankful that Carmen allowed me to share this. Rev and I prayed over the rooms of our home when we moved in last year – I think it’s time to go through it again. Just keep talking to Jesus! You are loved and He is listening. I am praying and asking Him to hold you close and give you the knowledge and truth of His constant presence in your life. God bless you!

    2. Bless your heart!! I have heard God speak to me through his word. The more I get into his word the more I hear him speak to me. When I don’t get in the word, I seem to lose touch. The Bible is my lifeline to Jesus. My day always goes better when I get in the word of God and ask him to set the tone of my day!

      1. I agree, Anita! I am so thankful God has given us His Word! And I’m so thankful Carmen’s post was a blessing!

  12. I desperately needed this post!! We’ve moved 3x in 7yrs and there has been a lot of trama in the last 4. My family needs spiritual and emotional healing bc we are all in a pit of depression. Our relationship as a family has suffered and we really need prayer. We moved into the most recent house about 4 months ago and we have unpacked the necessities. We are all just tired and beat down and you can definitely feel that walking into our house.

    1. Courtney, I’m so glad Carmen’s post blessed you! I love praying over the spaces in our home and asking God to bless our conversations and our attitudes … and that He will place His gracious hand of protection over us. You’ve certainly had a lot of moves in recent years and it sounds like they have taken a toll on all of you. I’m asking God to bless you and your family in your new home and fill you with His peace and joy! God bless you!

  13. LaTeesha Mungin says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this information about praying and cleansing our home.

  14. I’m curious because your sentence about your “…trial of divorce…” was unclear to me. Did you and your husband divorce after all of that prayer? I hope not.

    1. Hi Beverly, this is Deb replying … I know Carmen personally, and she was referring to a previous divorce at a very different time in her life. Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to ask your question. Many blessings!

  15. Cassandra N. says:

    This was very encouraging, thank you for sharing!! I will be copyin this and prayin over my home also!!! God bless yall!!!

    1. I’m so glad this blessed you, Cassandra! Thank you for taking the time to let us know! Blessings!

    2. Nimi Emmanuel says:

      Thanks for this post. I will practice that in my own home also. Please pray for my family that God should restore everything that makes marriage enjoyable that is lost in Jesus name. Thanks

  16. I agree with you Carmen, I clean house while I’m spring cleaning while I’m sweeping, mopping and everything else that needs to be done I’m praying over every room, hallway I allow the Holy Spirit to lead me in prayer plus the house you can actually feel the difference Gods presence overwhelming in the home, plus house work seems easier. Thank you for sharing I thought I was the only person who’s done this it’s good to know theirs others that believe in cleaning house spiritually.

    1. What a great practice, Mary! I love that! I typically grumble while I’m cleaning. 🙂 Praying over my home and family is so much better! Thanks for visiting and for stopping to add your encouragement! God bless you!

    2. Roni Jones says:

      Mary, I love that idea of praying while you’re cleaning! I’m going to try that – maybe it will make cleaning easier to do! Lol. Thank you for that idea. Have a blessed day.

  17. Prayer is so powerful in the spiritual battle for our homes. Because God, the Father /Jesus Christ/the Holy Spirit is the One we pray to and Who fights for us, praise God. I like to pray Scripture for my family. If we don’t pray for them, who will? Thanks for encouragement to pray!

  18. Crystal Buettner says:

    I am so blessed to have found this. The Lord recently had this very thing come into my soul to perform in my home. He said you are my annointed “housekeeper”, which I completely misinterpreted at first, if I am being honest. However, I came to realize what he meant most was that I was the first line of defense after him in regards to protecting my home. The virtous woman’s candle goeth out not by night because she is most often prayerfully up gaurding the sanctity of the home. I have done exactly as you were lead and annointed the doorways into our home and those into the bedrooms. As I walked my home I would proclaim and claim certain things by the word, and also prophesy into the home as the Spirit gave me utterance. It has truly been an eye opening revelation. Again, I am so thankful you shared this. I love to hear about how God is working in other people’s lives, it gives my own faith a boost and helps keep me encouraged to know that his people are absolutely out there serving him in sincerity. Lord bless your day!

    1. Hi Crystal my name is Rita and I read your response and I was wondering what did you say as you walked through the house ? I know everyone is saying I prayed scripture over each room and anointed the doors, what particular scriptures? I say prayers and ask for protection for my family and kids . I sprinkle Holy water in the sign of the cross but is there a special prayer for anointing a room that you say? I was wondering bc I didn’t see anyone mentioning a particular way to do it and I need help with it. My children have been suffering from depression during this pandemic and I need to clean it all out . I pray all day at work and at home and l just need to go when they are not in the house and clean out whatever evil is causing this . I sense it’s presnc I see it at work but I am having trouble booting it out. Can you give me any help? Thank you. God Bless you.

      1. Hi Rita, I don’t believe there are special prayers to pray over each room. I believe it is personally talking with God about whatever is on our hearts. I will speak Scripture verses and pray what’s on my heart about those verses. I am praying for your children and for all families as they try to navigate this difficult time. You can lean more about the way I pray Scripture through my Topical list of verses and prayers page here – https://countingmyblessings.com/topical-list-of-verses-and-prayers/

        Thanks so much for visiting. God bless you!

  19. Enjoy this please pray for closure of granddaughter and health issue mine

  20. Catherine says:

    Hi Carmen
    I live in New Zealand and am going through a whole lot at the moment. I have a case against my ex husband with the family court. We have just been seen by the court psychologist. Please pray that my youngest is kept safe and that my little family will kept together.

    I did pray for a while through out my home for a while a few years back and need to get back into it. My home does feel heavy in spirit in my room and in bathroom.

    In Christ

  21. Carmen Benson says:

    AMEN. .. so uplifting and encouraging… I’m definitely praying for all my rooms and individual children… thank you much needed and appreciated… God’s Amazing Grace and Divine Mercy with you all in abundance…

  22. Karen Williams says:

    Amen, I’ve only done this once in my eldest sons room. I definitely need to be more active in prayer throughout my place. If you wouldn’t mind praying for my eldest son who has been snared by the devil and no longer follows our Lord. Also my brother (and wife) has never accepted salvation.

    1. Karen, thank you for asking us. Rev and I are happy to pray for your family! Asking God to bless you all and draw your loved ones close through His love.

  23. Rose Long says:

    Thank you for this article. We have been going through a lot of turmoil and stuff. I felt the heaviness that you talked about today. My husband lost his mom about 3 weeks ago. He is trying to keep peace in the family, sell the car, sell the house and hold a garage sale to get rid of everything else. He had a gi bug today. He has not stopped to grieve. Please keep him in prayer as I pray for him and our home.

    1. I’m so sorry, Rose! I’m praying for you and your husband today asking God to comfort you both and grant you His peace! God bless you both!

  24. Thank you so much for sharing this infor mation .lm praying but my husb stop praying with me .Itd if he have no respect for prayers He will listen to his phone aloud while Im praying Im struggling to get hi and my daughter together with me to pray as a family .So most of the time Im praying alone .lneed the Holy spirit to guide and lead me please pray for my ears to be open and sensitive to His voice pray for unity in our marriage .and the presence of God in our house and life .Thank you God bless .

    1. Peggy, thank you for stopping by and for joining the conversation. I am praying for your family and asking God to bless your efforts to make prayer part of your family time. God bless you!

  25. Milre White says:

    I really want my home to always have the presencie of God and my family to be blessed. A especial prayer for our economical sitation and prosperity for my entire family and that our twin sons can finish their medical carrer.

    1. I am praying for you, Milre. Asking God to bless you and your family with His presence and provision. May He bless your sons as they work to fulfill their goals. Blessings!

  26. Lois Williams says:

    This has blessed me so much today, I use to do this and got lazy now I am praying to get back on the right track.

    Thank you for this blessing.

  27. Thank you, this is just what I needed! Feeling overwhelmed post surgical, planning on hosting Christmas and just wondering how in the world I’m going to get this done on my own!! Power of prayer is anazing!! I feel better already!!

    1. Thank you, Laura! I’m so glad it blessed you! Didn’t Carmen write a wonderful post! Blessings!

  28. Thank you for posting this.
    Was doing this for some time but stopped, I know should keep going but I’m not constant, sometimes even do it because is the right thing to do.
    It is better when you pray in agreement but in my case I don’t live with my husband anymore, he is an unbeliever thinking that everything I do is too religious. Can’t close the door and tell him not to come anymore because of my young adults children and since he is not a good influence at all I get so stressed out and overwhelmed every time he is around and drains all my energy to the point of doing nothing but getting sleepy.
    Is there anything that should be doing? Where I am failing?Any advice?

    1. I’m so sorry! I’m praying for you and for your marriage. God bless you!

    2. Hey Karim,

      God loves you and your husband…1 Peter 3:1 says..In the same way, you wives must accept the authority of your husbands. Then, even if some refuse to obey the Good News, your godly lives will speak to them without any words. They will be won over….dont lose hope and pray for your marriage as there is a reason and purpose for your marriage..

      God will heal your marriage.


  29. Hi Deb and Carmen,

    Thanks for sharing this insight of yours. You are right our house is a place which witnesses all our ups and downs. In my case my home has really seen me hitting low in life an dthe craziness it all brought to my life. I have been regular in doing prayers but I think I need to set a definite intention and pray. And now during this lockdown period it is this house that is keeping me safe and brightening my day. Thank you. I will be cleaning my house spiritually

    1. Thanks so much for visiting. I’m so glad Carmen’s post blessed you! I love it, too … asking God to protect and bless us in the spaces we spend the most time and connect with those most important to us. God bless you!

  30. Thank you so much for the post. Please pray for me to regain my love for prayer and intimacy with the Father. I allowed sin in my heart and since then, my love has waxed cold. I want to get it back! This has affected so many areas of my life negatively. Thank you in advance for your prayers. I’m from Zimbabwe

    1. I am praying for you, Crissie! You are moving in the right direction. God is working on you and your desire to grow closer to Him again will bless and restore you. God bless with you!

  31. Thank you so much for this profound post. Could you please share some scriptures to usher me into this very important prayer session.

      1. Thank you. I agree that spiritual house cleaning is good. Help me pray for my children to always seek God’s guidance and protection in their lives and the obstacles in their way may clear.

        1. Amen, Rosetta! Joining you in praying for your children. God be with you and bless you!

  32. C Anderson says:

    I have been dealing with anxiety, depression and a flare up of fibromyalgia in the last few days. Because of underlying health issues (age, weight, hypertension) watching to much news has caused this. Also not attending church but where I have fallen short is not reading and studying the word. Communion, talking and praying in the spirit, yes, but I have always been a word person. Yesterday, I made the decision to keep social media at a minimum, news at a minimum and God first. Today, I am sticking to that decision. I looked up a recipe today and happened to see Deb’s website, which led me to Carmen’s post. Accident, no when you start seeking HIM first, HE runs to meet you more than half way. Glad he used you’ll to do it! I’ll be 69 in August, it’s never to late to begin or start over. C

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this difficult time of pain physically and emotionally. I am so glad you visited and that Carmen’s words blessed and encouraged you. I’m praying for you and asking God to be with you and give you everything you need as you rely on Him. God bless you!

  33. Sara Sanchez says:

    Wow I love it. I am so glad that I read this. As a mother of four and a wife I really needed this. So many times I have felt like giving up feeling that I am the problem. Felt worthless and hopeless felt that nobody needs me not feeling that I am a good wife, daughter and mother. I start thinking of so many negative thoughts but this right here will be incorporated I had never thought about cleaning our home spiritually . As I am dealing with many struggles right now I am going to use this method and I know I will see results. Thank you so much for sharing this. I honestly can’t feel the negative vibe but I know that many times when I leave the house I feel some what relieved so now I know and understand why.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Sara! I love Carmen’s encouragement and wisdom here as well. God bless you!

  34. Hey Carmen!
    Thank you so much for letting God lead you to praying for everyone and room in your house. I need that so so much I can’t put into words about how I feel with covid-19.

    1. I am so glad it blessed you! Carmen wrote a beautiful and inspiring post. God be with you!

  35. I love this room to room prayer idea. I can’t say that I’ve ever thought to pray room to room; although, I have walked the outskirts of our property and prayed. I also often quote scripture aloud in our home.
    I also liked the tip a gal left to pray as your cleaning.
    I can’t wait to try this, not only in my home, but in my grown children’s homes as well.
    May God continue to bless you.

    1. I love Carmen’s prayer plan, too, Pam. And it certainly would help my attitude about cleaning if I consistently added prayer to my efforts. Thanks so much for visiting and God bless you!

  36. Hi Deb. Thank you for your post. I strongly believe in the power and importance of praying over my family and home. Having said this, prayer has never come easy for me. I struggle with the words, to know WHAT to pray. Sometimes I pray in the Spirit, but sometimes it doesn’t come.

    Could you give me some suggestions on what you pray? What words you use to ask God for protection , but also, what else do you pray for? Thanks. God bless

  37. Carlene Myers says:

    I was happy to read this on pinterest. I live in a two-bedroom house by myself. I had so much chaos and discord in my home when I had someone living with me. Alcohol and drugs came in/out of my home. And until recently, I had to tell those living with me to leave. I need to pray over my home. This blog really helped me.

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Carlene. Thanks so much for visiting and for stopping to say “hi.” God be with you!

  38. Thank you for this! God used this article this morning to answer my prayers for some direction on what to do. Often when I am in the midst of chaos I forget that the battle is often spiritual and I forget that prayer is the weapon. Thank you for the reminder that our battles have already been won.

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Shelee! It was a joy to be able to share Carmen’s post! God bless you!

  39. DeJuana Murray says:

    Thank you for this!

  40. I’m new at this but desperately need to pray and bless my apartment What do you use?
    I’m disabled and very disappointed in my life I’m 74 years old and can’t get my PTSD under control! I’ve gained over 35 lbs from stress eating! Please help and pray for me thank you!

    1. I’m very sorry you are suffering, Marlene. I just walk through my home and pray Scripture. I know some will pray God’s Word and post notes around the house or even write verses inside of walls as the home is being built. I’m praying and against the Lord to comfort you and give you everything you need each day.

  41. Thank you this has helped so much… my 35 year old son and I live together. He recently was in an accident and it totaled his beloved jeep. He is extremely anger and bitter over this. Financially it looks hard to get the vehicle he wants…He has No friends and is lonely… I recently retired, after divorcing a narcissist… God has brought us through so many losses my parents his father close cousin, 2 vehicles me in an accident
    in 2021 now him neither our fault 7 pets …in an 8 year span… I know God has been with us protected and provided so I know HE will continue… I am at a loss at times on how to pray… thank you again for sharing this…may God richly bless you all

    1. I’m so very sorry, Vicky. It sounds like you have been through so very much! I’m praying for you and asking God to turn things around and to give you the strength you need as you heal from the past. God bless you!

  42. Marlene Carson says:

    Did you bless by word, oil or water?

  43. Loreta Meuntjies says:

    Hi my name is Loreta Meuntjies I Live in South Africa ….I was so moved about that story I just read GOD is Good … first of all I would like you to pray for my marriage ….. And my children please …..

    1. Thank you for visiting and for stopping to say, “hello.” I truly appreciate your comment and encouragement. Yes, we would be happy to pray for your marriage and family. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

  44. Hey Deb, I love this and Carmen is so sweet!

    1. I’m glad it blessed you, Karen! Carmen is the best, isn’t she? I’m so glad she let me share this great post here. God bless you!

  45. I absolutely needed this spiritual support as most of us do…I’m a grandmother of two beautiful adolescent grandsons, I pray for them often. After reading your blog, I realized how much more I need to communicate with our Lord regarding their protection and spiritual guidance. John 10:10 NIV “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” This verse helps me to remember Who is in charge. He is our King, Physician, Helper, and Father…He is our everything. Thank you so much for this Blog!

    1. Thank you, Theresa. I’m so glad Carmen’s words blessed and encouraged you! Thank you so much for letting us know. May the Lord be with you and bless you and your family.

  46. Carmen Heard says:

    I loved this article and I needed to hear the message. I read a book about 10 years ago called, A Woman After Gods Own Heart. It reminds me that I am off balance and my home is burdened. I feel it as soon as I pull up to it. I don’t even have to go inside. I feel the house even from the outside looks dark and crabby. Seems like the outside is telling the whole story of what is to come inside. I am going to take your advice and spiritually clean my home.

    1. I’m so glad this blessed and encouraged you, Carmen. It was written by my dear friend, Carmen Brown, and she is a beautiful encourager of faith. I’m praying for you and your family that the Lord will bless you and give you His perfect peace.

  47. Beautiful. Thank you Carmen Brown. Something l do in my home too.l will commit to doing more regularly. You are truly blessed in that you obeyed God by marry a man you are equally yoked to ;praying husband.

    1. Amen, Bridget. I am so blessed to be able to share Carmen’s words here. I glad they blessed you, too. God be with you!


    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Linda. He is worthy of all our worship and praise. Thanks so much for visiting. God be with you and bless you!

  49. Thank you. The pressure to pray daily over the home was a battle and on reading your blog realized that Satan was attacking. Now there is peace not only in my soul but in my earnest prayers over every room and every child. Bless you.

    1. I’m glad it blessed and encouraged you, Donna! Blessings!

  50. Thank you so much for this post something has just awakened in me.

    1. I’m so very glad it blessed you, Mandisi. Carmen is a wonderful encourager. God be with you!

  51. Thank you for sharing about anointing your home with oil and prayer. I do this also.
    Will you please help me pray for my son Phillip that he will turn his heart and his life over to Jesus? He is 21 years old and really needs prayers and he needs to get saved. I have a strong faith and I believe that God will answer my prayers for my son, but it helps to know that others are praying and believing with me. Thank you for your prayers and God Bless you and your family

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Teresa! I’m praying for your son, Phillip, and asking God to surround Him with His love and move in him to give him great faith. God bless you!

  52. Nicky Douglas says:

    Hi. My first time on this your page. And as l was reading this about cleaning my home room to room using God’ s word l really felt uplifted spiritually and l am going to do just that. Thank you and God bless you. It was such an.eye opener.

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Nicky! God bless you!