The One Way You Can Be Laser-Focused on What Really Matters

I did a Google search for “Productivity Helps” and links to 338,000,000 articles popped up. Then I searched for “Time Management Helps” and there were so many they asked me to narrow down my group to – “self, student, employment, parent,” or several others.
The same is true of time management seminars and books – the options are endless!
I’ve learned they all have one thing in common: You must determine your highest priorities and intentionally make your efforts and time align with them.
So, what would you say are your highest priorities?
Or when it comes to how you spend your time, maybe a better question is…
How can I be laser-focused on what really matters?
Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him.
Philippians 3:8–9a
You and I want to make knowing and living for Christ Jesus our highest priority. We want to continue growing in faith and serving Him, but when I examine how I spend my time . . . I have to question whether I have really made spending time with Him a priority. Can you relate?
Well, don’t give up! Paul wrote this word of encouragement as well…
I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
Philippians 3:13b–14
So, how can you and I be laser-focused on what really matters?
We celebrate the forgiveness we have received through Christ Jesus. We make it a goal to know Him and to be like Him. We manage our time and our resources as gifts from Him to be used for Him. And we surrender to His Spirit – asking for help that nothing will distract or deter us from this goal.
A Prayer to Be Laser-Focused on What Really Matters
Father, You have given me so much! You have given me life and faith and forgiveness. You have given me a future and hope. I love You and I want to make knowing and loving You through Your Son, Jesus Christ, my highest priority. Please forgive me yet again, I allow the things of this world to distract me. I allow myself to be caught up in the noise and confusion around me. I am so very sorry!
Please help me! Fill me with the power of Your Spirit. Prompt me to become focused on Jesus . . . He is what really matters. He is my Lord and Savior. Give me a passion for Your Word – help me read, study, and understand all that You have inspired that I might SEEK and FIND all that You want for me. Give me a humble tender heart of love and service. Father, I want to love like Jesus.
Loving You, Lord, and loving others is what really matters. It is the sum and total of what You ask of me. Give me the strength I need to remain laser-focused on Your mission of love. Give me the courage I need to fight my spiritual battles. You have promised that Your children can do “all things through Christ” who gives them strength. (Philippians 4:13) Thank you, Father. Your grace is all I need every day now and forever. Amen.
What really matters?
Loving God and loving others.
You and I have been gifted by God to do what really matters . . . to show our love for Him by loving others right where we are with the gifts He has given us.
And that’s what I want to focus on as I set my priorities and plan my schedule. I want to remember that everything else is unimportant compared to knowing and loving Christ Jesus, my Lord. And with the Spirit’s help, I will forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead. Because by God’s grace what lies ahead is the heavenly prize of an eternal future in the Lord’s presence.
On today’s note write:
Loving Jesus and living for Him is what really matters!
May God bless you and give you everything you need to live in the love of Jesus today and always.
When we get right down to it, that’s all that matters, Deb. Yes, Lord, may our first and foremost focus always be on You!
That is my prayer, Martha! Hope you are having a great day! Blessings!
This is so true,but I am guilty of letting life get in the way. Anxiety and worries consume me some times. I pray to put God first in my life.
I’m asking for prayer first for my children who have fallen away from the Lord. I’m also asking prayer for myself, for an unspoken health issue and also because I have Covid. Thank you so much for your ministry and your prayers.
Thank you so much for visiting. We are praying for you and for your children. Asking God to draw your children close to Himself in faith that they might know how very much He loves them. And asking Him to heal you of all you are battling. May God be with you and bless you!
I agree wholeheartedly with you all. The world if fillef with distractions therefore help us Lord to fix our sights on you! Thank you Deb for helping us to do just that! God bless.
Angela – Ireland
Thank you, Angela! God bless you!