Tell the Life-Changing Message of Good News Even If No One Listens

I love that women were the first to hear the Life-Changing Message of Good News…
“Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you back in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and that he would rise again on the third day.”
Luke 24:5–7
Can you imagine?
And those women received the angels’ message with hope and joy as they remembered all that Jesus had told them.
They were likely disappointed, however, with the reaction they received when they shared the news with the men.
But the story sounded like nonsense to the men, so they didn’t believe it.
Luke 24:11
You and I joyfully celebrated and proclaimed the life-changing message to each other just a few days ago.
A life-changing message of Good News we have to share with the world. But the message still catches people by surprise and sometimes we can be laughed at or ridiculed or even rejected. But with the Lord’s help, we can fight discouragement as we remember that the message is His. We are called to plant seeds of truth and then to trust the Holy Spirit to nurture them and help them flourish.
Like the women . . . we have been blessed with the message and a command:
Go quickly and tell…
Matthew 28:7
Go, tell, and pray that everyone who hears the words, “HE IS RISEN” will, like the disciples, one day say:
The Lord has really risen!
Luke 24:34
A Prayer to Boldly Tell the Life-Changing Message of Good News
Lord, the TRUTH of Your resurrection is a life-changing message. You are the risen Christ! And because You are alive, we too shall live. Because You are alive, I have a full and abundant life today. I have courage and strength to defeat fear, peace to defeat anxiety, and joy to defeat sadness. I have Your promises to give me hope for the future.
You have changed my life.
Today, I pray that You will give me the boldness I need to “go and tell.” Please give me a hunger for Your Word, teach me Your promises, and fill me with Your Spirit to share Your love. I know there will be times when I am laughed at, ridiculed, and even rejected for sharing Your life-giving life-changing message but it is too wonderful to keep to myself.
By Your grace, I ask that Your words to the disciples fill my heart and mind. “Look at my hands and feet, and see that it’s really me. (Luke 24:39a GW) I pray that I will cling to Your promise that You are “the resurrection and the life and that anyone who believes in You will live, even after dying, (John 11:25)
Thank you for living, dying, and rising again that I might be forgiven and given life! Thank you for filling my soul with Your life-changing message of Good News. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
The Lord has given each of us a personal story . . . one filled with His life-changing message. We don’t have to stand on our soapbox and preach . . . just tell a grace-filled story of love, promise, and hope.
On today’s note write:
HE IS RISEN and changed my life with His LOVE!
God bless you today as you continue to celebrate and share the life-changing message of the Lord’s resurrection.
It is too wonderful a message to keep to ourselves, Deb, whether people choose to listen or not. May we go into all the world with the message of Jesus’ love for us.
Thank you for scribing this powerful prayer, Deb! It has blessed and empowered me today.
Yes He is truly Risen! Alleluia! By His stripes we are healed and because of His great LOVE for us, we can go into the world and proclaim the good news. HE is risen from the dead and has breathed new life into us – He has changed each and everyone of us. We are to shine His light brightly and share it with all those we meet. Powerful words Deb and thank you!
Angela – Ireland
Thank you, Angela! Blessings, my friend!