2 Simple Verses To Trust And Transform Your Life

There are two simple verses in today’s Psalm that prompted me to ask a couple of questions…
Do you believe God’s commands are perfect and completely trustworthy?
Your laws are perfect
Psalm 119:138
and completely trustworthy.
Do you believe God’s promises are reliable?
Your promises have been thoroughly tested;
Psalm 119:140
that is why I love them so much.
I believe the truths from these two simple verses have the power to transform the lives of those who believe them.
You see, if we believe that God’s laws are perfect and that we can trust them … we’re more likely to have the desire to obey them. If we believe that God’s promises are true and trustworthy … we’re more likely to surrender our lives to Him in faith.
The writer of Psalm 119 believed that God’s Word was truth and that it plainly gave people God’s standard of holiness. He also believed that if people wanted to experience joy and happiness it was important for them to KNOW and TRUST God’s promises and commands.
He believed that…
The teaching of Your word gives light,
Psalm 119:130
so even the simple can understand.
Which prompted me to ask … what if we’re the ones who make reading and studying the Bible complicated?
Paul wrote the following to Timothy…
For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.
2 Timothy 4:3
Since the first temptation, satan has been persuading people to doubt God’s love by telling them that He is holding out on them … that He’s stuffy, rigid, and hard to please. That disobedience is more fun, more profitable, and more entertaining than obedience.
But the writer of Psalm 119 wants us to know the truth that God’s will is…
- Righteous
- Fair
- Perfect
- Trustworthy
O Lord, You are righteous,
Psalm 119:137–138
and Your regulations are fair.
Your laws are perfect
and completely trustworthy.
God is not holding out for us. He made us. He loves us. He knows what is best for us.
And thankfully…
He also forgives us. He is gracious and merciful toward us. He is holy and just in all He does. And He is worthy of all our worship and praise now and forever.
So, you and I can join the Psalmist in praying…
O Lord, listen to my cry;
Psalm 119:169–171
give me the discerning mind You promised.
Listen to my prayer;
rescue me as You promised.
Let praise flow from my lips,
for You have taught me Your decrees.
We can cry out—Forgive me. Rescue me. Teach me. And Help me. We can ask Him to help us trust His promises, follow His ways, and praise Him now and always.
And with His help, we can say with confidence…
God’s commands are perfect and trustworthy; His promises are reliable!
Let’s pray…
A Prayer to Trust God’s Will and Promises
Father, I believe Your commands are perfect and trustworthy. I believe Your promises are reliable. Yet, I know that I can’t believe those truths without the help of Your Holy Spirit. So, I thank and praise You for Jesus, for the gift of Your Word, and for the help of Your Spirit. I can’t KNOW, TRUST, or LOVE You on my own. I won’t. I’m prone to sinfulness and selfishness. Please forgive me.
Your Word tells me that when I place my faith in Jesus and come to You in repentance through Him, You remove my sins as far as the East is from the West. (Psalm 103:12) I thank and praise You for Your love and forgiveness. And by the power of Your Spirit, You will give me the desire to OBEY and the courage and strength I need to follow through.
So, I will SEEK Your Kingdom above all else. I will spend time with You in Word and prayer that You might show me the way and help me understand. I will trust that Your plans for me are better than anything this world has to offer. And I will worship and praise You forever and always.
You are the Lord of my life. My Creator, Savior, and Spirit of Life and Truth. I give myself to You. Please give me all that I need to live a transformed life that glorifies You by showing Your love to everyone you place around me. I ask all of this in the name of the One who makes it all possible. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
So, let me ask you once again…
Do you believe that God’s commands are perfect and completely trustworthy? Do you believe God’s promises are reliable?
What would it take for you to believe those things and allow God to transform your life?
I invite you to SEEK the TRUTH. Search as though you are looking for a priceless treasure. Because you are! Nothing in this life is more important than KNOWing, TRUSTing, and LOVING God.
He is the One who makes all things possible. (Luke 18:27) He is the One who is love. (1 John 4:8) He promises that nothing can separate His children from His love. (Romans 8:37–39) And He promises those who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior and are baptized will be saved for all eternity. (Mark 16:16)
Faith in the TRIUNE GOD is the power to transform life. Faith that believes in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Faith that believes that God’s commands are perfect and trustworthy. Faith that believes God’s promises are reliable. Faith that changes everything forever.
May the Lord bless you and give you everything You need to trust His Word and transform Your life.
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Thank you, Deb. Blessings to you and Rev. Please pray for my husband and our family. 🙂
Thank you, Krista! I appreciate your visit and that you took the time to stop and say, “hello.” We are praying for you and your family. May the Lord be with you and bless you all!
Thanks Deb for another wonderful message! Know that your words inspire and uplift me and so many who read your blog! Take care my friend! Praying for you and Rev. Eunice
Thank you so very much, Eunice. I truly appreciate your kind words of encouragement and your friendship. May the Lord be with you and Rex and bless you both abundantly! Hugs!
Trusting always in God’s promises, Deb.
Me too, Martha! Me too!