Father, Please Help Me on the Painful In-Between Days

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I'm praying because I can relate to in-between days ... painful days of confusion, overwhelming grief and unanswered questions. #Jesus #Easter #MountainMovingPrayers #CountingMyBlessings

It’s the day between Good Friday and Easter.

And for a moment, I want to turn my attention from Jesus to His followers because I can relate to between days … painful days of confusion, overwhelming grief and unanswered questions.

I think most of us have experienced those “in-between” days. The truth is we’re all living in the “in-between” … so, I’m praying…

Father, Please Help Me on the Painful In-Between Days

Father, in-between days should be full of hope but when yesterday is painful and tomorrow is unknown … living in-between is hard.

I can imagine myself hiding in grief with Jesus’ disciples. I picture them overwhelmed with grief at Your Son’s death and terrified of those who killed Him. Confused because it didn’t turn out the way they thought it would and full of questions about what lies ahead.

Yes, I see myself grieving and afraid.

I’ve been there, between…

  • the diagnosis and the healing
  • the loss and the restoration
  • the lie and the truth
  • the lack and the provision
  • the bitter and the sweet
  • the unknown and the known

I need You, Father. I need You because You live on the side of the healing, the restoration, the truth, provision, and sweetness. You live on the side of the known and You are more than able to gently and securely take me from this in-between time and space to the one that awaits me. The one You are preparing … a future hope.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11
I'm praying because I can relate to in-between days ... painful days of confusion, overwhelming grief and unanswered questions. #Jesus #Easter #MountainMovingPrayers #CountingMyBlessings

With Your Spirit’s help, I will focus on Your promises that give me hope.

I will trust that whatever is going on in my life, You are able to renew my strength. I believe there will be days when You will help me soar but there will also be others when it will take supernatural strength just to keep moving ahead. (Based on Isaiah 40:31) And that’s okay … because You are with me.

That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? It’s what the disciples thought on that in-between day and it’s the lie I can so easily believe on my in-between days.

Their master was dead and they believed they had been left alone and I can feel alone sometimes too.

But Jesus said…

Jesus told His disciples, “Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:20


I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you.

John 14:16

Your Word also says…

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38–39

So, with Your help, I will cling to Your promises.

I will trust You on the in-between days.

The truth is … every day is an in-between day … as we live between Jesus’ ascension and His glorious return. But just like those first followers on that Holy Saturday, that new day is on the horizon. A day of hope and promise and life!

Thank you, Father! Amen.

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  1. Holy Saturday is a tough day for me, too, Deb, as I think of the uncertainty, grief and fear that befell the disciples on this fateful day long ago. We all have those in-between time when trusting in God to meet us where we are is absolutely essential.
    Easter blessings!

    1. I can’t imagine how the disciples must have felt that day! What a blessing to be on this side of the resurrection and know the beautiful gift we have all received through God’s grace, mercy, and love! Blessed Easter!

  2. Dona Forbes says:

    Thank you, Deb, I needed these prayers to focus on the promises of Our Lord, during lent and especially Holy week. Blessings, Dona

    1. Thank you, Dona! God bless you, my friend!

  3. This is beautiful and so perfect for me right now! I am living in the in-between, in between the diagnosis and the healing. I believe I have heard God speak that the healing is coming. But the waiting is hard! Easter and this Saturday are the perfect reminder to me that God is working even when we can’t see it! The in-between is temporary, and God walks with me every step of the way while I wait on his glory and provision!

    1. Waiting is hard! I am stopping to pray for you now, Rebecca … asking God to heal you and continue to give you His peace and strength. And thank you for reminding us that our in-between times are always temporary! God bless you!

  4. Beautiful Deb. I am absolutely grateful for the in-between days. I don’t necessarily like living them, but resting in the knowledge that He has it all handled. Thank you reminding us of His promises in the moments when we feel He has left us.

    1. I agree, Brittany! I often, I’ve done my most important growing in those times of being “between.” What a blessing to know we don’t have to face them alone! God bless you!

  5. Juliette Ericsson says:

    This story rings true for so much that I have gone through in my life. Those between days can be so hard, but thanks to God about I am assured that I am never alone.

    1. Amen! I completely agree, Juliette! The in-between days can be very hard but by God’s grace, we never have to face them alone! As you and I turn to Him, He is faithful to give us all we need each day … even when it is a hard in-between day! God bless you!

  6. This is my story, I’m in the in between, my husband no longer wants me, I have no home, trusting God to deliver me from this.

    1. I am so very sorry, Cheryl! I’m praying for you today and asking God to hold you close and give you a very real sense of His presence. God be with you!

  7. Amanda Mallard says:

    Thank you so much for this!
    I’m sitting in the ER with my husband right now. He struggles with alcoholism, has not eaten for days & is very sick. Even with this, he is not ready to stop drinking & is in denial that he is so sick because of the alcohol. Please help me pray, as I wait in the in between days, for his heart to seek Jesus’ help to overcome & for him soul to be renewed with purpose his Devine. God bless you! 💞💞💞

    1. I’m so sorry, Amanda! I am praying for you and your family. May the Lord intervene and work in hearts and minds giving strength and hard to understand paeace. God be with you and bless you!