How Comparison and Blame will Steal Your Peace and Joy

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The only way to experience true peace and joy is to let go of the blame and comparison games. Be unique. Be honest. Be faithful. #BibleStudy #Prayer #Faith #Blessings

Have you ever heard someone blame Adam and Eve for the pain and problems of this sinful world?

It’s what we do, isn’t it?

We blame.

Eve blamed the “serpent” and Adam blamed “the woman [God] gave [him].” (Genesis 3:12–13)

We’re always tempted to play the blame game saying, “I’m not guilty. I’m a victim. It’s not my fault! I’m not as bad as…

I’ll never forget the day it really hit me that it is my fault. I am guilty! I need forgiveness.

You see, I realized that if I’d been standing in Eve’s place, I would have grabbed that piece of fruit too.

Have you ever listened when the enemy said…

  • God can’t be trusted?
  • His Word is full of flaws and inconsistencies?
  • His commands no longer apply?
  • It’s okay, everyone is doing it?
  • God’s holding out on you?

Have you ever, like Eve, focused on the temptation instead of running to the One who created you and loves you more than you know?

Have you ever given into temptation excusing your choice because…

  • Everyone does it.
  • It’s not that bad.
  • It’s not as bad as.
  • I couldn’t help it.
  • It’s not my fault.

Then like me and like Eve . . . you need to pause and remember what God did in response to the first sin.

He immediately promised the Savior!

I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.

Genesis 3:15 (CSB)

God loves us so much that He immediately set into motion His plan to defeat sin, death, and satan. He promised the gift of forgiveness and life through faith in Jesus.

I know that it can seem easier to blame someone else for our problems with sin than it is to accept our own guilt. It’s easier to compare ourselves to people whose sins seem more egregious than ours than it is to humbly admit that we’re guilty and need God’s merciful forgiveness.

But today . . . I’m letting go of blame and comparison. I’m admitting my guilt and running to Jesus because I have experienced the peace and joy of humbly taking my sins to Him…

This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same testings we do, yet He did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

Hebrews 4:15–16
The only way to experience true peace and joy is to let go of the blame and comparison games. Be unique. Be honest. Be faithful. #BibleStudy #Prayer #Faith #Blessings

A Prayer to Let Go of Comparison and Blame
to Live Forgiven and Free with Peace and Joy

Father, I’m so sorry. I see my guilt. Like Eve, I’ve listened to the tempter and lingered my thoughts on the temptation. And I’ve disobeyed Your commands. Like Adam, I’ve followed in weakness those who invite me to join them in disobedience and blame them for my own failures.

I have also foolishly compared myself to those whose sins appear more egregious and considered myself “good.” I have rated some sins as worse than others and I’ve followed the “crowd” in thinking that there are sins that aren’t that bad or no longer apply.

I am so ashamed. Please forgive me. I want to demonstrate my love for You through my complete trust and faithful obedience. I want to glorify You with all I say and do.

Thank you for fulfilling Your promise to send a Savior. Thank you for making a way for us to be forgiven . . . freed from the debt of sin. Thank you for sending Your Spirit to show us our sin and our need for forgiveness. Thank you for being with and within us transforming us and making us more like Jesus, our perfect Lord and Savior. It’s in His name, I pray. Amen.

The only way to experience true peace and joy is to let go of the blame and comparison games. Be unique. Be honest. Be faithful. #BibleStudy #Prayer #Faith #Blessings

Friend, when you and I are tempted to listen to the enemy’s lies, when our momentary circumstances invite us to question God’s love and provision, when we doubt His promises, compare ourselves to one another, or blame someone or something else for our own choices…

May we run to Jesus and lay our sins at the foot of the cross.

If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. 

1 John 1:9

May we live free with faith and hope . . . filled with God’s love. May we experience the peace and joy of Jesus.

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

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  1. I think it’s human nature to play the blame game, but it is our sincere desire to surrender to God that convinces us to confess our own sins so we can live freely and wholly in Him.
    Blessings, Deb!

    1. I agree, Martha! Only by God’s grace and with His help will we run to Him for forgiveness. Have a wonderfully blessed weekend, my friend!