When You are Afraid Find the Best Help Here

I love the mountains. Not driving mountain roads. Not skiing or riding on ski lifts. The truth is … I don’t like heights.
But I love mountains.
They’re beautiful! Majestic! Mighty! And Magnificent!
Seeing a snow-capped tree-lined mountain just makes my heart happy.
Psalm 121 begins with these words…
I look up to the mountains—
Psalm 121:1
does my help come from there?
As majestic, mighty, and magnificent mountains may be, when we’re afraid and need help … it does not and cannot come from mountains.
But the Psalmist continues…
My help comes from the Lord,
Psalm 121:2
who made heaven and earth!
We can look to the mountains or to any other thing in all creation when we’re afraid but the only true source of help cannot come from the created … it must come from the Creator. The One who watches over us and cares for us…
He will not let you stumble;
the One who watches over you will not slumber.
Indeed, He who watches over Israel
never slumbers or sleeps.The Lord Himself watches over you!
The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.
The sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon at night.The Lord keeps you from all harm
Psalm 121:3–8
and watches over your life.
The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,
both now and forever.
The One who created the mountains watches over and protects His children 24/7. You and I can fully trust and rely on Him assured that He is our loving Father who wants what is best for us.
The Life Application Bible Notes add…
“We should never trust a lesser power than God Himself … not only is He all-powerful, He also watches over us. Nothing diverts or deters Him. We are safe.”
Jude, the half-brother of Jesus and brother of James, wrote…
I am writing to all who have been called by God the Father, who loves you and keeps you safe in the care of Jesus Christ.
Jude 1:1
When you and I are afraid of our present circumstances or future possibilities, we can go to God for help and protection. We can trust that He is faithfully watching over us!
Our Heavenly Father cares so much about our eternal future that He gave His only Son to save us. Jesus suffered the punishment we deserve.
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
And He cares so much about our daily lives that He watches over us as we come and go and gives us everything we need … He guides, directs, and provides for us along the best path to Him.
David wrote…
For You are my hiding place;
Psalm 32:7–8
You protect me from trouble.
You surround me with songs of victory.
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advise you and watch over you.
He is our place of safety, our protector, and our perfect parent. When we are afraid He is our best help and the One who gives us everything we need.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer for God’s Help When You’re Afraid
Father, the enemy uses anything he can to prompt fear and anxiety in our lives. Culturally and personally we’re consistently told to be frightened by what is or could happen in life. And once we are afraid, he tries to distract us with plenty of options that are supposed to help but never really do.
Whether it’s mountains, stars in the sky, or some created power … nothing can remove our fear and give us peace like You can. You tell us to not be afraid because You will help us and give us strength. (Isaian 41:10) Your Spirit wants to replace our fear with love and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7) You want us to bring our fear to You in prayer and trust You to give us peace that passes understanding. (Philippians 4:6)
So, I come to You today, Lord, trusting that You faithfully watch over me always. You never leave me and You will never forsake me. Wherever I am, whatever I do … You are with me. You are my hiding place and my protector who keeps me from stumbling.
You offer me advice guiding me along the best path for my life. Please help me walk in faith trusting Your plans and purposes for me. Please help me to daily “be still and know” that You alone are Almighty God, Majestic and Magnificent. You alone are worthy.
I praise and worship You! Please give me everything I need to trust and obey Your will. Guide me and protect me so that I might stay on the path of life You have prepared for me. Thank you Lord for making the impossible possible. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for Jesus … the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen.
The next time you are afraid, remember…
The Lord is king!
Psalm 97:1, 5–6, 12
Let the earth rejoice!
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord,
before the Lord of all the earth.
The heavens proclaim His righteousness;
every nation sees His glory.
May all who are godly rejoice in the Lord
and praise His holy name!
Woodrow Kroll wrote…
“With the power of God within us, we need never fear the powers around us.”
May the Lord Himself be your best help any time you are afraid.
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God bless you and yours Deb, and may He continue to light your path. You are a true blessing to us all.
Thank you so much, Donna! Your comment is a lovely day-brightener! Blessings!
I really needed this reassurance today, Deb. Thank you!
I’m so glad it blessed you, Martha! Hugs!
Thank you, Deb, I so needed this today. I have to admit that I have been down hearted and a bit fearful about all that is going on around us.
But I know that God is in control and His Prophesies must be fulfilled…
Psalm 62:8 Trust in Him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before Him: GOD IS A REFUGE FOR US. Selah. I too, love the mountains, Deb! They are an overwhelming beautiful and spiritual place to me, no matter the season! Blessings and love to all who visit here today!
You are so right about all of the lies and things we are told these days. I am so sorry it has brought you down. You are so sensitive and so caring and I truly do understand how you feel. It is hard to always know who to trust.
I love the mountains too. I love the beautiful Fall colors and, like you, I just love them all seasons.
I treasure your friendship here and I keep you in my daily prayers. I know that God is in charge of all things and He will do what He thinks is best for all of us. He knows the outcome of all things. Those truths keep me going, but, I admit, at times I have to constantly remind myself. That is my humanness.
God bless you sweet friend.
Oh my precious and dear friend, Sue…thank you so very much for your thoughts and prayers. I truly need them and knowing that someone is praying for you, is such a wonderful gift to receive! Your supporting words of love and encouragement mean so much! Your kindness gives a smile to my face and to my heart. And I do wear my heart on my sleeve. Things seem to just reach out and grab me sometimes, and I have choke back my tears. I used to hate that about myself until I read an article about those who are never moved to tears…
I know that God will someday make all things right, but still it hurts when evil causes so much pain to the innocent.
I keep you in my thoughts and prayers also my dear friend. I hope things are going better for you and hope ur healing well from your surgery. I am sending you all my love and hugs and so wish I could give you one in person! Your friendship is such a blessing and I am so thankful that God brought us together through Deb! I pray you have a most peaceful and feel good day!
“The kindness of a friend is always a reflection of the kindness of God.” (Becky Keife)
YOU ARE A WONDERFUL REFLECTION, my beautiful friend. ???? ????????????????
I am so glad to hear from you Kathy! I really am! I am still having some adjusting to do with this surgery thing. It will get better. It just takes time. Thank you for asking about it.
I tell you, I do understand how the news can be so upsetting these days, and with the war in Isreal it is so heartbreaking. I had to finally stop watching the news a while back. It kept me so upset and so angry and frustrated. I do keep up with things to a degree, but had to pull back on all of it. When you are a sensitive person, it really gets to you. And I know that you are sensitive, like I am and you are such a caring and empathetic person. I know it breaks your heart.
I am so thankful for this friendship with you and for Deb and her wisdom as well. She is so special and it is so nice that we can develop friendships through her as you said.
I am dealing with the family situation and just trying to let it go and let God handle it. He knows what is best for all of us and He knows the outcome of all things. I take one day at the time now. And, I try to not think about it so much. It can really get me in a down spiral if I do. I like to be positive and I trust God so much. I tell you, it sure has brought me into a closer relationship with Him. I am thankful and grateful for you and your encouragement and for Debs as well. It really helps to feel valued and appreciated. I am fortunate too, that I have such a good spouse. He is wonderful and so is his family. They are all so good to me. Also, I have one granddaughter that I am close to. She is so sweet and just the best.
I do hope that things are going well for you and your family. You sound like you have such a good husband and such a good group of siblings. You sure are deserving of that.
I truly am blessed by you and I just love hearing from you. You are loved and appreciated more than you can imagine. Love hugs to you and I hope that your week is wonderful.
It is amazing how much alike we are! I can’t watch too much of the news either. I don’t want to bury my head in the sand, but like you, with too much of it, I get angry and upset. I try and think about God’s blessings and encourage others and keep all the junk out of my mind. And I am so blessed with a great Christian family and a dear, sweet, kind, and loving husband. Though he does work too much for my taste, but hoping within these next 6 months, to transition the business to his partner and just help out on occasion. I am so praying God will bless him to do that! His dad is doing good for his age and no emergencies with him lately. Ken is leaving again Thurs. to take care of some things at the house and visit with his dad. Thank you for asking about him a while back. I am so thankful that you have a wonderful hubby and love from his family! And your grand daughter! I am sure she is precious and loves you sooo much! I wish we could exchange emails or phone numbers, so we could stay in touch more! I hope Deb and the others don’t mind us texting back and forth here! But it does gift me such a lift and I just feel a close connection to you! I remember reading your post the first time I saw your name and your words just touched my heart. I just hurt so much for you and God laid it on my heart to reach out! I am so glad I did! Hope it is not too late to send this tonite, but you can always read it tomorrow! Sleep well and may God’s Angels watch over you and all those you love! Prayers and love and blessings. You are in my heart always!
I’m so glad it blessed you! So, often the Lord knows what I need and prompts me to write along those needs. So, I’m always thankful to know that I’m not alone and that others need that same word of encouragement. I am always blessed by the way you add verses that encourage our faith and hope in the Lord. Blessings and hugs, dear friend!
It is so easy for people to tell lies and untruths these days. And, it is even harder when they tell them about us. The truth always wins. I am so thankful for this post today and also for the post on Friday. Always what I need at the right time. Thank you Deb. I am so grateful for you and as I tell you, your wisdom. Also thankful for the friends that share here. God Bless you my sweet friend. Prayers continue for you and Rev. and Sadie.
Hugs to you.
Thank you, Sue! It blesses me so much that you are here. And I’m especially thankful for your prayers. Blessings and hugs, dear friend.
you are such a blessing, The Lord has given you wonderful insight into life, wonderful to chat with a truly born again sister in the Lord, a true love for Jesus, I sent you my prayer requests, I pray you got it, it is a long testimony of God”s work in my life, I could go on for hours what is going on in my life, but most of all I desire His love, peace and Joy which is needed in my life. The Lord saved me out of a live of lving for me, mye=self and I of which was sin filled, enjoyable ( very enjoyabel for 39 years) that is another long process that I would like to share with you soon as I chat with you, Im really not a computer geek, I ‘m just lesrning hoe to use it,so please excuse my grmmar and puncuations sorry but I need to chat with you and help me to grow in Jesus, I Im limited in my life right now due to my wife passing away to be with Jesus, lost so much so quick, I was unprepared for it all which I see now was not being prepared fiancialy and not sriritualy and menaltaly. I said this to you so you could understnd my concerns about life for now and eternity, seek Godly advise help is needed here…….
Asking the Lord to meet every one of your needs, Raymond. God bless you!
Always and forever the best help is from God and His word. I go to the Bible for help and I love the verses that I jounal from time to time. There is always something there to comfort me. ” When anxiety was great within me, your consolelation brings joy to my soul.” Always a go to verse.
So much happens in this day and time that it is no wonder we all feel anxious. It is good to be a Christian and to know we have God. He gave his son to save us. Sweet Jesus.
Thank you for this post today. It is much needed. I love the quote too from Frank Peretti.
Blessings and hugs to you our sweet and faithful friend.
Thank you, Sue! I can’t imagine trying to manage fear and apprehension on my own. I couldn’t do it without the Lord’s help. His promises and the hope His Spirit gives helps me through each and every day. Thank you for you kind comments. I am so thankful for you and your sweet friendship.
Deb, I love your prayers! I’m saving this one to return to when the things God asks me to do seem intimidating and very big.
Thank you so very much, Rebecca. I truly appreciate your kind encouragement. Blessings!
Good morning, Deb.
Thank you. I needed this reminder. Truly a blessing. God bless you richly.
Thank you, Alprescia! God bless you!