How to Surrender in Faith When Life is Hard

The hardest words and the ones for which I am most thankful are found in Matthew 26…
My Father, if it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet, I want your will to be done, not mine.”
Matthew 26:39
Your will be done, not mine!
They are so hard for me to faithfully and consistently say myself and yet, I will forever be thankful that Jesus was willing to say them for you and me.
I’ve had several times in my life when I’ve faced something that seemed too difficult. Nothing at all like Jesus faced but distressing nonetheless. And I have to admit that I’m more inclined to respond with kicking and screaming than with surrender.
I’ve even had occasions when just the idea of surrendering completely to God’s will terrified me. And I imagine I’m not the only one.
Jesus’ words clearly express that suffering is never easy. They also testify to the fact that He understands our human condition and affirm the truth that when we surrender to God . . . will give us whatever we need to endure whatever He allows.
Most importantly – the Father’s will that allowed for Jesus to suffer and die shows how much He loves and cares about you and me!
When we remember His love for us, His willingness to sacrifice Himself for us, and His promise to give us everything we need in all circumstances—it makes it easier for us to surrender our will to Him and…
Trust that He is who He says He is.
Believe that He keeps His promises.
Have a peace that goes beyond understanding knowing His love and all-sufficient grace are greater than anything He allows.
Now, I’ll admit it’s easier to surrender in faith to God’s will when life is easy and He’s working in ways that make me happy. It’s harder when I can’t understand my current painful situation and the road ahead looks impossible.
But He promised that He is sovereign even over the impossible.
Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”
Mark 10:27
A Prayer to Surrender in Faith When Life is Hard
So today, may we praise God for Jesus and thank Jesus for willingly surrendering to God’s will. And ask Him to give us the strength we need to follow His example.
Father, thank you for knowing our need and for sending Jesus to rescue us.
Jesus, thank you for giving up the glory of heaven to endure to challenges of humanity and suffer the punishment for our sin. Thank you for showing us the depth of Your love as You cried out, “I want your will to be done, not mine.”
Lord God, please give me the courage and strength I need to faithfully surrender in faith to Your will for me even when it is hard. By Your grace, help me trust Your promises and obey Your commands. And by the power of Your Spirit, bless me with Your peace and guide me by Your grace that I might live for the glory of Your name. Amen.
Friend, I know so many of you are trusting God as you go through a painful and difficult season. I am praying for you and asking Him to bless you with His strength and peace, as well as anything and everything else you need to endure.
He has promised…
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord, your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
On today’s note write…
With God’s Help I WILL Surrender in Faith!
God bless you today and give you everything you need as you live in His grace.
Your will, not mine, be done . . . the prayer that is always answered.
Blessings, Deb!
It is not always easy for us to do but with God’s help I do believe He will give us the strength to accomplish His will. What a gift to have His Word and Jesus’ example. God bless you!
I truly needed this reminder today. I struggle with letting God have control. I’m a “fixer”and I truly do want God’s will not mine. I want to surrender to HIM in this rough season I’m going through with my adult child. Thank you Deb for the encouraging message today.
I am sorry you are going through this rough time. I am praying for you and for your child. Thank you for visiting and for being an encouragement to me. God bless you!
It’s easier for me to surrender with my own hard things, but sometimes near impossible when it comes to a loved one’s challenges. Thank you for this much needed reminder!
What a great reminder, Patti! I think that is true for many of us . . . especially moms! 🙂 Thanks for visiting and for sharing your thoughts. God bless you!
“Life is hard” can cover so much. What’s hard for one isn’t always hard for the other and we find ourselves in so many different phases of the same journey, it’s no wonder that Jesus said so many times “love one another”. I love this post and the graphic is beautiful. Sharing! Thank you <3
Amen, Stacey! It’s why it is so important for us to lovingly and patiently listen to each other’s stories. Thanks so much for visiting and for adding this helpful thought. God bless you!
This is so important! And is a beautiful piece of writing.
Surrender is something many of us have such a hard time grasping. We look at it as losing in some way, but surrender with God goes beyond the simple win and loss mindset.
I was raised an atheist. Raised by a doctor, 2 military officers, people of education and of science…
And as a young man I developed a paralyzing disease that at my worst, left me a c-2 quadriplegic.
As my heart and lungs failed, and after my family had said their goodbyes, I prayed, for the first time in my life.
I didn’t ask to survive, I just gave(surrendered) myself to God.
As I coded I had a totally conscious experience that defied and destroyed my entire understanding of reality.
That next morning I could move my fingers…
That next morning I was a believer…
What a beautiful testimony… thanks for sharing in a world full of strangers like me… it really moved me. Blessings to you, Hugs! Genuinely… A Fellow Believer.
I’m glad it blessed you, Lily. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!
What a powerful story, David. Thank you so much for visiting and for sharing it with us. May God be with you and bless you as you testify to His love!
It is such a beautiful thing when we finally surrender control! I find I actually try to take that control back often… which seems so silly when I think about it. He has proven Himself faithful over and over again in my life! Beautiful post!
Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone, Carrie! I foolishly try to take back control on occasion as well. Praise God for His awesome patience and amazing grace! God bless you!
Thank you for this Deb. Could you explain about “today’s note” please.
What a great question, Angela! I believe surrender is a decision we make each day to pray, “Lord, I trust Your will for me. Please help me live this day for Your glory.” It is believing that He will give us whatever we need even when life is difficult. It is turning to His Word and prayer, inviting Him to guide and direct our lives. This is my desire when I prayerfully surrender my day to the Lord. I hope that helps a little. Thanks for asking. God bless you!
You wrote: On today’s note write…
With God’s Help I WILL Surrender in Faith!
I thought you meant to write in a journal.