5 Verses to Pray that will Help You Age with Joy

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Yes, we're getting older. Age! In a society where appearances are everything, it's hard. But you and I can still age with joy and celebrate!

Yes, I’m aging. And although I can try to ignore it much of the time on a day like today when my number goes up another digit – well, it’s hard to let it go.

Don’t get me wrong…

I’m thankful for every year and continually amazed by all the ways God has blessed me … things He strengthened me through and ways He’s pulled me closer.


Even though my heart and mind are full of gratitude, wrinkles and physical parts of aging challenge me.

“Old” and all the synonyms that go with it are not words we embrace.

And I wonder, why not? I know we live in a society of appearances but there are so many parts of getting older to celebrate. And when I think of all the ways I’ve been blessed by the older and wiser women God has used to bless me – well, I want to do better.

So, today I’m going to sidestep my mirror and take a closer look at what God’s Word has to say about adding years. And I’m going back to the Lord in prayer asking Him to give me His perspective on aging with joy.

Yes, we're getting older. But you and I can still age with joy and celebrate!

5 Verses to Pray that will Help You Age with Joy

Isaiah 46:4

Even when you are old, I will be the same. Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you. I made you and will take care of you. I will carry you and save you. (NCV)

Father, I love that You are always the same. Who You revealed Yourself to be in the Old and New Testaments are the same today. Forever unchanging! In a world where change is a constant, You are my strength and protection. As I look back over the decades of my life, You have faithfully carried me through so much. I know Your promises are true! Thank you! Amen.

Ecclesiastes 5:19b–20

God gives the ability to accept their state in life and enjoy their work. They do not worry about how short life is because God keeps them busy with what they love to do. (NCV)

Father, culture fights the appearance of aging. That’s no surprise to You. You know how we hate the shortness of this life. You hate death. It’s why You sent Jesus to save us and win the victory over its power. Yet, the enemy continues to speak fear into our world. So, we fight aging instead of embracing the blessing of maturing in wisdom. Thank you for giving me this ministry I love. By Your grace, help me stay focused on Your love and follow Your path for me. Help me reject the temptation to compare myself with others knowing Your grace is sufficient! Remind me of that important truth every day. Amen.

Psalm 143:5

I remember what happened long ago; I consider everything you have done. I think about all You have made. (NCV)

Oh, Father, when I think about all the ways You have helped me in the past, I’m humbled and thankful. Challenges and loss, rejection and illness … You have met every need with Your strength, hope, peace, and love. Thank you! Years of experiencing Your faithfulness help me when circumstances are hard. It is then my heart reminds me, “God has gotten me through worse than this!” I will proclaim Your goodness and give You glory. Thank you, Lord! Amen.

Psalm 90:12

Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom. (NLT)

Father, teach me to “number my days.” Every one of them, known to You before one of them began. (Psalm 139) Although, this life is short … life with You is forever. Help me keep an eternal perspective. Help me keep my focus on You. Help me hold Your unchanging promises close to my heart. Wisdom is knowing and trusting You for my eternal future and my day today. Thank you, Father. You are faithful and loving. Amen.

5 Verses to Pray that will Help You Age with Joy by Deb Wolf at Counting My Blessings

Philippians 1:6

God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure He will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again. (NCV)

Father, how I love this promise. I am Yours by the power of Your Spirit. You are continually at work in me … teaching, guiding and growing me. Thank you! Father, You are my hope. When I lose my focus and start to worry, when I struggle with wrinkles and aches and pains, when life feels fragile … You are my hope. Jesus promised, “I will be with you always, even until the end of this age.”  Matthew 28:20 What a blessing it is to know You are with me today, tomorrow, and always. I have nothing to fear. Thank you, Father, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Today, there are so many reasons to have joy!

Les Brown was right! “You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.”

And to celebrate – I’m giving the Kindle Version of my book, Sarah’s Garden away as a gift to you!

Each child is born with a unique personality, individual talents, and specific abilities. Wouldn’t it be nice if they came with a personalized instruction manual, too!

Sarah’s Garden is a parable that tells of the struggle in each of us to flourish in our strengths, rather than persisting in our weaknesses.

Join Sarah as she deals with her own confusion and frustration while caring for her special garden. Find out who the King sends to help her after the ogre, the nasties, and the “trashy” villagers make a mess. Finally, discover the thrill she experiences when she learns of her true identity, and the fabulous future which awaits her.

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  1. Good verses Deb. Bah humbug to ageing! God has a purpose for every minute we have alive 😉
    It’s been ages since I’ve been here as I’ve been on a bit of a break but had to share Dr. Michelle’s new Bible Study today.
    Thanks friend,

  2. Growing older is the natural course of life. May we celebrate God always being with us through it all!
    Blessings, Deb, and Happy Birthday!

  3. Five great verses and then a C.S. Lewis quote at the end. Thanks, Deb, for this inspiration. I’m inspired (and cautioned) by those verses in Jude about waterless clouds and fruitless trees uprooted. I don’t want that to be my story, so I’m trusting for fresh rain and new fruit in these years past the mid-point.

  4. So sweet, Deb. You traded the mirror in your bathroom for the mirror of God’s Word—so rich with truth.

  5. I had to giggle a bit Deb because I was just complaining about this “aging thing,” and how it’s not fun! Of course, that was after a whirlwind month of selling a home and moving after 22 years. I’ve often thought of how I want to age with grace, but aging with joy is so much more contagious. Thanks for featuring my post today…adding that to my gratitude journal!

  6. Debbie Putman says:

    I love these verses. Aging with joy is something I want to do too. Thanks for these concrete ways to keep my heart and mind where joy grows.

  7. Happy Birthday, Deb! You are such a blessing and an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing this encouragement. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  8. Amen, Deb!
    I want to be one of those little old girls who has fun and adventure to the end!

  9. I appreciated Isaiah 46:4. Some days I really feel old but I’m grateful.

  10. Connie Ong says:

    What great verses- and this post came at the most appropriate time for me! I especially liked the CS Lewis quote— never too old for new dreams and new adventures- that is sure!!

    God RENEWS our strength with each new season we embark on!!

    Thank you for a wonderfully uplifting post.

  11. We’re all aging if we’re still here, so these verses are good for all of us, Deb! Thanks for sharing. I need all the encouragement I can get as this body gets older. 🙂

  12. so good knowing you and aging alongside w/ joy! (: (I’m beating the rest of you but showing you how sweet it is except when I can’t sleep or come down w/ hives – never mind th age spots)

  13. April Boyer says:

    Deb, your scriptural references are so spot on, and blog topics are so relevant to my life. I am so glad provides for us even as we age! He does not forget us, or let us run out of ‘things to do’! He’s an all around kind of God!

  14. Thanks so much for hosting, Deb! I’m really looking forward to reading Valerie’s featured post on praying for your marriage. Have a blessed Fall weekend!

  15. Oh man, this title sure draws me in. I really feel sad sometimes about this aging process, lol. It sure happens fast. Plus, I want my parents to live a long time. I’m also going to share this post with my mom because I know she’ll love it. Thank you for featuring my post, Deb! Love you!

  16. I am grateful I have hung around long enough to age.