Stillness Will Bless Your Faith and Make You Healthy
You need stillness. It’s important for your faith and your health!
But being still is almost impossible. It is for me and maybe it is for you too!
With technology, appliances, entertainment, etc – noise is a constant in most homes, workplaces, and whatever method you use to get from one to the other.
In 2011 World Health Organization report called noise pollution a “modern plague,” concluding that “there is overwhelming evidence that exposure to environmental noise has adverse effects on the health of the population.”
You may not be noise challenged. Your stillness robber may be busyness. Most of us are overscheduled wishing we could have just a few extra hours each week. Better yet . . . would be a few extra hours every day.
How are we supposed to be “still” when we live with a cacophony of sounds and an endless list of commitments?
Add the pushback we feel because stillness is often associated with meditation and that is . . . well, a little too new age for followers of Jesus.
So, with all the confusion and challenges stillness falls low on our list of priorities.
God invites us to know Him in stillness.
Be still, and know that I am God! Psalm 46:10
Other translations use the words – cease striving, be calm, let it be, that’s enough, calm down, stop fighting, be in awe, let go of your concerns, or stand silent—for “be still.”
Let it be, and know…
Calm down, and know…
Let go of your concerns, and know…
Stand silent, and know…
Stop fighting, and know…
If you and I want to deeply and intimately know God we need to stop, calm down, let go, and be still.
The truth . . . you and I need stillness. And the good news is God offers us so many blessings in addition to knowing Him.
Look at the list of blessings to your health as well as your faith.
Stillness Will Bless Your Faith and Make You Healthy
Stillness is about being in the present – I can let go of the past and stop worrying about the future when I’m sitting with the Lord. When I’m still I’m more aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence and I’m able to surrender past junk and future concerns.
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34
Give us today the food we need. Matthew 6:11
Stillness relaxes your body and your mind – It promises better sleep and a stronger immune system. It lowers cortisol by reducing stress. More sleep and less stress can lower your blood pressure and improve your ability to concentrate. Okay, I want all of that!
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Stillness will calm your soul – Being quiet in God’s presence helps me remember His greatness and my need for Him. It is well with my soul when I surrender everything to the Lord.
You will keep the man in perfect peace whose mind is kept on You because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3
Stillness improves your relationships – I get along with people better when I’m peaceful and settled. Agitation in me translates to a tension that impairs my patience. And that strains my relationships. God’s peace in me blesses every interaction.
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace, as in all the meetings of God’s holy people. 1 Corinthians 14:33
Stillness gives me strength for hard days – When I sit at Jesus’ feet and learn from Him, I believe He is in control. I trust His promises and stand on the strength only He can give. He is my firm foundation when I’m weak.
Have your roots planted deep in Christ. Grow in Him. Get your strength from Him. Let Him make you strong in the faith as you have been taught. Your life should be full of thanks to Him. Colossians 2:7
Stillness will give you an eternal perspective – When I look at today in terms of eternity my junk is less upsetting and my hope quotient increases exponentially. Days are just easier when I remember my God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. 2 Corinthians 4:18
I have to admit when I started thinking about my need for stillness I wasn’t really thinking about it improving my physical well-being. This is The Faith Project. My planning was faith focused.
Isn’t our God awesome? He knows those things that are good for us spiritually and blesses us by making them good for us physically as well. I love that!
I’ve only included 20 minutes of stillness for a few days, but I love sitting with the Lord and listening for His voice. I’ve noticed I’m more aware of His constant presence during the day.
Have you started adding a time of stillness to your day?
Have you noticed any changes in the rest of your day?
Stillness in the Lord. YES. I’m going to make a conscience effort to do this, Deb. It’s one thing to pray, it’s another thing to just be still. Thank you for the reminder!
Yay! I’m glad Shannon! This is a new goal for me, but I trust that like the other months of this project . . . the Lord is going to bless it. Thanks for journeying with me!
As I read this in the early morning, I can hear the birds singing. I think quiet is what we crave when we say, “I need a break!” It’s why we go on vacation. Why people say there happy place is the mountains or the sea. We instinctively seek ways to find stillness yet we don’t always know that’s what we’re looking for. Thanks for reminding me to take time daily to be still and hear from the Lord.
Patty, you’re right! I don’t think we’re settled until we are settled in Him. We just know we want something else. I’m excited and blessed that He is encouraging me to take time to just be still.
I’ve realized for a long time now that it is in the quiet where I thrive. I am calmer, relaxed and much more creative when I allow stillness to be a part of my day.
Thanks for the inspiration today, Deb!
I’m learning too, Martha! I also believed I was an extrovert who thrived on activity. That’s changing and I’m loving my time of stillness. Thanks and blessings to you!
Thanks for the reminder, Deb! With a house full of littles, I am surrounded by noise! Just last week, two of our kids were on a trip, and we were amazed at how much more quiet it was. I mentioned missing them, and my husband said, “Just enjoy it! Don’t feel guilty for enjoying the quiet!” 🙂 It’s funny, but we as a culture are so accustomed to noise and activity. I try to schedule quiet time in the afternoon while my littlest is napping and if possible, I try to wake up a little before the circus while the house is still quiet. Like Martha says above, my creative juices flow more easily and I can hear from the Lord more clearly when it’s quiet. Blessings!! – Tasha
Oh, Tasha, I remember how hard it can be to find quiet when there are littles running around. I agree with your husband . . . enjoy the moments of quiet. When ours were little I used to often wake up in the middle of the night and take 30 or 40 minutes to read the Bible and pray. Even though I was tired, I enjoyed the few minutes of silence. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a minute to join the discussion!
I’m challenged by this post and by your example. I’ve realized how “busy” I am even when I am sitting still.
Taking a few minutes each day to be intentionally still – what a great idea!
I’m most impacted by this quote, “God invites us to know Him in stillness.”
Me too, Mel! It’s taking a very determined effort for me to stop and sit quietly. It’s good for me and God is blessing it!
Happy 4th of July, Deb! How fun to find you on Lori’s #momentsofhope linkup. I’m sharing this one on my page for others to find as well!
Yay! Happy 4th to you too! Thanks so much for sharing and for your encouragement. You bless me!!
I was just complaining to my husband that it’s been too quiet this weekend … then I read your post. Now, I’m going to embrace the rest of this quiet day I am having … before things get crazy again tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder that we need to be making time to just be still. You’re so right — God always meets us there!
I’m glad, Lauren! Too often I feel like I’m supposed to be busy. I’m thankful the Lord is nudging me into this season of adding a bit of stillness to every day. I can see my calendar filling up already, though. Setting aside time is going to be a challenge. One that’s good.
Thank you for the reminder of how important being still is for us physically. While I’ve been spending a solid amount of time with the Lord each day (this has been true for several years)–I still need to learn to quiet my mind, so I can hear from the Lord. So yes, I need to simply take some additional time and be quiet!
Me too, Kim! My thoughts are always doing in a hundred different directions. I start each quiet time with prayer, asking God to help me focus on Him and for just a time – set my personal agenda aside. Thanks and blessings!
Times of stillness do draw us closer to the Lord. Thanks for giving us these words today — so often we are given lists of things to do, do , do. I need regular reminders that God wants ME, not my service.
Amen, Michele! I have to remind myself of that as well! Blessings to you, my friend!
Excellent, Deb! I think the Lord seems to be speaking about this in many ways, many places, and many authors. I am recalling reading The Radical Pursuit of Rest and just recently The Listening Life. I love stillness more than ever before, but often I have equated reading quietly and I need more practice without even reading! Blessings on you this Independence Day!
Something that is so precious. I appreciate how you highlight the benefits and the challenges to stillness (they are very real!) Praising the Lord with you that He likes to just be with us.
Phew, working primarily from home and having 4 kids home for the summer has challenged my stillness allowance! 🙂 Good reminder about how important this is though. Make time and make room. We have to! Thanks Deb.
Gosh, Deb, you KNOW I needed this! Seriously, this may be our family’s greatest struggle. This week in the quiet of the mountains has been so good for all of us. Quiet and still. I’m convicted of the changes I need to make, but I would love your prayers because I’ve got 4 other loud and busy people who are completely unaware of how intense our busy is in our home!
Another great word, sweet friend! Thank you! Hugs and infinite blessings to you, Love! 🙂
Thank You For SUCH An INSPIRING BLOG Deb 👏🏼👍🏼🥰 The Bible Tells US Not To Worry … 😳BUT Its STILL SOMETIMES Hard to Give JESUS 👑❤️ CONTROL 😢❗️I Know It’s SOMETHING I Need To WORK ON 👍🏼👍🏼❗️I DO Read My BIBLE And GIVE Thanks But I FALL SHORT FOR SURE 😱😢😢 Thank You AGAIN 👍🏼❤️❗️❗️❗️G-d❤️Bless
Life’s struggles can be terribly distracting. I fall short, too. What a blessing it is to know that God’s grace, mercy, and love are greater than our shortcomings. He is so good! God be with you and bless you!