Jesus Healed 10 But Only 1 Life Was Changed Forever

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10 men came to Jesus for healing but only 1 returned to thank Him. That 1 was healed completely inside and out . . . a blessing that changed his life forever. #Gratitude #Thankful #Healing #ChangedLife #CountingMyBlessings

Have you ever prayed in desperation…

Jesus, if you __________ then I will __________?

Leprosy was a highly contagious disease of the skin that terrified people. For that reason, people who had it were completely isolated from their families and communities. They were even called “unclean.”

After the past year, it’s easy for us to see how easily people can isolate themselves out of fear of illness.

What if you heard there was a “Healer” in town? Someone who could make it possible for you to LIVE a normal life again? Not a “new normal” but a full healthy interactive life with those you love and care for?

10 men came to Jesus in need of a miracle.

I wonder if they were thinking, “If Jesus heals me, I will be so thankful . . . I will __________.

But how often do we think or even pray, “If Jesus __________ I will __________ and then we don’t?

Life distracts us and we go back to our old routines and habits.

But for one of the 10, the physical healing of His body led to a simple response of gratitude that led to a life-changing word from Jesus.

One of them, when he realized that he was healed, turned around and came back, shouting his gratitude, glorifying God. He kneeled at Jesus’ feet, so grateful. He couldn’t thank him enough—and he was a Samaritan.

[Jesus] said to him, “Get up. On your way. Your faith has healed and saved you.”

Luke 17:15–16, 19 (MSG)

Jesus gave him the greatest healing of all. He changed this man’s life forever, not only healing him physically but healing him spiritually.

Gratitude changes our lives. We are healed by God’s mercy and saved by His grace. And a thankful heart and life of gratitude opens us to a life of praise that blesses us and glorifies God.

10 men came to Jesus for healing but only 1 returned to thank Him. That 1 was healed completely inside and out . . . a blessing that changed his life forever. #Gratitude #Thankful #Healing #ChangedLife #CountingMyBlessings

A Prayer of Gratitude
and the Healing of a Changed Life

Father, please help me want Jesus more than anything. Help me want the Healer more than the healing. Help me come to You in faith with my needs but even more than that . . . help me come to You with gratitude for all You have done and continue to do for me.

You have changed my life! You forgive my sins and give me faith. You heal me physically but more importantly, You heal me spiritually. Because of Your grace, mercy, and love, I have everything I need today and the hope of having everything I need for all eternity.

Please help me to keep my heart and mind focused on You. Help me trust and obey Your will for me. Help me live a changed life of gratitude for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

10 men came to Jesus for healing but only 1 returned to thank Him. That 1 was healed completely inside and out . . . a blessing that changed his life forever. #Gratitude #Thankful #Healing #ChangedLife #CountingMyBlessings

When you and I focus on ourselves and forget to live with gratitude we open ourselves up to all kinds of temptation and sin. But running back to Jesus in gratitude opens our hearts to know and love Him more and more.

On today’s note write:

Today, I will pray to live my life changed by gratitude.

Read the rest of Luke 17 here.

May God bless you today as you thank Him for His gift of a life changed by His grace, mercy, and love.

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  1. Having a gratitude attitude changes everything, Deb, and we should always be grateful for Jesus and all He has done for us.
    Would you pray for my husband, Danny? He is going to undergo a heart cath today to see why his pacemaker shocked him on Friday. I’m so beside myself right now, but am trusting in the Lord that all will be well.

    1. Martha, Rev and I are both praying for Danny today! Will be anxious to hear that all is well. God bless you both!

  2. Martha, i will be praying for your husband, Danny that God will return him to complete health…and thank you Deb, for being such a wonderful servant to God and sharing His love and grace with all of us! You and Martha, who always is your first comment, are wonderful blessings to so many! Love and blessings for a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you, Kathy! I am blessed by both you and Martha! You are such faithful readers and commenters. I sure do appreciate you both!!

      1. I may not post a comment every day, but i do read your posts faithfully and love that i get to read it everyday now!! My anxiety has gotten the best of me lately and your words are such a comfort and uplift to my heart and my faith. So much going on in our country, along with all the everyday messes that life can sometimes throws at us, admittedly has taken me for a spin! So I am ever so grateful that your posts always gives me such encouragement. I too, would like to request a prayer for my frustration and anxiety. I know God is in control, but seems the harder I try, the more circles I go in! Bless you dear friend, for being such a wonderful inspiration and a friendly face to see every morning!! It helps more than you know! Hugs and prayers for you too!!

  3. Thank you Debbie. You always seem to have a timely word for me. It is hard not to focus on the healing physically aspect. Like the man said to Jesus, I want to say also, I do believe, help me with my unbelief.

  4. Angela Cahill says:

    Thank you Deb for this post. A “grateful” heart before the Lord, transforms us, bringing with it healing of the spirit. Your words and those from scripture, have poured ointment and soothed my soul. …Dear Martha, I hope the operation went well for your husband Danny….may God bring His healing and peace to your heart during this time. God bless.

    Angela – Ireland