5 Verses to Pray that Promise to Give Victory Over Fear

You’ve heard the sayings…
- Don’t tell God how big your fear is, tell your fear how big your God is.
- F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real
- Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.
Although there’s truth in these words, they can sound trite to…
- the parent who received a hard diagnosis about their child.
- the spouse who is suddenly widowed.
- the child whose parents are divorcing.
- the employee whose boss just gave them a pink slip.
- the family who can’t pay their bills.
It’s easy to say, “don’t be afraid” but difficult to fight fear when it’s right in front of us.
There’s a lot of truth in the following quote…
“It’s not the unknown I’m afraid of, it’s the known unknown.” ~ Author Unknown
And in the unknown, it can feel like dreadful problems are just around the corner.
I used to believe that living with fear was going to be part of my life forever.
My first memory is one of fear.
I can still picture my two-year-old self standing next to my grandmother watching out a window as paramedics loaded my mother into an ambulance. Until that day, my little world had always felt safe and secure. I was watched over and protected by my parents, my grandparents, and my aunt as we all lived together in the same duplex home.
But because my mom was sick and everyone else had adult responsibilities, I was sent to stay with my great aunt and great grandparents until my mom recovered.
At that very young, I learned—life can change in an instant.
And I was afraid…
Afraid of the dark, afraid to spend the night away from home, afraid something bad would happen to my parents, and afraid of being left alone.
If you can relate to living with fear as your close companion, you know it doesn’t leave because someone says . . . don’t be afraid, or all you need bigger faith.
Frightened people don’t want to be afraid; they would love to be free of fear but that freedom always feels just out of reach.
Why do I share all of this? Because God did something I believed was impossible. He gave me victory over fear!
And I’d love to tell you how…
♥ He proved to me that He is greater than my fears.
The Lord held me close as I lived through a couple of my greater fears. Jesus has overcome the world and that includes the things that frighten us.
He said – “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
♥ He showed me that I can trust His promises.
The Lord drew me into His Word and filled me with the truth of His promises that helped me stand in His strength when the enemy tempted me with fear.
Promises like this one from David – “The Lord always keeps His promises; He is gracious in all He does.” (Psalm 145:33)
♥ He invited me to give my fear to Him in prayer.
The Apostle Paul wrote – “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6–7)
One of the reasons I started writing Counting My Blessings was to keep myself focused on these truths while going through that season of healing and growing. And for the last 15 years, my heart’s desire is for everyone to know the Lord’s power to change lives.
If He can deliver me from fear, He can deliver you from whatever is trying to discourage and defeat you.
As I look around, fear is a problem for people. There are many who are afraid of illness, lack, and loneliness. They’re afraid for their children and what the future will hold.
You and I can help. Not with platitudes and trite sayings but with faith, hope, and love.
We can:
- Listen with Care and Compassion – Say something like, “I’m sorry you’re struggling with this, would you like to talk about it?” Listen to them with compassion and understanding. Your fears may not be the same as theirs but their fears are just as real as yours.
- Pray intentionally and persistently – Pray with them and for them.
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.
Hebrews 4:16
Our Heavenly Father listens to every prayer with perfect love. He invites us to bring our fears to Him in prayer.
I found 5 verses to pray when I need victory over fear. And I invite you to make them personal by putting your name or the name of a friend in the blanks.
5 Verses to Pray to Give Victory Over Fear
Jesus, help ___________ to know You are always with them even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
Help __________ to know that You, Lord God, will go with them. You will not leave them or forsake them. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Father, be __________ hiding place; protect them in this time of trouble and surround them with songs of victory. Guide them along the best path for life. Advise them and watch over them. (Psalm 32:7–8)
Give _________ Your peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. The peace that will guard their heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)
Father, be _________‘s refuge and strength. Be their ever-present help in this time of trouble. (Psalm 46:1)
Here’s a free printable of these prayers so you’ll have them whenever you need them. Click here.
A Prayer for Victory Over Fear
Father, You are perfect love that casts out fear. Thank you. (1 John 4:18) You are unfailing love. (Psalm 13:5) You are greater than my fear. I can trust You. (Psalm 56:3) You are my Helper. (Hebrews 13:6)
I thank and praise You. You promise that I don’t have to face my fears alone. You promise to help me when the enemy taunts me with what-ifs. And You promise to give me strength when I experience life’s challenges.
Please forgive my doubts and fears. By the power of Your Holy Spirit fill my thoughts with Your promises. And strengthen me to take every thought captive and replace it with the Your truth. (2 Corinthians 10:5) In the precious name of my victorious Lord and Savior, Jesus. Amen.
So friend, pray these for yourself. Pray them for your friends. Pray that God will make His presence known and give each of us the peace He alone is able to give.
May God be with you and bless you. May He give you victory over fear today, tomorrow, and always.
We would love to pray for you.
You can leave your prayer requests here…
and even take a few minutes to pray over the list left by our friends.
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I’ve downloaded the printable for many future uses, Deb. It’s wonderful!
May God continue to bless you and yours!
Oh yay! I’m so glad, Martha! God bless you this week!
Oh sweet Deb, your story just broke my heart. All the fear you endured at such an early age, with your mom being ill…bless your heart and thank you for sharing. But Hallelujah, God has helped you overcome! I too, used to be so fearful of everything, and even a strange smell, would send me into a debilitating panic! It has taken many years and many, many prayers and spiritual growth, along with God’s miraculous healing to help me overcome. Yes, fear still creeps in, but now I reach out in faith and trust and surrender any and all fears to God. One of my go to verses is Psalm 56:3–What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee.
Instead of fear, I pray for God to help me FLY!
F-Fear Not
L-Lean on God
Y- Yield Completely
And thank you for the prayer sheet! They are awesome and will be prayed for with so many different names, including my own. I will also include your name (just in case)
my dear friend and sister in Christ.
Oh Kathy, I can relate to your struggles, though you’re a mile ahead of me on the path of faith…. I LOVE the FLY ????????. So many times when life gets really tuff, I used to wish to be a bird and fly free…. Many blessings my friend….
I love the FLY Acronym, Kathy. I need to remember it and hold it close. God bless you and help you to FLY today and every day. Hugs!
As I was reading this message, my past flooded back in my mind. And suddenly realized that it’s very much possible that because of the emotional cruelty I experienced as a child, unconsciously I erected a wall around my heart for protection against the hurt, pain, disappointment or feeling betrayed, or unwanted. Joshua’s book always have been one of my favorite, especially the meaning of the wall of Jericho. Many times God reminded me of this event through my life while I faced difficulties. But today He showed it in a different light while I was reading your message…..I need Jesus to bring down the wall of my heart’s Jericho, tear down the stronghold that separates me from Him, so He can conquer my heart and be the ruler of it. After all, Jesus appeared to Joshua as the Commander of the Heavenly army. Yes, pray for me, for us, for Jesus’ ruling in our hearts.
Many blessings my friend
Thanks for sharing this, Gaby. I will be joining you in prayer asking the Lord to tear down the wall of pain and fear. God bless you, my friend!
Just one more thought…..
Maybe that’s why Ezekiel 16, 60 means so much to me: 60 Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you.
And Ezekiel 36….
Oh Deb! The visual of you watching your mom being put into the ambulance broke my heart. Thank you for this very tender, beautiful article, very vulnerable and heart touching! You are so right when you said: ” Your fears may not be the same as theirs but their fears are just as real as yours.” Thank you for the beautiful Scripture promises that we can personalize! Blessings sweet sister … ????????
Thank you for blessing me with your kind encouragement. I am so glad this blessed you. Praying that you enjoy a wonderful week.
Hi, Deb.
This was a powerful blessing to me today.
I struggle with lack of sleep, which makes it difficult to read when I am trying to pry myself out of bed (while stretching the very painful damaged parts of my body that are screaming at me).
I can hardly keep my eyes open, no matter how much I want to read what has been sent to me.
It would be a tremendous blessing if there was an audio version of these devotionals.
On top of all the physical pain from many, many injuries, I was fired from the company I founded, and I am searching for meaningful employment.
I also have a disabled, brain damaged sister who calls me over and over and over all day long, wailing in her misery and unable to receive comfort (due to brain damage). I feel so helpless when she is wailing in her misery, and nothing I do provide her with relief.
Hi, Dan. I am so sorry you are struggling through this difficult time. We will be praying for both you and your sister. I appreciate your suggestion for an audio version of my posts. I will have to prayerfully consider that. Thanks for your visit and for your kindness. God be with you, encourage you, and bless you.