5 Ways to Know if Something is From God

Do you ever wonder whether you are following God’s will or plan for you?
Do you worry that you might be headed in the wrong direction?
Do you wish God would write His will for your day on your to-do list?
Yep, me too!
Since his ordination, Rev has received calls to serve at various ministries and I’ve had to decide whether I should go back to teaching full-time, part-time or if I should stay at home.
And work is just the beginning, isn’t it?
How many children should we have? Where should our children go to school or should we homeschool? Where should we live? Is that the right house for us? The right church family? When should I retire?
What should I do?
The questions go on and on.
Sometimes it’s easy to tell where God wants us, other times are harder.
Life decisions can cause some of the greatest stress in our lives.
So the question we all want to know is…
How can you and I know if something is from God?
There are some things we can do to test a situation as we ask for God’s guidance and seek His will.
5 Ways to Know if Something is From God
1. Pray
Begin with prayer. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? It is.
Start by asking God to show you His specific will for you in this situation.
Pray that the Lord your God will show us what to do and where to go. Jeremiah 42:3
2. Glorify God
Ask – Does this glorify God?
God will never guide you to do something that will not give Him glory.
Ask yourself, “Does this bless my relationship with my family? Does it make it possible for me to serve others? What will my attitude be if I do this? Etc.”
Give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Romans 6:13
3. Agree with Scripture
Does it agree with Scripture?
God gave us His Word to show us His will. You and I can trust the counsel of the Bible.
You never have to ask God if it’s His will for you to embezzle from your employer or dish the latest dirty detail about your neighbor.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 2 Timothy 3:16
4. Be Willing to Wait
Be patient. God’s will is worth the wait. Trust His timing.
If something is God’s will, He will guide you while you wait and bring it to pass. Don’t rush it – when the timing is right God will let you know.
Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord. Psalm 27:14
5. Trust God to accomplish His will in your life
God will fulfill His promises and accomplish His will for you.
I’ll admit, I’ve gotten impatient at times. I want a clear answer and I want it now! But I’ve learned I can watch and wait . . . God will do what He says He will do, and He will accomplish His will.
Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Ephesians 3:20
Not everything in life is clear. There will be times when you will do all the above and still be uncertain about God’s direction for you.
That’s okay.
You can trust that if God wants something specific in your life He will guide you to it.
If you’ve gone through the 5 step process and still have no clear answer . . . just keep moving. Make a choice. The good news is if you are trusting and glorifying God with your life you can move ahead confidently.
Rev and I have had times when the choice was clear . . . so clear in fact, we had to change our plans midway.
We’ve occasionally used a “fleece” to ask God for guidance. You can read about Gideon and how he used a fleece to confirm God’s direction, here. No, we haven’t actually asked God to leave dew on lamb’s wool but we have asked Him to clearly show us His will through events that made it easier for us to make decisions.
And I will honestly tell you, there have been a few times when we went through our list of five and still felt uncertain about what we should do.
So, we just lived each day…
And you can too!
Trust God’s love . . . lean into His grace and mercy. You can be confident that God will make any specific plans He has for you clear. You don’t have to live in fear of His displeasure when you seek His will through these 5 steps.
Pray, glorify God, study the Scripture, be willing to wait, and trust God’s ability to work in your life.
Your Father is with you.
He wants what is best for you and He is able to accomplish it!
Go for it! Live your life for His glory and honor. Praise Him!
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11–13
♥ This is a repost of my most popular post. I’m leaving all the comments as I know they will bless you.
I like the “God wants me to-do list” idea, Deb – maybe I should revise my to-do list to say that each day. 🙂 I was thinking of the Boring book as I read your last point – about how God will find us if He wants us to do something specific for Him. I am really enjoying that book. I should read it today because I’m bored and thinking life should be more exciting! Maybe it’s because I’m on Day 10 of the Daniel Fast and life seems a little boring without coffee and ice cream!
What is this book called that you are talking about? Boring book?
This was wonderful as I have been struggling with Gods will for me for sometime now. Thank you.
I am so glad it bless you, Fran!
I was blessed by the way you explained how to know if anything its from God
May you be used greatly by Him The Lord of Host the Great I Am
I am so glad this blessed you, Petunia! Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to bless my day with your kind encouragement! God bless you!
Hello Deb,
Your book has helped me so greatly. I appreciate your wisdom and knowledge from God to all who may not know God’s Will and plan for their lives. Thank you, this is truly a blessing to all. Be blessed.
Thank you so much for your kind encouragement, Fairland! God bless you!
Hey Deb, I would like it if you kept me in your prayers. I’m in the midst of making a life changing decision and I’ve been praying but to no avail so I need all the prayers I can get.
I am praying for you, Akosua! Asking God to guide you as you move forward in faith. God bless you!
I am greatly blessed by this, many thanks and God God bless you! Blessing from Nigeria.
Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to say hello from Nigeria! May the Lord be with you and bless you with love and encouragement.
Thanks I have gone thru the five steps in understanding if something is from GOD and GODs will in my life.
Seriously speaking I need your prayers. My financial position has been so bad and it has really drained my energy, kindly pray for me that am restored financially, thsnks
We are praying for you, Julius. Thank you so much for visiting and for asking us to pray. May the Lord be with you, bless you, and surround you with His love and encouragement.
Thank you so much for blessing me Deb
Thank you so much for visiting! I’m so glad you were blessed!
Good day Deb ,thank you for this powerfull teaching.
I will follow it. Deb my confusion is ,i am a retired reistered nurse and all my nursing years my desire was to open a hospice for terminally ill people ,i even tried to get advise registerd it and also tried to get some contribution .
I prayed for it ,people also prayed for me.
A person also saw hospital beds and me worked there but all came to nothing annd i stopped that dream thinking that i am too old for that now. I sm 64 years old now but i am stable and strong .
Does it mean that it was not God s specific will for my live .
Help me pray for His will while i am still able
Thank you Deb and God bless you for this powerfull teaching Amen
Those are tough moments in our lives . . . when we end up wondering if we heard God’s will for us and what to do with our questions going forward. I love your heart to help people who are going through the unimaginable. And I wonder if there may not be a group you could work with rather than starting one of your own. I know there are several hospice programs throughout the U.S. I don’t know where you live but possibly you could find a program that would be blessed to have you join them in caring for others. God bless you! I will be praying for you!
Hello ma’am
When it comes to issues like this I think it’s very easy to see Gods will for your life. Since this is something you have passion for, I will say that it is God that put that desire in your heart.
All over scripture we see that age is not something God considers when he wants to use a person. See Sarah, Gideon, Noah etc. It is not too late for you sis.
If you asked God for a sign to start, take this comment as a sign! I believe you can do it. Do you not trust God for long life? You have at LEAST 30 years remaining on earth. That’s a lot to do amazing things! The best part is you will leave this earth with something tangible. A foot print. Something you can handover to generations. Something that has your name on it.
God is with you!!!
Thank you, Anne, for your kind encouragement for Renathe! I appreciate your visit and that you took the time to bless this community. God be with you.
Hi, my name is Mpho. I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. I’m excited that I serendipitously landed on this chat.
I also love and serve Jesus. I am also on the Daniel’s fast;seeking God’s will for my life. I am reaching to a poverty-stricken community in Honeydew, South of Johannesburg. My wife and I started ministering to this community since March 2015 after receiving a word from the Lord.
We see very little fruit, it is hard to connect with the people here. Many times, we were tempted to stop doing it. We have lost a lot – money and resources in endeavor to do God’s ‘will’.
We are on fast praying and seeking God’s face about this. We are desperate to hear from God about His plan, direction and purpose for our lives.
I am 64 years and my wife is 57. Did we really hear from God?
Please pray that God will speak to us. We are presently reading Andy Stanley’s book: VISIONEERING – a glorious read indeed.
May God bless you, your wife, and your ministry. I’m asking God to encourage you, guide and direct you, and help you see the fruit of your labors by His grace and for His glory!
I would love to know what the book is!
I love these guidelines and how scripture based they are. Pinning for a reminder when I need it- and I know I will!
Thank you, Kelsey. I’m so glad this blessed you. Thanks for stopping by and for leaving such kind encouragement. God bless you!
That was awesome and def needed
I Know sometimes we think about what direction God wants us to go, he has shown me a couple of times. I was meant to be a care giver. Back when I was younger we had no money and I prayed for God’s help! I never graduated from high school so a job was hard for me to find I started running a day care which brought in enough money for my family.
Then at the age of 60 I went to school with God’s help and became a C.N.A. and now work for hospice. I love my job and thank God every day for all the wonderful gifts he has given me . I heard a story once, what if God only gave you what you told him you were thankful for yesterday. Be sure to thank him for everything in your life. Like the song says he walks with me and he talks with me. Let him talk to you to. Thank you
Congratulations, Candy! How wonderful to have followed what God placed on your heart and have this beautiful calling of helping others. I love this! And it shows that we’re never too old to follow what He is leading us to do. God bless you!
Wow, you’ve encouraged me to pursue my education, I’ll be 40 this year and I’ve put it off long enough, God bless you for sharing your life
Aracely, good for you! I pray this is a huge blessing for you! Stay in touch and let me know how I can pray for you along the way! God bless you!
Wow! I will be be 60 and I’ve been going back and forth about what to do next. I prayed for direction and found your post. Thank you for sharing your good news. Lord – I’m not done!! ?
You are definitely not done, Pam. I believe if God gives us this day there is something for me to do! God bless you!
Hi Candy, when I was reading your comment, I thought I was reading my own experience, with a few exception. I have worked private duty home care for 17 years and went back to school to get my license at 61 so I could work at a Hospice House.
Happy to share more if opportunity opens, there lots to tell of God’s supernatural leading and help.
Being in the center of God’s will is an Amazing place to be, to God be ALL the Glory!!
Thanks for reading!!
What a blessing i to always wanted to be a caregiver because that was my calling, and God privided everything i needed to go to school to get my c n a license so to God be all the glory and He made a way i didnt have to pay for anything, so yes when it’s God’s will He will provide
Wow, That’s amazing, I am almost 51 and God has me going to Hospice volunteer classes, I don’t know where this will lead, but maybe There is a good plan God has for me, that I haven’t been able to see yet, I’ve searched, tried many jobs but nothing ever really stuck, Everyone else has kids and careers , I’ve feel left behind, God did not choose children for us, and I’ve never had a career, just job hoping, but I’ve always enjoyed helping people, so I volunteer alot, and hospice just made sense, so I am encouraged, by your words, There is hope for me yet. Thankyou
Oh, Donna, I love this! I always believe that God has a purpose in each day He gives us. Whether we realize it or not, we are always touching lives in one way or another. Volunteering is a beautiful way to touch lives and you are going to be helping individuals and their families at a very emotional and difficult time. I believe this will not only be a blessing to those you help but I believe God will use this to bless you as well. Thank you so much for visiting and sharing this with me. I praying for you! God bless!
Thank you for sharing.
I am 60, have worked with children for 31 years. I love teaching, but with the Covid-19 going on , I have not been able to return to work yet due to a heart condition I have had for 25 yrs. My husband is retired and wants me to be home for awhile to be safe. I’m praying about my next move with my career. God bless you on your as you minister to many…
Oh, Tina, that is a big decision. I am praying for you and asking God to help you decide and give you peace in the process and beyond. God bless you!
That was very inspiring. May God Bless You in all that you do..????????????
Thank you, Natalynn. I so appreciate your kind encouragement.
You did a great job. Well done, keep up the great work. God bless!
Thank you so much! Your encouragement is truly a blessing! God’s blessings to you in all you do!
Words cannot describe how helpful this was to me this morning
I needed this exactly at this moment and time. God Bless You!
Loved this post. This is has given me some clarity with which path to follow. Sometimes it’s hard to know where God wants you to be or what he would like you to do
I agree, Caroline! I’m so glad this blessed you! Thanks so much for stopping to let me know! God’s blessings to you as you make your decision on the path God wants for you.
Please pray for Eric who is wanting to get into college for a program in architecture.
Pray for acceptance and that he will do well. He has waited
I have had 12 heart attacks and I have diabetes along with stage 4 kidney failure. To add to all of that I am in a loveless marriage. I know God wants me to do his will but I have know idea what that could be. What I do know is that when death comes I would like a peace of mind and to be with someone who loves me dearly and who is equally yoked with me. HELP!!
Gail, I’m so sorry that you have experienced so many difficulties! I am praying God will meet your needs and cover you with His peace. More than anything I’m praying you will know His love and the love of people around you! God bless you!
Hello There,
This was a good article. I really enjoyed reading it. I did want to point out that in #3 you have highlighted 1Tim 3:16 with the wrong verse.
“Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory.”
1 Timothy 3:16 NIV
Thank you so much, I so appreciate knowing about my typos. I have it corrected to 2 Timothy 3:16. Many blessings to you and thank you also for your kind encouragement!
This article really blessed me and gave confirmation on things and answers I have been praying about and waiting for! I just have to continue to trust the Lord and patiently wait for His answers, guidance, direction and promises.
Thank you
Thank you. I have been researching scripture to learn how to pray for God’s Will in my life. This post from you has blessed me. I usually just read and move on, but this … I had to leave a comment to. Thank you for allowing GOD to use you to bless me with answers.
Now, I will wait for GODS WILL. Thank you!!
I would like a prayer for restoration of faith
Marlene, yes. We might find at times that we have lost our faith but the Lord can restore anything in our hearts. If you ask you shall receive. I will pray for you!
I love this message, it really heals my soul.
Our daughter has not allowed us to see our granddaughter for almost 3 years now. My husband and I are so hurt. We miss Raven so much. Raven lived in our home for 8 years and it is so hard to understand the reason why this situation continues!
I’m asking for assistance with prayer!
Deanna, I’m so sorry. I know the pain of a child’s rejection. Praying for your hurting heart and that the Lord will make a way for a restored relationship with your daughter and granddaughter! God bless you!
Hi Deanna, our hearts are with you,,, please know you are in our thoughts and prayers for restoration there’s nothing like missing a grandchild being estranged from them,,, we are where you are we have 3 grandchildren we haven’t seen over year now,, DIL is a Narcissist,,, we understand your pain and grief,, it’s hard grieving for a living person/s may God give you peace and strength,, He is in control,,, hang in there your not alone…. we’re here with you????
I so desperately need prayer. I’ve been sick for 4 1/2 years & been to alot of doctors & we are waiting on God’s will for my life whether He wants me to be well or not. I want to live by the Bible Scripture Psm. 118:17 I shall not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord. I do not know God’s plans for me but I do know that I do not want to die at least not yet. Can someone please pray for healing for me because I don’t want to be in pain or sick anymore. I trust my dear Lord & Savior & I love Him so very much. Sincerely Cheryl
Oh, Cheryl. I’m so sorry! I’m lifting you up to the Lord knowing He hears the cry of your heart and loves you so much. Asking Him to heal you and restore your strength, to give you His peace, and surround you with whispers of hope and love. God bless you.
Get the book 10 hours to Live. A true story of healing and supernatural living by Brian Will.
Thank you, Marty! I’ll check it out! Blessings!
Dear Cheryl,
I just happened upon this site for the first time and I came upon your story. I will add you to my prayers and I am so glad to report that even though I have been in your situation for years, I am a witness that God is so very capable of sending you the correct doctors and healing your pain!!!!!! Be sure to listen to God’s voice, continue to pray, and know that He loves you very much !! I’m praying for guidence regarding a third surgery on my back, but I know He is with me and has stopped horrible pain from stopping my life before!!! I love my kids, my friends, plants, and my dog!!! But I dearly love God for paying attention to little old me!!!!! And thank you so much Deb for you blessed and helpful site!!!!
Annette, Thank you so much for visiting and for adding your prayers and encouragent. God bless you!
This article did help me today. I always believe there is a plan and I follow where the Lord leads me. At times, when I think I’m on the right path, all of a sudden there’s a road block. At this point I question myself, “did I follow God’s plan, or did I stray and make my own decision?” If I’m quiet and reflective (and patient), I’ll get an answer and set forth again in the path that He leads me.
Thank you for posting this article. May God bless you as only He can! 🙂
I love your posts they are encouraging and uplifting. At times of despair and emptiness I go yo your blog and read to find peace and serenity. It is where I charge my battery for my future battles.
Thank you
Oh my, Barbara! Thank you so much! You absolutely made my day! I am so thankful God is using this space to bless and encourage you. God bless you abundantly!
I really enjoyed reading your post and I agree with you. This is a test that I normally use as well. God will always lead us down the right path, but as you’ve said, it’s very important that we seek Him first.
I have a prayer request! I’m asking for strength, joy,happiness and love. I feel so lonely and sad and I feel like everyone surrounding around me is blessed but me. I try my best to serve in church, pay my tithes and give offerings and help others. But I’m always left in the cold with nothing. I’m 38 and never been married. I am single parent. I be applying for jobs haven’t got a response back. I want a new home. I want a better career. I want my student loan paid off. I want a God fearing, faithful husband who is going to put God first and me second and love and respect my children. Bless me allow me to live and see my children get older. Continue blessing my health. Be able to travel and buy some nice things for me and others who in need. I need transportation. My car is barley holding on. I need Jesus to work out a miracle with my name on it. I need guidance and prayers.
Cassandra, Thank you for sharing your prayer needs with me. I am praying for you . . . asking God to meet your every need and to bless you and your children. Continue clinging to Jesus. He will continue to be with you through this difficult time. God bless you.
I don’t know where you are in life right now but I hope it is a very good place I hope God his Truly blessed you
Dear dear Cassandra. I read your post and it reminds me of how God has blessed me even though I need prayer for the nearly impossible financial situation I’m in. I am lifting you up to find contentment in your life and blessings. I pray the Lord keep you and your children healthy and well provided for. Perhaps he is preparing just the right man for you. I am positive He will provide this too. May your heart be encouraged and strengthened today and every day. In Christ I am Jo your sister
Just found your pages, I love learning more about how to live the will of God and how to pray. Thank you, I subscribed to your page and I look forward to learning more and sharing
Thank you so much, Sherrie! Welcome!! Thanks for visiting and for stopping to say hello. I look forward to getting to know you! God bless you!
This is helpful. I am at a stage in my life where i have to make huge decisuons,based on my healrh, and my emotionally abusive maggiage,of 32 years.
Thank you, Lynn
So so so rejuvenating! I’m a Muslim and I can so relate to similar verses from my Book that I had forgotten.
Just what I needed to read!
really enjoyed this information on prayer. I hope to keep reading your posts and learn more about how to get a relationship with God. Thank you and God bless you
Good morning my computer stopped so I’m rewriting my prayer sorry it’s so long I’ll try to shorten it I really need prayer for my older son Cole I’ve tried to raise my children to be Christian’s but somehow he has lost his path to following Jesus he was arrested for using heroine he is in outpatient drug therapy right now 3 nights a week for 3 hours each night and AA meetings the other nights it’s working on my marriage because I remarried when he was little his dad and I take him to therapy and AA pray for his guidance strength courage health his will from God and that he finds god before it’s too late his first court date is march 1 pray that God will forgive him and give him another chance to get his life straight pray for my other son he’s a junior in HS pray for his grades he wants to go in the Marines after HS pray for my husband and the rest of my family (mom dad sister bRother and their families my friends and Karl my son’s attorney ) thank you for your post it was what was on my heart today I will try the 5 steps shown here bless you can I also ask prayer for myself I was in a wreck 20 years ago I’ve had surgeries the last one with complications I am now disabled can’t drive can’t do my weekly shopping anymore by myself I had to quit my job which I loved working with pre k with diabilities I miss it so bad but I’m not able to pick them up and do what I need to with them I need a miracle in my life that God will take away all or most of the pain I endure everyday now some days I can’t get out of bed also a miracle for Cole we also have a tornado watch here today around us thank you god bless you Amen
Lisa, I am so sorry. It sounds like you have many challenges to deal with. I prayed for you this morning and will add you and your family to my prayer list.
Father, I’m asking that You will relieve Lisa’s pain and give her more mobility that she can do the things she loves. Please give her son, Cole the strength to stay clean of drugs and find a way to serve others that excites and blesses him. Please bless her younger son and her husband. Give them all your peace and fill them with your hope and love. In Jesus name, Amen.
Lisa, our Father in Heaven loves you so much, I wish you could feel his love in your heart. We are all praying for you and all your family that he can send his angels to help you with your challenges or to understand his Devine path and find comfort in his love. Try to leave up to him all your problems. God bless you and your family.
Praying for you Lisa
I am Castalina from SA will you pray for me to be healed . I had polio when I was 3yrs my left leg is paralized both legs and feet are swollen every time. I need healing from God. I don’t like sitting down while other people are working in church. I cry to God with a broken heart not to walk with crutches. I knw He is able to heal me and be strong.
I am so sorry that you have endured this suffering. I’m praying for you and asking the Lord to bless you with the healing you desire. God bless you!
Thank you for your post. I truly enjoyed reading it. And clarifying for myself. I’ve know. All those things but there are times when reminders are necessary. I have been divorced for almost 9 years now after a 30 yr marriage. I did not want this divorce so it’s been hard for me. I pray constantly daily to God thanking him for everything I have in my life but that one thing is having a Godly man to spend the rest of my life with. Patience is not very good through out this wait but I’m working on that. Your prayers for me would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much
I’m so sorry, Julie! I am praying that God will meet your every need and fill your life with joy! Waiting is hard . . . may the Lord give you His peace and countless blessings through your days of waiting.
Please pray for me i am facing health problems that has caused me to lose everything my original doc didn’t do right by me i pray that my new doc does..im going in friday 31st i need blessings financially and acceptance of the medical condition no one can change…by Gods grace and mercy ive suffered so long im tired…
T – I am so sorry. I am asking God to go before you to your doctor’s appointment. Praying that He will give wisdom to the doctor and bless you with His healing touch. Thank you so much for sharing your need here. We are praying that the Lord meets your every need.
I understand your fatigue and willlift you up for relief and strengthening. I have recently had to retire because of physical inability to perform my job duties. The constant pain is draining I know. I would greatly appreciate prayers for my finances. I’m in quite a fix bring home less than half what I did as an LPN. Encouragement and love sent your way.
Dear T.,
I am sorry for all you are going through, I will pray for you that our God can send you the help you need at this time. Don’t forget to keep the eternal perspective, our trials are only but a brief moment when we think about eternity. Always keep a prayer in your heart and love for all humanity, in my trials I found this change of focus to be very powerful.
Love always!
Thank you for this wonderful post.
Please pray for my marriage. Please pray for
God to take away the addiction of alcohol from my husband. Please pray for each of my 7 children. Thank you so much.
I will pray for you. Our wonderful God is always available to us and will only let us go thru situations that we can handle. Sometimes I think he trust me more than I trust myself but I know he knows better than me. I find comfort in prayer and giving my difficult troublesituation to Christ. Praying for you.
“The good news is if you are trusting and glorifying God with your life you can move ahead confidently.” That’s been true with us. I believe if we are seeking Him, even if there is no clear direction we can move ahead. He gives us freedom within boundaries, and I believe He will show us if there is something specific He wants us to do.
Thanks for a great post! Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #MomentsofHope
Such a good list, Deb. Mind if I print it off for my teenagers? Visiting today via #faithonfire.
Not at all, Kristi! I’m so glad it blessed you!
Deb, I loved and needed this when I first saw several months ago, and I love and need it again today. Then, it was for my daughter, and something she felt God convicting her about. Today, the circumstances of the situation are similar, but the conviction is for me. Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak His truth and reassurance again today. #Faith’n’Friends
Oh, Elizabeth, Thank you so much for letting me know it blessed you! I love when people share my posts with their children and to know it’s helpful to you as well…
You made my day! Glod’s blessings!
I admit even as a christian there are times that i hardly know if i am making the right decision in life,But after readinh this I have been reminded that i should just trust and follow what God want for us. Thank you and God Bless looking forward to more of your helpful blogs.
Thank you. I needed this today. I am a 43 yr old woman who has drifted away from God. My life is living me at the moment instead of me living my life. Please pray for me. Thank you again.
Cathy, God loves you and is always with you, waiting for you to let him in your life and heart. I will pray for you. Please pray for Him to guide your life from now on and He will take you on your best path, it might be different than someone else because you are unique and precious in His eyes. God bless
Will pray for you. I feel the same way. God bless you.
Thank you for this! I throughly enjoyed reading this and it helped answer some of my questions!
I so needed to do this today! I have prayed and prayed for God to show if H & J were meant to be together as we all felt he placed them together to show His work at sending you the one He has chosen for you. They have been apart for a year but have stayed in touch and continued to see each other off and on. It seems as though there is a force keeping them from connecting completely, which is sad as you can see how happy and how they complete each other when they are together. They are such a perfect example together of Gods work. Please pray for God to place them together again so they can continue to share Goss word & work! I also pray for financial relief for my husband & I. We are raising our 2 grandchildren & need guidance & strength to handle their multiple emotional issues. Pray that God shows my son his significant other that will bring him back to God & will give him the teaching position that He wants for him. Pray that J continued to work on herself & continues to ask God for guidance, strength, & wisdom. I know I am being selfish and I apologize but our family is hurting & we need to see Gods way for us more than ever! Thank you! In your name, I pray. Amen!
Thank you for this. I recently started reading my bible and verses more whenever I feel I need to be closer to God. I pray when I am grateful and I pray when I am struggling. I’ve been going through hard times recently and I pick up the Bible for guidance and reassurance. It’s hard to keep on moving but I have my faith that God will show me the way.
He will show you the way, keep praying, keep talking to God and read your Bible.
This is a wonderfully inspiring blog. I pray tha God continues to bless you and use you for His will. Please pray for my children and I. Thank you.
This is beautiful. Thank you for the encouragement and guidance.
Thank you, Laura! I’m so glad it blessed you!!
This is great. The “is this glorifying God” question will be the biggest focus for me from now on. Thank you!
I was so blessed to find this today. I have been struggling to find a permanent job. Not just any job but one doing something I love and helping others. I pray for God to clearly direct my path.
Patty, I’m praying that for you, too! Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to say, “hello.”
What do you do when God led you to His will and you followed through. Then following through caused you the biggest heartache of your life? After being a single mom for over 10 years God gave me my high school sweetheart. We married and my daughter chose to not live with us because she doesn’t like my husband. She now lives with my mother who we lived with while I was a single mom.
Oh, Amy, I’m so sorry! I know the heartbreak of the rejection of my child. It’s horrible. People have free will. It’s hard to know all the reasons why your daughter made the choice she made but know this breaks God’s heart too. Keep praying and keep hoping. I continue to do both . . . praying and hoping that someday soon we will be reunited with a daughter we so dearly love. Praying for you, too! God bless you!
Thank you so much for this!! May God continue to bless you!!!?????
This is a wonderful article on knowing God will for your life. I believe I had been doing them, but seeing them written out like you presented was such an encouragement. God you
Hello Deb
You are doing a great job which help others to lead a happy life. Today you have really helped me and reminded me that God is always with us. Sometimes we are overloaded with our problems that we think that nothing is coming out of our efforts and no one is helping us to get the solutions of our problem. But the messages you posted really gives strength and faith in God that none of the problems are unsolved and prayers are unheard.
This article really helped me! Thank you
Hi! I please request you to pray for me. I am under the influence of a very strong witch Craft and it’s there for 4 years now. My day to day life is very challenging and my existence is purely The Grace of God! They are constant threat to my life. This leads me to a lot of depression and suffocation. Am praying daily and thanking God to save me. I would be blessed if you pray for me! Am waiting for a miracle that will rescue me cuz I don’t know what it is to love a free life! God bless U Sister! Tk Care.
Simran Sharma
I am so sorry, Simran! I am praying for you!
I have 3 teenage boys and they are in HS and looking at colleges. They want to play High level baseball in college. We’ve been discussing how they can be used by God to encourage other players and young kids that look up to them, if God blesses them with this privilege. It can be a stressful process. This article has been good on getting our focus on Gods will. I plan to pin it and read it and discuss it with my husband and boys. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Jen! I’m so glad this blessed you! Praying your boys lean into God’s grace and guidance! God bless you!
I would just like to thank you for 5 steps on knowing if something is coming from God. Irreally would love to leave a pray request for my family
I can relate to what you were saying about being impatient while waiting on God. I’ve missed him trying to fix things instead of confidently waiting. I’m learning to wait.
Me too, Rana! It’s an ongoing process! Sometimes I feel like I wait pretty well, other times . . . well, not so much! I constantly need His grace and mercy, and reminders that He is on the throne! Thanks so much for stopping by and saying “hello”
Please pray for me…i have done wrong and will probably be unemployed by Friday, 30 June. I deeply regret that I failed God in so many ways.
God bless
Claudia, God loves you! Nothing you have done will place you outside of His grace and love. That is the message of and hope we find in Jesus. I’m praying for you! Please keep in touch and let me know how you’re doing! God bless you!
Thank you for reposting Counting My Blessings. On June 3ed I had a near death experience. My grandson had come over to my place to borrow my truck. He found me slumped on the floor hardly breathing and gurgling. After getting to the emergency room and being treated the Doctor came out and explained to my son that I was probably 15 minutes from having passed.
I’m very grateful for my Grandson wanting my truck. He was Gods Angel when I needed on.
As I read Counting My Blessings I know that I will be using the 5 steps in finding and feeling Gods will.
I’ve only been out of the hospital 18 days, but when I found this post it’s like my heart eased. God was speaking to me that this is what I need to go forward and find out what my purpose is going forward.
Its a slow day by day journey for healing, but I know Gods hand is on my heart and keeping me from pushing over my limits.
Oh, Kathy! I’m praying for you! I’m so glad your grandson arrived at God’s appointed time and was there to help. I’m praying that God continues to heal you and give you strength. Thanks so much for visiting Counting My Blessings. I’m looking forward to hearing from you again soon on your progress and the ways God is working in your life! God bless you!
I am 36 years old and work as a secretary. I’ve been a secretary for years. This year I’ve had the strong desire to go back to school to upgrade so I can further my education in the medical field but I’m at a standstill because I don’t have the financial means to pay for some courses I need to be excepted into college. I have this strong drive to go back to school for some reason and I feel stuck because of roadblocks. I ask for prayers that God will open the doors I need to be able to return to school and pursue my goal. God bless!
Marla, Thank you so much for stopping by, sharing your story, and asking for prayer. We are asking God to guide and direct you through doors He is opening for you. May you be blessed and enjoy His peace.
Maria, I pray that you will be able to go back to school to pursue your dream.
Im praying for a job and hope that I make it through this month with paying my bills for a roof over my head for my son me as I have been seeking and hope to find something. I have my BA in criminal Justice. I worked at a jail as a detention officer until I got hurt and had to have surgery on my knee and I am just praying for something as I enjoy helping others if I can. I feel like im at a standstill in my life and I admit I dont know what to do as I pray that god will place me with a good company or organization. Prayers please
I loved this article. It gave me peace. Thanks
This was very helpful! Even though I’ve been doing some of The things already, I’ll implement the rest. Thanks A Million! Many Blessings to your ministry.
_Thanks for the message it’s a very complex subject especially for relationship as well to know is this the right man or woman or not but your guidance is helpful in deed.
I needed to read this. I believe it has blessed me. Thank you so much.
Can’t say how much I needed this. I’m going through a storm in everything in my life. And yes, wish I had answers right now. Thank you for the 5 steps and God bless you.
God bless you, Michael! Praying God will cover you with His peace as He guides You going forward!
Thank you for your article. I needed to be
reminded of these important steps. I do hate
to ask for so many different prayer requests
but these are heavy on my heart. My marriage. God’s protection and wisdom for my son Tray as he goes off to college in August . My business. Thank you again. God
Bless you all.
Amen, as always I enjoy hearing an encouraging word and proven direction from the Holy Spirit. I search these sights sd well as read my daily word on my email pages looking for an answer to prayers that I have prayed in the past. Praise be to God that almost 100% of yge yime I receive those answers, especially when I am feeling hopeless and in dispair. Saints like you are helpng us to keep the faith and never give up. I am so very grateful most of all to my Lord and Savior for his saving grace and his perfect love towards us that He will not leave us alone nor by ourselves. Keep us in your prayers that we may be still and wait patiently on the Lord in all situations and trusting that all things will work together for the good of this nation and all of God’s people. God bless you and your husband and may he enlarge your territory beyond this website.
Father Please Hear my heart..it’s breaking.
I love this. Thank you for remembering me about God’s timing.
Thank you for this page and your articles! I really needed this today. I have been sick and questioning myself about my walk with the Lord. I know that I have not been reading the Bible like I should lately. So thankly you for giving me that nudge I needed to get me back on track!
Oh, Pam! I’m so glad this blessed you! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop and let me know. Praying for your healing and for peace that goes beyond our understanding. God bless you!
Hi, I have loved these verses you shared they’re so good and they have given me hopes to be patient and wait on God’s promises.
Thank you, Rebecca! Praying God’s blessings and encouragement for you!
Thank you Deb! God bless you and please keep me in your prayers
I was really Blessed by your Article I felt the Presence of God as I read God Bless your Ministry.
I’m so glad it blessed you! May the Lord be with you and bless you as well!
My family could use some extra prayers as we are experiencing an event that has turned our world upside down. Please pray for guidance and strength as we journey through this. I am comforted by this article and it inspired me to subscribe to your blog. Thank You!
Shawn, I’m so sorry. I am asking God to bless you with His peace as He strengthens and guides you through this difficult time. Thank you for stopping to let me know this blessed you! God be with you and bless you and your family.
Praise the lord …May u be blessed in the name of hevenly Father Jesus Christ !! My name is Jaswant I m a beliver of christ and these days i am praying to know the will and vision of God for me at the same time i am seeking for his devine guidance for me and the special Spiritual Gifts for me… And i was praying to Jesus for devine guidance for me …..Then suddenly i got an information on my cell now about ur” 5 wasys to know ..” and i thank u for this through u Lord counceled me ..And request u to pray for my sweet wife she is also a beliver we are serving lord… pray for Her spiritual growth and pray that satan would not touch her ..So that she will grow in jesus pls pray for her and if u receive my msg pls reply me on my email praise the Lord God Bless u..
God bless you, Jaswant. I am so glad this encouraged you. I join you in praying for God’s direction in your life and that He will hold you and your wife close as He grows your faith and service to Him. Thank you so much for stopping to say, “hello.” I love this verse – But let everyone who trusts you be happy; let them sing glad songs forever. Protect those who love you and who are happy because of you. Psalm 5:11
This is a tough one. My husband wants a divorce after 30 years. I have been trying to work things out with him for the past year. Bottom line: He wants to live out the rest of his life enjoying his “freedom” (grass is greener, etc.). We have 5 children from ages 33 down to 10, and one grandson. We made the decision that I quit my job and stay home after our third child, so he could run his business and pursue his career. I have been home for over 20 years now. I am 51 now. So, yes I have alot of questions! I don’t even know where to start.
Oh, Stacey, I’m so sorry! There really are no words! It’s okay to have questions and cry out to God. This certainly is not His plan. I too, have been hurt and rejected by two people I loved with all my heart. I truly believe that it was not God’s will for any of us. Yes, He gave people free will and sometimes they use it selfishly. I can tell you … God used that horrible time and hurt to grow me closer to Him. He gave me courage and strength to do life on day at a time and held me close through it all. I praying for you to feel an extra measure of His loving presence. <3
My husband and I were wondering the move inlocation and vocation was the right thing or our thing. I would ask him tonshow us signs this was right. He gave me a garden very prosperous which i have never have been before all season. But it was twofold it kept me busy while my youngest went away to college and my oldest finds herself. So I am planted where I belong.
This is the article or topic that I need this moment of time. I know for sure that God takes care of me and my concerns and at the same time I am scared that what if my concerns and desires are not.what God wants me to have and do. In this case I know very clearly that I need to exert morw effort to trust everything to Him and be dependent on Him wholely. May you can help me to understand clearly what God wants and plan for me and surrender my life to Him…
You just said it yourself, what God wants is your life surrendered to Him. I know it’s not always easy to know what that looks like in daily living when it comes to career and location decisions. I believe we just do our best to respond to His love with obedience to His Word and spend time with Him in prayer. From there, go out and live our lives trusting He is with us. I hope that helps a little! I think there are always questions as to motives because we’re so imperfect. His love and forgiveness are greater than our imperfections. Praise God!
This comment is in response to Candy/CNA.
I am a Pastors wife now for over 35 years. And have had significant lose of immediate family members.
I witnesses many grieving families, not only my own but in the ministry as well. My mother passed into glory in 2003 and it was then that God began to call me to care for others in there homes. Since then I have served private duty for Hospice patience in their homes for 17 years without a CNA license.
In my last home God was calling me to go back to school to receive my license, it was not needed for private duty. After visiting one of my clients at a Hospice House, God spoke to my heart and was directing me to find employment there. I asked if they were hiring and I was asked if I had my license.
I told them I didn’t, they could not hire me.
I decided to go back to school and get my license
at 61. I went back to the Hospice House with license in hand and now it was a matter of having one years experience in a facility which I did not have. I asked how does one begin to have experience if no one gives them opportunity to start. God put all the right people in place at the right time, I was hired and started a week later.
It has been 1 1/2 years since I started and a book could be written of all the wonderful ways God worked in the hearts of the patients and the staff.
Being in the center of God’s will is an amazing place to be and a humbling experience.
Thanks for reading!!
There was an opening for a CNA, I applied,
Quite instructive, inspirational and interesting. See me here in Abuja, Nigeria being blessed from a rich and rewarding post online. What a global village our world is indeed!
God bless you and yours mightily. I wish to have the full message in my email.
It’s amazing, isn’t it! The blessings and challenges of the www! Thanks so much for stopping to say hello! You made my day! God bless you!
Really great tool!
I like the part where u said, ” You don’t have to live in fear of His displeasure when you seek His will through these 5 steps.”….
I would replace the last phrase with “…when your heart remains postured toward God and you desire to do his will.”
The 5 steps are in line with seeking out his will but ultimately the desire is what God is looking for first. 🙂
Deb, I find your passage really inspiring. I have prayed to God asking him for directions currently and I think he has revealed his will to me for many times, and his answer is just same as what I want. I have prayed for many times to confirm whether is that really his will or just coincidence and he still revealed the same answer. To me , his will is too good to be true, and I’m very grateful for that, but i’m a pessimist that I just wonder will things really work out that good(coz the situation now seems bad), I’m currently struggling should I pay full trust and faith on that as I’m afraid of disappointments. I do love God, but I just find myself lacking faith, Deb, can you give me some advice?
Angel, things aren’t always clear but it’s always the best decision to focus on God in faith through Jesus and fully trust His loving care. Keep praying and keep trusting. I love the verse in Mark, “The father instantly cried out, ‘I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!'” Mark 9:24. In that moment, Jesus answered the father’s prayer. Thanks so much for your comment. I’m praying for you and asking God to fill you with faith as He guides you with His love. Blessings!
That’s great and wonderful.
Thanks for this post. I got it through my Pinterest. I sincerely appreciate it. And am going down right now again to pray about your suggestion.pls I need prayers, I believe that marriage is for better and for worse, since I lost my job, my wife has not been loving and cooperating with me. I knew I prayed very well before I married and God gave her to me( then I was earning 22years ago in marriage)but its not going the way its suppose to be from my wife. And I hate divorce. We are in the situation – she wants it – of good morning good evening only.in the same house. I need God to speak to her and re-repent. She has not seen why she should despite the fact that she’s a women leader in the church. She’s not even in good relationship with her in-laws.She’s even trying to instigate the children against me, thank God its not working d way she’s trying to do it. I need prayer of breakthrough all round. Work. Interactions, familywise, funds,relationship.
Tommy, I’m adding you to my prayers. I am so sorry you are going through this difficult time. Know you are not alone. I’m asking God to give you His strength and direction as you move ahead … and that He will soften your wife’s heart and bless your relationship. Thank you for reaching out. God bless you.
Please pray for my daughter. She is 22 years old and I know that is old enough to get married of course. But she chose not to listen to us, her parents, and ran away with this boy who is the same age but will not work, he has never had a job and kept it. The only job he had was at a BBQ restaurant and they fired him for coming in late all the time. Since they got married in April of 2017, he hasn’t worked at all. He’s nasty, doesn’t keep himself clean or the trailer they live in. Our neighbor lets them live in his trailer house for free. It is just so hard to watch her hurt and all along we would tell her ” just be patient and wait for the Lord to show you someone. You don’t have to rush into this because your 21 years old. ” But she did and now there’s no income, she’s trying to continue college and having to clean three houses to pay for that. We were putting her through college and just getting ready to send her to pharmacy school and she started skipping classes to go be with him and now it’s just getting harder and harder to go to college. He won’t let her study, she can’t pass the classes she’s taking. She quit going to church. We raised both of our girls in church and he doesn’t want to go, so she just doesn’t. I could go on and on, but you see where this is headed. Please pray for her. Her name is Mackenzie. She needs answers from the Lord, she needs direction from him and for Him to lead her. She was saved when she was 8 years old. She’s a very precious girl, she’s just stubborn at times. We are also afraid for her because the boy she married, his family is into drugs. His dad has been in the pen for hauling drugs, and he’s out now and stays with them some. It is just so very hard to watch your child on the wrong road. We see it but she can’t. Please pray for her and my husband and I and our other 18 year old daughter. Thank you. And God bless you for what you do. Anyone we can get to pray for us and this whole situation is always more comforting to us to know people are praying.
Oh, Nikki. I’m so sorry! I know how hard it is when our children make choices that we know will cause them heartache. I will add her to my prayers … asking God to hold her close as He directs her steps back toward Himself. God bless you!
This was really useful and BLESSED me! Thank you for sharing these tools.
I’m so very glad, Jakia! Thank you so much for letting me know! God bless you!
\o// With any decision making, especially life changing ones, one need to sit on it as long as it takes and meditate until a clear answer is given by the divine +
The speed in which subjects we seek and get a reply and to conclude the matter will depend upon how close we’re with our inner most mind where God is seated –
Once the answer is given, NEVER be tempted to deviate from the decision however hard it may become to bear, this is what Jesus learnt in the garden of Gethsemane
Our Father wants us to ask him in our prayers and ready and willing to help us, waiting for us to ask his advice in personal worshipping conversation
May the Almighty lead us to the ways acceptable to him and to our fellow human beings …….
Very inspiring.God richly bless you
Thank you, Sidney! God bless you as well!!
It’s a read I needed. Quite a trying time and confusing right now with job hunting, bills, bills and more bills. But I believe when you say, start with prayer.
Mike, I’m so glad this bless you! I’m lifting you up in prayer and asking God to direct your path and bless you in the days and weeks ahead. Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.”
I praise the Lord for coming across this Pin. Since I came back from 13 years of backsliding 2 years ago, God never fail to amaze me up to this very moment.
Just recently, I have received so much favor from the Lord. I have been asking myself on how to continually know what God wants me to do to give Him glory. And this just answered my prayer. Knowing how to walk in His righteousness is becoming much easier.
If anyone is reading this, I would also like to ask for your short prayer that I may keep a healthy body since I’m under lung medication for a while now. God bless every one who dwells in the Lord. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!
Oh, Eldon! Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me this blessed you. Thank you for your prayers and know that I’m stopping to pray for you right now! God is so good and you are shining His light! God bless you!
Hey Deb. Thanks for the seasoning word.
I’ve been struggling with my spiritual life with God. Not knowing if some words I hear are from God.
But now I need you to keep me in your prayer as I’m about to make a decision that will either make or mar my home.
I trust God for directions.
Thank you for joining us, Christiana. We are praying for you and asking the Lord to guide and direct you as You seek His will through this season. God bless you!
Can I share your story in a magazine I do for my church?
Of course, Arlene! Thank you so much for asking! All I ask is that you credit me and add a link back to Counting My Blessings! God bless you!
Hi Deb (I think I have the name right),
This is the first time to your blog and a great post with questions I’ve been asking and wondering about.
I take this as great advice and sort of what I’ve been doing. I definitely know what God doesn’t want me to do but I am a lot of times in the dark as to whether I’m going in the right direction or not.
Thank you so much for this and God Bless You.
Monna, Thank you so much for stopping by and for taking the time to say “hello.” I’m so glad this encouraged you! I hope you’ll visit often … I look forward to getting to know you! God’s blessings!
I am am addicted to many things but also know Jesus is lord of my life and God keeps throwing blessings my way but i have other talents i know God can use and i love serving but now i’m held prisoner to the drink and drug i’ve asked to not go back to jail God has honored my wish but how can I let this junk go again i’ve had several years clean and relapsed
Thank you so much this post really helped me especially going through tough times and needed assurance and hope. God bless
I’m so sorry you’re going through this difficult time. I’m praying for you today and asking God to meet every need. God bless you!
This is such a timely, timely word of encouragement. Glory to God! As I read this, I feel the weight of discouragements vanquishing. Up until this moment I felt discouraged about a decision I had made I know I did the right thing by being obedient to God, the fact I wasn’t feeling peace about the situation was like a ‘wink’ from God to make my decision. How ever I began to doubt and waver if I did make the right choice when infact I know I did. I’m so greatful for this wonderful teaching, I am blessed by this thank you and God bless you.
Oh, Kemesha, thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to let me know you were blessed. The enemy just loves to fill us with doubt. It sounds like you followed God’s leading and can enjoy moving forward for His glory. God bless you!
Thank you so much for this article. I know God wants me to read this through to let me know that He is in control and He holds my future in His mighty hands. I should not be afraid but be patient for He is faithful to His promises.
Amen, Malou! He is holding you close and will give you all you need for the future. Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to bless me with your kind encouragement. God bless you!
I loved this reflection, it felt like if it came from God.
Such good information. Thank you for this. My son is a recovering addict and can not hold a job and is in and out of trouble. Please pray for him
Dear Deb,
I appreciate what you have mention.
I need to have a plan from God.
I have 3 options in my head and I didn’t want to rush.
In the past I have managed things on my own without consulting our great God.
Then, nothing good happened.
Years after, I have learned how to trust in God and now I want to make things as per his commandment.
Rely on him always.
I really want to change all bad things in my life, no more tears.
I am tired of being left without sufficient amount of money to grow my son.
Tired of waiting for good things to happen to me, tired of waiting for others to love me.
I want God’s plan in every and each step of my life.
I need God’s help in my life.
I want to live for him always and always.
There is a lot of things talking in my head and I need a good direction from the Lord.
To God be the Glory
Hi Deb, thanks for the encouragement. I’m glad I read this article.
Thank you so much for sharing this.Sometimes I get clear observations but I want to almost rebel ,to please myself.I pray that the Lord would help me to put him first,his interests and desires first before mine.
I really enjoyed your message. I ask you to please pray for my little brother who is so special to me. I know he is not perfect, but I know he loves and believes in the saviour. He is desperately depressed and has turned to alcohol for Comfort. Please pray for him, he has not worked with in years and has not been able to find a suitable wife. Please pray for him.
Natalie, I would be happy to pray for your brother. I’m asking God to hold him close and give him a sense of His overwhelming love and perfect peace. I’m also praying for you, your brother is very blessed to have you as his sister. God bless you both!
Thank you for this. I am encouraged with the 5 steps and being affirmed to just go on and lean on God’s love. Shared it with a friend. Thanks!
Thank you, Rachel! I’m so glad it blessed you and I really appreciate your kind encouragement!
I have in my just so much I want to do. My biggest dream would be to have some kind of venue for young adults to hang out and have some kind of fun that is not club/bar related. But there is no way I can have guts for that. Other parts of me want to be crafty, seamstress, DIY’er, (not sure if that is a word), artist. I tried a little of everything and I suck at all of them. I pray for God to show me what it is he wants me to do with all that that is in my head that it’s beautiful in there but not when I actually do it.
Oh, Lorena, thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts here. I am praying for you. Please don’t give up. Pray and ask God to give you a passion for that thing He wants you to do. Then keep at it until you succeed. I’m typically not good at of anything I try right away. Whew! You should see some of my earliest writings here on the blog. I took them down a long time ago. But God gave me this passion and I just keep showing up. I trust that He will use what He calls you to for His glory. You will be blessed and so will others. I’m praying for you! God bless you!
Good morning! I feel like life has been a roller coaster for years! I try to make good decisions but every which way I turn seems to be chaotic or like I made a wrong choice. I often think…God…I fail miserably. I find myself in situations that I end up miserable, unhappy, complaining…and not good for me physically or mentally. I’m thinking now that this article was exactly what I needed this morning ! Thank you so much. I am sharing this for sure and will be following you from now on.
Oh, Teri, I think many of us have found ourselves in circumstances where we feel like we’ve missed the mark. I am so glad this blessed you. Please remember that the past is just that … it’s the past. I’m so thankful that God is always willing to help us make today better than yesterday. His grace truly is sufficient. Many blessings!
Wow Deb thank you so much for this guidance with scripture as the basis. I’ve been back and forth in my career, patience has not been my strongest point and so I’ve ended up leaving jobs when I’ve had enough. I’m in a job where I’m still not happy and I’ve been seeking the LORD for direction. I am in agreement with the 5 steps and I am going to try my best to rejoice in each day that the Lord gives me and focus my mind on the Lord and not my situation
Thank you again,
Vanessa, I’m so glad this blessed you. I think that’s the hardest part for me. I want God to show me His plans for today, tomorrow, and far into the future … when He just wants me to trust Him today and again tomorrow. My prayer is to stay so focused on Him that following Him one day at a time is my favorite place to be. God bless you!
I believed I was working in the will of God for the past 10 years only to be meet time after time with one problem after another never advancing . always broke having just enough period. I believed I was doing what He asked of me along with those that following me, while we are feeding the hungry , clothing the poor. praying for the sick and many other , to the Glory of God to His praise. and yet we are still on corners every saturday for the past five years rain, snow , shine. all the while praying asking God for land and building to be able to offer more to many in doors .again this year we are still on that corner in all types of weather again. I am feeling God is not pleased and won’t grant us our prayers. I am feeling tired not seeing again no advancement in the name of Christ. I quest we should stop and step out the way, just maybe God will let someone else do this work or not I don’t know
I’m so sorry you’re feeling discouraged, Diane. Your ministry sounds like it is blessing so many people in need. I feel like this attack is from Satan, trying to discourage you and keep you from serving. You may need some time to rest and I will be praying that God will surround you with people to help and encourage you. I’m also asking Him to bless your efforts and touch those you serve with His love. Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to share your situation, and for allowing me to pray for you. God bless you!
Hi Deb!
Thank you for posting this. 2 months ago my boyfriend ended our 3 year long relationship. He is a Godly man. We met and both served at church. I was certain that he was who God sent to me to be my husband because I wrote a letter to myself years ago letting God know the desires of my heart and he checked every box. I’m 35 years old so spending 3 years with anyone is an investment and he was the one that pursued me. I don’t have any children and my immediate family lives out of state, I feel very alone. I also feel completely heartbroken because we both invested in our relationship. He told me I was everything he ever wanted but just wasn’t ready to take the next steps. I’m not asking God to bring us back together but I want God to tell me why this happened. I’ve remained a faithful servant by working with teenagers in church, I tithe and give offering, I read my word and genuinely love on people. I feel that God has forgotten about me. To top it off my career causes me a lot of stress and I walk into the office everyday wanting to quit. I keep going on day by day with mustard seed faith knowing that one day it’s going to turn around. I’m asking that you pray that I stay strong and not fall victim to my surroundings because I want to give up. That I will cultivate meaningful relationships and that God blesses me with a new career. I’m thankful for what I have but I want God to give me some sort of sign, or some good news reminding me that he hasn’t forgotten about me. I found your blog because I Googled “ How do I know if I’m following God’s will” Thank you.
I’m sorry, Erika! You’re going through so much. I love that you are continuing to serve the Lord and reaching out to others. I believe both those things will help with time. I’ve experienced the loss of relationships that meant the world to me and it so very painful. It took time but God healed my heart in ways I never imagined. I can promise you that God has not forgotten you! He loves you! He will use this in your life. Just keep your focus on Jesus and keep praying. I am praying for you, too! God bless you!
I’m glad I found this site I’m always looking for opportunities to pray for others that I sometimes forget to pray for myself but I love praying for others and hearing how things turned out its an awesome feeling when you think I helped in some way.
That’s awesome, Castella. Praying for someone else is truly a beautiful gift you’re giving them. God bless you!
Hey…this helped me Praise God for His grace.
I was injured in a motorcycle accident and before that I felt closer to the Lord, I was working with my full mind now I feel like I’m not doing or praying enough, but I’m still strong for the Lord
Being patient is so important! I loved all these tips though, thank you for sharing!
awesome message,
thank you dear
god bless you for helping us with these messages….
i am still waiting on gods timing to help me through a bad marriage to end….
evil forces are so involved in destroying my life but i am trusting god that all will be revealed and god shall be glorified
Sometimes you just feel like theres just no hope left….
have a blessed day
warm regards
Prayers that Romelo Jefferson grandmother on his mother side. Open her heart and let me have a relationship with my grandson. Danita Richardson open her heart and let me have a relationship with my grandson. So I am praying that God can touch there heart
Yes, this post was & is very inspiring for me to live my life as God guides my every step
At this time in my life, which hasn’t been easy, all I pray for now is.
1 – should I move to a better home or stay where I am?
2 – is my job ever going to become stable, no more bullying from co-workers or staff, for I truly love my job?
Ty, Your’s in Christ Amen.
Thank you so much for visiting, Juliette! I am so glad this blessed you and I will pray that as you seek to follow God’s will, He will give you clear direction and peace in your decisions. Blessings!
I’m asking for prayer for a better understand of God’s Divine will and love for me and my life. I know that I have a very awesome calling that is waiting for me but sometimes I have a lot of problems with Fear and getting over my past where the enemy makes me feel like I’m not worthy of doing the things of God so that’s my prayer request. Also this was a very great message and teaching why knowing if something is God I definitely took notes
Oh, Brandy, your comment really touched my heart. I struggled with fear for so many years. I’m praying that God encourages you and gives you everything you need to live each day for His glory. Thank you for your kind encouragement. God bless you!
Hello… i jst read ur prayer request n prayed whole heartedly n i belive our lord almighty will bless u n answer alll ur prayer…
Thank you so much for joining us in prayer, Priyanka! God bless you!
I am always searching for ways to determine if I am still walking in His will. Is this really what He wants? Have I lost my way? Do I stay here or do I move on? This list is so simple but truly gets to the heart of how to discern God’s will and direction. Thank you Deb!
I really enjoyed reading the 5 ways to know if something is from God. You’re right sometimes you still don’t know. We recently just found out our house has been sold. We were in foreclosure had begged for help from wells fargo. They, didn’t want to help pretty much said they couldn’t , one girl laughed at us told us we hadn’t paid all year kept giving us the run around, my husband has to take kidney dialysis 3 times aweek ,I am on disability. We have been in our house for 19 years , what now? Please pray for my husband and I.
Oh, Sandra, I’m so sorry you are going through this very difficult time. I am praying for you and asking God to give you His strength and meet every need. God bless you!
This is so awesome, I always wanted to know the answer to this question. Thank you so much God you!
Thank you, Marline! I so appreciate your visit and taking the time to let me know this blessed you! God bless you!
I got my response from God through you. Thank you and God bless you!
thank you for your inspiration messages.i really enjoying reading and want to wish you all the best as you touches so many peoples heart.God bless
God is so amazing I truly needed to run across this in my Pinterest search. this has been an issue of mine for the past 2 years I left a job that was very lucrative because I was not doing a very good job due to a lot of outside distractions and a sense of urgency to help take care of my grandchildren. as I try to to get my life back to where God wants me to be, I decided to start my own business in real estate. It’s been a good year and a half and I haven’t really progress very well but I must say I haven’t really had the desire to put a huge effort into it either and I’m still pulled by the caregiving of the kids. I just came off of a fast and I’ve also spoken to my pastor who also has given me the same direction and all the steps to know that God’s will for me. However I still feel stuck I feel like I just don’t know what to do should I go get a job to help my husband with the finances which will in turn help the kids as well but there will be some sacrifice or do I just stay or do I just stay at or do I just stay at home or do I just stay at home and be content. I just don’t want to let anyone down especially the Lord.
Elaine, I love your heart for blessing your family and honoring the Lord. Those are both good choices with good reasons for doing them. I don’t think you’ll be letting anyone down no matter which one you would choose. Rev and I have also had times though when we felt we needed more time to make a decision and when that happens we just keep doing life one day at a time … praying for God’s direction and trusting His grace. God bless you! I’m praying that He will give you His peace as you seek His will.
Please pray for me and my family. We think we are doing what God wants us to do, then everything falls apart. Pray for us to have the patience and open heart to hear God’s will for us.
this brought me peace! I am currently undergoing a transition into the next chapter in my life and I really want to return to NYC but I am not sure if it is my will or Gods will for me. I know He plants desires within our hearts that are from Him so I think it is but I cant be sure. This reminded me to just press in to Him and His word, glorify Him with my day and actions and trust He will take care of the rest 🙂 Thanks for this!
Good afternoon!! I needed to hear this. I’m currently experiencing some health issues and my car was totaled. I been praying asking for understanding and to get me through this. Reading the message and reviews makes me not wanting to give up and continue to have faith.
Hi Deb
This is my first time on your website it is so wonderful and amazing and incouraging what your doing
Thank you so much for visiting, Rebecca, and for taking the time to stop and say “hello.” I am very blessed by your kind encouragement. I hope you’ll come back and visit often. God bless you!
Hi Deb. I found this via P. I pinned some prayers& came to check out the sight & signed up. Thank you for being here. We all need specific prayer reminders & directions from time to time. I need reminding just to pray in general. Please pray for me not to forget to pray.
Thank you.
I am praying for you, Karen! I’m so glad you visited and thank you for subscribing. Asking God to bless you as you seek to know Him more and turn to Him in prayer.
That is very fascinating, You’re a very skilled blogger. I’ve
joined your rss feed and look forward to looking
for more of your great post. Also, I’ve shared your site in my social networks
Thank you, Debbie! I appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!
Hi Deb! I was directed to your site from Instagram by @cordof6 , Valerie Murray (I’m @throughhiseyesdevotional, Sydney Michalski) – glad to have found you! There is so much advice available in the world on this topic, and I am grateful to see you include what I consider to be the two most important deciding factors – is it consistent with scripture, and does it glorify God! When I began my walk with the Lord, I always knew what to do after praying and consulting His word…Then, one day, I had to choose whether to stay in my current position at work, or accept a new position that had been offered. And no matter how much I prayed, I was equally at peace with either choice and I couldn’t decide – and that’s when I learned that, after prayer, and consulting His word, and making sure the choice glorifies Him, if it was still equal – then I could simply choose, and dedicate my choice to Him! “Lord, I believe this is in accordance with your will. I desire to glorify You, alone, in what I do. If I am wrong in this choice, please convict and correct me…Otherwise, please help me to do this well to Your honor and glory!” It was a neat next-step from the Lord Who always moves me along at the pace that He knows I can handle, to move from obeying what He tells me to do, to also making choices whole-heartedly in the desire to glorify Him. God bless you as you spread His word! I hope you might also visit our family’s blogs at MichalskisGreatAdventure.wordpress.com and MichalskisInTheWord.wordpress.com, where I share about our family’s daily walk with Christ!
Yay, I’m so glad you visited, Sydney! You’re right! I think it’s most important to focus on living for God’s glory as we pray and go to His Word for direction. And then just keep living by His grace every day. Looking forward to heading over to visit your site. God bless you!
I have read many of the requests people ask God what does he want then to do with their lives.I have been blessed in many ways I thank God and my Blessed Mother for the miacles I have received I have asked for a sign from God to show what he wants of me. I noticed flowers growing around the Sacred Heart statue when I came home before what should I do next?
I am indeed blessed by these, It’s a reminder from God to me as I need such this moment of my life. God bless and increase you greatly.
Rachael, I’m so glad it blessed you! Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know! God be with you and bless you!
This has inspired me to use these steps in seeking God’s will. I have had such a difficult time in determining what is from God. I am again in the waiting room and waiting on God to speak to me. I am struggling with a relationship with a man that is separated. This relationship began so easily and he is my dream. Now it’s at a standstill because he has a lot on his mind. Is this God asking me to end it or wait on his timing? I am just so confused!
Cheryl, I’m glad it blessed you! Keep praying and studying God’s Word and He will lead you to the truth. I’m praying for you!
Thank You Deb ????????WHAT an INSPIRING article!!! G-d♥️Bless !!!
According to Proverbs 3:5-6, God will direct our path if we acknowledge Him in all our ways. However, as you know it’s not always easy to wait on God. Your tips are wonderful because they’re all necessary to receive God’s will for our lives. Thanks for this list.
Thank you, Ariel! You’re right … it can be hard to wait on God’s timing and His direction. So, thankful for His patience with me and willingness to work with me to develop patience myself. Thanks for visiting! God bless you!
Howdy! This blog post couldn’t be written any better! Going through this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He continually kept talking about this. I am going to send this post to him. Fairly certain he’s going to have a very good read. I appreciate you for sharing!
I enjoyed your article, God does exercise our patience.Sometimes, the answer is not as we want it to be, that is a lesson, God’s way, is not our way. He moves in mysterious ways. God is good all the time. Prayer and following the word, answers a lot of my concerns. Thanks for sharing.
It is all a journey of faith, isn’t it? Trusting God to give us what we need one day at a time. Thank you so much for visiting and for taking the time to join the conversation. God bless you!
This is such an important topic and one that most people want to know. Thank you for sharing; it really confirmed things in my spirit as I read your words, especially when you wrote, “If something is God’s will, He will guide you while you wait and bring it to pass. Don’t rush it – when the timing is right God will let you know.” I have had this happen to me, where I’ve had to simply pray and then wait, many times, sometimes for nearly ten years. It is worth the wait! But, so hard sometimes. Love this post, it really encouraged me, thanks for sharing!
I’m so very glad it blessed you, Fiona! It’s not always easy to be patient. Whew, I’ve had way too many times when I’ve let impatience get in the way of what God knows is best for me. Which is why I am especially thankful for His patient love. He just keeps drawing me back to Himself and to the truth. He is so good! Thanks so much for blessing me with your kind encouragement. Have a beautiful week.
Allow God to guide your steps and trust the dreams He puts on your heart. Believe that He will qualify you and know that if there is a dream that He has placed upon you heart, He will help you achieve it, and He will be glorified in the process. It’s a lot easier to follow God’s plans and act in ways that honor him when you have friends around you that encourage you in your walk with the Lord. Seek out a community at church that will hold you accountable and be able to give you godly council.
Those are all great helpful tips, Cella. Thanks so much for visiting and for taking the time to join the conversation. God bless you!
Deb, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I stumbled across your site last night while in tears drowning in fear, stress, guilt, and worry. Your words soothed me and allowed me to sleep peacefully. I have been struggling with His will for me for some time now. I pray every day for the Holy Spirit to guide me in the right direction. I still feel like I don’t have clear answers and peace and it’s been months. I just want to glorify God. I’ve struggled with depression for about half of my life and despite my medication it still creeps in. Some days I feel so strong in my faith. Some days I feel so weak. Yesterday was one of those days. You are doing amazing work. Work I only hope to do some day. Thank you and God bless you. I look forward to reading your blog updates.
Oh, Carley, what a lovely thing to say. I’m so sorry you have been struggling. I am praising God that He used this to bless and encourage you. May He continue to give you His peace and fill you with strength, courage, and peace.
Asking for prayers and guidance. My husband went to church for counseling and the church have him the green light to get a divorce without even meeting me or talking to me. (Background is I had an emotional affair a few years back)
My question is should I go to that church and speak to them or leave it alone. Since it seems my husband pretty much made up his mind after struggling with depression because of the affair.
I am praying for you Cristina. I’m not sure I have any advice. I do know God does not want us to divorce. It may be that you could ask to go to a counseling session with your husband and have an opportunity to communicate your repentance over what happened and your desire for healing. I am asking God to guide you and to open the hearts and minds of everyone involved. May He be with you and bless you!
Amen ????????
Thank you
I love this post
Thank you, Muriel! God bless you!
A great reminder for me…need it!
This is a great article, and challenges me in so many ways. Thank you !
I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you! Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!
Thank you for your guidance. I was wrestling with a work decision that was agonizing and I changed my mind—three times! I actually declined, then accepted, then declined a job offer and was considering asking if they would still hire me. Each time, I was sure I made the wrong decision. Satan was working full force. The idea of deciding and moving forward is perfect for me. I have been paralyzed for over a week with fear of not doing God’s will, asking too many people their opinion. I’ve decided to stay at my old job which includes helping care for my granddaughter which seems like the better choice. Either way, you reminded me that God loves me and wants what is best for me. I will continue seeking Him out. God bless you🙏🕊️
I’m so very glad it encouraged you, Kim. God’s blessings as you step forward in faith and spend extra time with your granddaughter. That sounds like a decision that will bless you both. God bless you!
HI, I need GOD miracle for me and my family and I want GOD to bless us
We are happy to pray for you … asking God to meet your every need. God bless you!
I recently was given separation papers from a job I had been at for 10+ years. I had been there longer than anyone on my team and had planned on retiring from the company as I am 60 years old. Somehow I always knew it would end this way, I can’t say why, but it did. I’m devastated and hurt and I feel betrayed. I’m not perfect but I tried my best to be kind and considerate of everyone. I don’t think that matters with this company. I don’t have any insurance now and I’m worried about that because When you go to the doctor and don’t have insurance you are not treated the same. I want Gods will for my life but This is so hard that many times I just want to cry and be alone.
I’m sorry, Sherry! It sounds like you’ve been placed in a difficult and frustrating situation. We’re praying for you and asking God to provide all that you need in the days and weeks ahead. God be with you and bless you!
Amen.thanks for the teaching
Thanks for visiting and stopping to say “hello.” God bless you!