12 Things You Need to Know about God that will Make You Humble


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Welcome to week four in the Countdown to #1 Summer Series here at CMB.

Before we get to the post, I want to share with you something that hit me this week about God’s awesome timing.

You see…

I’ve struggled with insecurity big time the past couple of weeks and as I’ve read many of your posts I’ve realized, I’m not alone!

Friends the enemy is working overtime on God’s people in an effort to discourage and defeat them. And I’m guilty of falling for his tactics.

But, I realized something this week while studying Paul’s words to the Romans.

I’m discouraged and insecure because I’ve taken my focus off Jesus and spent waaaay toooo much time thinking about me. (That never works very well, does it?)

Paul wrote in Romans…

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? No! Despite all these things, [ troubles, calamity, persecution, hunger, poverty, danger, or even death] overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loves us! Romans 8:35, 37 (paraphrase mine)

You and I are the victorious children of the God of the universe who loves us so much He gave His only Son to die for us.

I need to keep my focus on Him!

So, I’m laying my insecurity at the feet of Jesus and asking Him to help me keep my focus on my Father – the one who is able to turn a shepherd boy into a giant slayer and a brother sold into slavery into a national leader.

Friend, our Father is able, and when you and I focus on who He is we can humbly surrender our insecurities and failures trusting Him to replace them with all we need to live in victory.

Countdown to #1 – Post #5!

You and I can not only know about God we can know Him and the more we know Him the more humble we are and the more victorious we become. That's Good News!

The measure of humility in your life and mine will always be in direct proportion to what we believe to be the truths about God.

Did you know that every time someone came in direct contact with God in His glory as it’s recorded in Scripture they were flattened? Flattened!

In God’s presence, humility happens naturally! Can you imagine?!

So, for a few minutes, I want to take my focus off myself and take a closer look at Him. I want to not only know about God, I want to know Him! I believe I’ll come away with some much needed natural humility and knowing my heavenly Father … I’ll be blessed with several other things He knows I need, too.

12 Things You Need to Know about God
that will Make You Humble

God is…

CreatorMaker of the vast universe and the tiniest microorganism. Creator of plants and animals. Everything demonstrating His incomprehensible imagination and yet He is personal enough to create one of a kind individuals like you and me.

From the very beginning, the Word was with God. Through Him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without Him. John 1:2–3

O Lord, You are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by Your hand. Isaiah 64:8

Redeemer – His love for each of the people He created is so immense He would rather die for you and me than live separated from us.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23–24

Spirit – He is truth and wisdom, helper and comforter, given to you to show His immeasurable love.

And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love. Romans 5:5


You and I can not only know about God we can know Him and the more we know Him the more humble we are and the more victorious we become.

All-knowing – He is big enough to make it all. Redeem it all. Guide it all. And He understands it all. Yet, He is personal enough to know the number of hairs on your head.

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:13

All-powerful – He is big enough to care for everything through His protective power and personal enough to care for and about you.

But God made the earth by His power; He founded the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heavens by His understanding. Jeremiah 10:12

Ever Present – He is big enough to cover the vast reaches of space and personal enough to know each heartfelt prayer.

Where can I go from Your Spirit?
    Where can I flee from Your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, You are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, You are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there Your hand will guide me,
    Your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139:7–10

Eternal – He is without beginning and will have no end – and through Jesus, He has made it possible for us to spend an unending future in His presence.

To the King that rules forever, who will never die, who cannot be seen, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. 1 Timothy 1:17

Just – He is fair and unbiased. All His ways are perfect. He is the Way, Truth, and Life!

“Great and marvelous are Your works,
    O Lord God, the Almighty.
Just and true are Your ways,
    O King of the nations.
Who will not fear You, Lord,
    and glorify Your name?
    For You alone are holy.”
Revelation 15:3–4a

Merciful – Though He is just He is forgiving. His love is perfect and personal as He, through Jesus, removes the punishment our sins deserve.

The Lord is kind and does what is right; our God is merciful. Psalm 116:5

Gracious – He provides. He protects. He meets every need and gives us blessings we could never deserve.

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16

12 Things You Need to Know about God that will Make You Humble by Deb Wolf @ Counting My Blessings

The Way, The Truth, The Life – Jesus, the Son of God, our Redeemer, is the way of salvation, absolute truth, and the promise of life.

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Love – Perfect unimaginable love. Poured out for you and me. He alone is worthy of our worship, praise, and complete love forever and always.

God is love. This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:9–10

I’ve only touched the surface. There is no way to completely know about God … to describe, explain, or understand Him.

John said:

Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written. John 21:25

And Jesus said:

Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father!  John 14:9

He’s given us what we need to know and love Him.

Although, He is greater than our minds can comprehend … He is personal, caring, and loving enough to provide for even our deepest needs.

So, good-bye insecurity! Through Jesus, you and I are perfectly secure.

Even more than secure … we have overwhelming victory over anything the enemy throws at us.

Now that’s humbling!

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  1. I like the word, “Gracious” – I’m glad to read this post, and I’ve shared it with my friends and family on my Facebook 🙂 Thank you for hosting this party.

  2. His ways are past finding out, yet He bears and forbears with our foolish ways. Thanks for this post, Deb. Blessings to you.

  3. With all that’s going on in our world today, I so needed this reminder that I can be safe and secure in God. It’s all in His amazing and capable hands.
    Blessings, Deb!

  4. Hi Deb! Thanks for the post. Humility is something we strive for so thank you so pointing us to God’s attributes. It truly is His character that shows us his vastness and where we stand before him. God bless 🙂

  5. Insecurity is definitely on my mind as I wrote about jealousy this week. And I agree. The answer is to turn our eyes from inward to upward. laurensparks.net

  6. Debbie Putman says:

    God’s love alone humbles me. He knows the truth about me and yet He loves unconditionally, constantly, forever.

  7. Deb- Our God is so amazing isn’t He?!!! Thanks for sharing this 12 things. I look forward to your count down to #1 🙂 Thanks for hosting.

  8. I asked God once to lmk whenever I was proud. It wasn’t a pretty sight nor week! My view of God affects EVERYTHING. Thanks, Deb. You’re terrific and don’t let your mind tell you anything different. (:

  9. I loved reading about our amazing God. Thank you! Feeling so blessed to be a part of his family.

    Thank you for linking up with Grace and Truth Christian Link-Up.

  10. Love all of your message this week Deb! The pictures and the verses! Thanks for hosting!

  11. I love these reminders that keep me humble. It’s interesting how pride can sneak into our hearts without us realizing it until we get a timely reminder! ♥ And thank you, sweet friend, for the feature!
    Much love,

  12. We truly do serve an awesome God! The more we get to know Him, the more it should humble us. Blessings and thanks for hosting.

  13. These 12 things are totally humbling. Thankyou Gail for your wisdom. We all feel inadequate from time to time. I believe that you speak a lot of truth. One day we will meet in heaven.

    1. Thank you, Barbara. We used to have a wonderful friend who would remind us, “Isn’t heaven going to be great, no more goodbyes.” I look forward to meeting you there. God be with you and bless you.