You Need to Know the Trinity will Help You Repent

Rev used an egg to explain God, the Trinity, to our grandson the other day.
ONE EGG contains – shell, yolk, and the albumen or “white.” Together it is an egg and each individual part is still called an egg. Not three eggs but one egg.
The Father is God. Jesus is God. And the Holy Spirit is God. And together they are God. Not three gods but ONE GOD.
The Trinity…
is one of two important and complicated topics found in Matthew 3. The other is repentance.
- The Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all present at Jesus’ baptism.
- John the Baptist tells people to—“Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” Matthew 3:2
I think both can be confusing but they really do go hand in hand. Because without God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit loving us and offering us His gifts of mercy and grace we would never even consider repenting.
Repenting is different than confessing.
♥ Confession is defined as a formal statement admitting one’s guilt.
♥ Repentance is the action of sincere regret or remorse.
Confession says, “I did it!” Repentance says, “I’m sorry, I did it and I don’t want to do it again!”
The Biblical definition of repentance is to make a 180-degree turn from self-centered/selfish living to God’s way of living as it is explained in His Word.
This is why we need the Trinity . . . God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy.”
Matthew 3:!6–17
When you and I think about the Trinity, we can be greatly encouraged knowing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are with us impacting every decision, every fear, every emotion, and every moment. It is His plans and purposes, His will, and His power and strength supplying everything we need.
God who loves us so much gave up the glories of heaven to suffer our punishment so that we might live forever blessed by faith, hope, peace, joy, and perfect love.
You Need to Know the Trinity will Help You Repent
Father God, Thank you for loving and saving me. Thank you for working in my life in ways that show how very much I need Your mercy and grace. I am so sorry for the times I have allowed my stubborn selfishness to rule in my life and influence my choices. Please forgive me. I believe that following Your will and obeying Your commands is best. Please help me trust and obey You that I might glorify You and shine the light of Your love. Amen.
May you be blessed today as you trust God—Father, Son, and Spirit— the Trinity, to help you repent and rejoice knowing that you are forgiven and loved.
On today’s post-it note write:
I am forgiven and loved! Praise God!
I love how Rev explained the Holy Trinity to your grandson, Deb – perfect! Now, I have a beautiful symbol to share with my granddaughters to help them understand what the Trinity means.
I love the explanation for the Trinity, and will use that with my grandchildren. I got your devotional and I am excited about using. Thank you for sharing your heart and wisdom with readers.
Thank you so very much, Jo! What a lovely word of kindness. Blessings and hugs!