12 Helpful Posts that will Make Your Marriage Stronger
The average temperature at that time of the year was 36°F. But on this day, March 11, in 1972, the sun was shining and the winds calm. It was a balmy and beautiful 49°F in Birmingham, Michigan.
Why do I remember the weather on this day 47 years ago?
Well, you may have guessed … it was our wedding day!

Marriage is an adventure, isn’t it?
One of my favorite sayings about marriage is…
“Marriage is not a big deal, it’s a bunch of little deals!”
Here are 10 “little” things Rev and I believe are important for a happy and strong marriage…
- Make the Lord the center of your lives … talk about your faith and the ways the Lord is working in your lives.
- Keep your promises … be reliable, it speaks to your character.
- Use your words … disagree without being disagreeable.
- Forgive quickly … don’t let anger control you.
- Express gratitude … speak affirmation and appreciation often and complain rarely.
- Be honest … say what you mean and mean what you say.
- Protect your marriage … set boundaries with others out of respect for your relationship.
- Celebrate the little things … events, milestones, and anniversaries.
- Have fun … never stop laughing, playing, and flirting with each other.
- Believe in each other … be your spouses biggest cheerleader.
Just for fun, I invited some of my friends to share their most popular marriage posts.
Just click on the graphics to check out their tips to make your marriage stronger.
12 Helpful Posts that will Make Your Marriage Stronger
I love this post from my friend, Marva Smith, at SunSparkleShine.
Her tips are practical and important.
One of my favorites is … Feed the Right Wolf.
You’ll have to head over to find out what it means.
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Everyone goes into marriage looking for their “happily ever after.”
But that doesn’t happen by accident.
Tiffiney Holmes at Welcome Home Ministry has 5 action steps that will help you achieve the “happily ever after” you want for your marriage.
Have you heard the expression, “Don’t Front?” I had not … but I like it!
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My friend, Carmen Brown, at Married by His Grace is wise beyond her years, especially when it comes to giving marriage advice.
Do you speak life into your marriage? You know … those words of encouragement that creatively tell your spouse just how much you love them.
If you’re running short on creativity … you’ll find plenty of ideas here.
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Shannon Geurin never fails to touch me with her willingness to make herself vulnerable by honestly sharing her story … and she does it because she wants to bless and encourage you.
If your marriage feels broken and you want to pray but you don’t know where to begin … I promise you, these 5 prayers will help you turn your spinning thoughts into much-needed prayers.
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We don’t like to talk or even think about setting boundaries in our marriages but there are times when they become important.
Sarah Geringer found herself in that situation and is sharing her story. And the good news is … “the boundaries eventually produced a harvest of righteousness and peace for both of us.”
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Beth Steffaniak at Messy Marriage – Raw, Real, Redemptive.
I love that! Beth has been counseling couples for more than 25 years and she tells it like it is when it comes to marriage. If you’re looking for a consistent dose of marriage advice you need to visit Beth often.
This post is one of my favorites. Rev and I believe that laughter and fun are important ingredients for a strong marriage. So, if you need some ideas … check this out.
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This post from my friend, Lori Schumaker, is the final post in her series … Building a Lasting Love Story and it’s awesome!
For this post, Lori asked her parents to share what they thought it takes to build a lasting love story. And they had lots to say and Lori made a list.
One of my favorites … “If you loved each other once, you can always love each other again.”
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Have you ever felt like your marriage is dry, desolate, and hopeless? Maybe you’re there now.
Valerie Murray and Cord of 6 wants to point you to hope through the One who is able to restore and rebuild even the most hopeless situations. And if your marriage needs an extra measure of prayer, she’s written 31 Days of Marriage Mending Prayers.
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I love this post from Dawn Klinge at Above the Waves.
She says, “Some ideas for love in action that speak loud and clear. Some of the most powerful ways to say, I love you, don’t even use words….”
And she’s right! Check it out. I’m curious to know if she listed your favorite or if you have an “I love you” to add.
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When life gets crazy and you and I get overwhelmed it can be hard to keep all the warm fuzzies alive in our marriages. Seriously, sometimes it feels like we’re just managing “fly by’s.”
That’s what I love about this quick read from Nicki Schroeder at Showered in Grace. She’s making it her mission to do the tough work and love well … even in the middle of the mess.
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And I just had to share a couple of my posts, too.
This one is a favorite. I went to my friends and asked them…
And wow, did they deliver! You’re going to love it! I would really love to know how you would answer that question.
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Do you ever find yourself mentally grumbling about your spouse’s shortcomings? Things they neglect or ignore? Jobs you end up doing yourself because you’re tired of asking? Little annoyances that get on your nerves?
Don’t we all?
Years ago, God asked me a “what if” question during one of my moments of grumbling … and I’ve been asking “what if” questions ever since.
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Make sure you bookmark or Pin this page so you can read all these great posts and refer back to them often.
Don’t forget to click on the graphic to head over to the post.
One more thing.
Here are a few of my favorite marriage quotes to inspire you…
Great marriages don’t happen by luck or by accident. They are the result of a consistent investment of time, thoughtfulness, forgiveness, affection, prayer, mutual respect, and a rock-solid commitment between a husband and a wife.
Dave Willis
God doesn’t want me to be a ‘fix him’ wife, God wants me to be a ‘love him’ wife.
Lysa TerKeurst
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:9,12b
Such great stuff, Deb! Thanks for sharing these links to God’s Truth in marriage. Hugs!
Honored to be included in this post. Pinned all of these great posts!
Thank you for including me among these other great bloggers who champion marriage, Deb! I’m honored and humbled all at the same time. And I love the list of 10 little things to do in marriage–that are really make a BIG impact in so many ways! Pinning this one for sure! Consider yourself cyber-hugged!
So much amazing wisdom all in one place!! Thanks Deb. Even after 27 great years I still need to continually learn and invest in my marriage.
Hey Deb, I believe this round up of marriage posts is going to be-off-the-charts helpful to many wives. I’m honored to be included. Thank you!
All of these posts look super awesome, but I especially love this quote by Lori’s parents: “If you loved each other once, you can always love each other again.” Oh, and I’m glad you like the slang word “front.” It’s so fun for me to take being 17 again. ????
This is such a wonderful article packed with great nuggets
I’m so glad it blessed you, Stacy! I’m really thankful my friends were willing to allow me to share their wisdom here with all of you! Blessings!
Oh, I just love these, Deb. Of course you know I’ll be pinning this all over.
I’m so grateful for you and Rev’s example which shows us how to love well. God bless you both!
Thank you, Marva! I sure am thankful for you!