How to Know God’s Promises and Live With an Eternal Perspective

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God has given us everything we need to live with an eternal perspective including a glimpse at all that He has planned for those who love Him and live in Him. #Faith #Revelation #Heaven #Blessings

I’ll never forget the first time I saw this lesson…

A pastor friend stood at the front of the congregation holding a tape measure. He looked out over the crowd and asked for a volunteer. He called a child up to the front and asked him to extend the tape just a quarter of an inch.

Of course, to most of us, the movement seemed negligible. One-fourth of an inch! From the pews, it hardly seemed like he had moved at all.

The pastor then stated that the quarter of an inch represents our lives here on earth.


He asked his volunteer to take the end of the tape and walk toward the back of the church . . . farther and farther until the tape was opened and extended beyond the back doors of the sanctuary.

That’s when our friend said, “This is a glimpse, though imperfect, of our time on earth in comparison to our eternal futures.”

And this is why it is absolutely essential for us to live with an eternal perspective.

The main point of this life is to prepare for the next one!

Today’s chapter gives us a peek at what God says about our eternity with Him will be like:

I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”

He [the angel] showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God and sparkled like a precious stone-like jasper as clear as crystal. 

The twelve gates were made of pearls—each gate from a single pearl! And the main street was pure gold, as clear as glass.

Nothing evil will be allowed to enter—only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Revelation 21:3–4, 10–11, 21, 27

God will be with us. There will be “no death, sorrow, crying, or pain.” (LAB Notes)

It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it?! It almost sounds too good to be true! But it’s not! God promised!

Paul wrote:

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

Jesus said:

“I tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.” John 5:24


“I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying.” John 11:24

We KNOW God keeps His promises. He always has and He always will!

We can trust Him to keep His eternal promises and that’s the best reason to live with an eternal perspective!

God has given us everything we need to live with an eternal perspective including a glimpse at all that He has planned for those who love Him and live in Him. #Faith #Revelation #Heaven #Blessings

A Prayer for God’s Help to Live with an Eternal Perspective

Father, thank you so very much for Your Word and for Your promises within it! You promise that you are full of grace and mercy. (Hebrews 4:16) You promise that I am saved forever through Jesus. (Acts 16:31) You promise that Your Spirit will never leave me. (John 14:16) Jesus promised that He is preparing a place for me and that He will return to take me home. (John 14:2–3) And you promise that You always keep Your promises. (Psalm 146:6 and Hebrews 10:23)

You give me hope that lasts . . . hope that makes it possible for me to live with an eternal perspective.

You bless me with peace, joy, patience, faith, and so much more. You give me everything I need to live today, tomorrow, and forever.

By Your grace, You give me what I need to live with my heart and mind focused on You . . . to live with an eternal perspective. Please help me stand strong against the lies of the enemy and forgive me for the time I have allowed fear and confusion to distract me.

I have Jesus! I am surrounded by Your love! I am blessed! Amen.

God has given us everything we need to live with an eternal perspective including a glimpse at all that He has planned for those who love Him and live in Him. #Faith #Revelation #Heaven #Blessings

The LAB Notes add:

Just as God finished the work of creation (Genesis 2:1–3) and Jesus finished the work of redemption (John 29:30), so the Trinity will finish the entire plan of salvaion by inviting the redeemed into a new creation.

We have God’s promises! We can count on it! Our eternal future is secure in Jesus.

On today’s note write:

With the Spirit’s help, I will focus on God’s promises and live each day with an eternal perspective.

May God bless you today and give you hope and joy and everything you need to live with eternity in your heart.

Click here to read the rest of Revelation 21.

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  1. That tape measure was a perfect illustration of what it means to see life with an eternal perspective. We can do nothing less.
    Blessings, Deb!

    1. Thank you, Martha! I’ll never forget that illustration. It was a reminder I certainly needed. What a blessing to know God is with us to guide us with His eternal truths. God be with you, my friend!

  2. Good morning to you and all your readers who visit…What a wonderful message. I am struggling to understand some of the what, when, why’s and how’s with things lurking and going on…I’m tired. And trying not to feel defeated with all I have going on and I know I am not alone with life struggles, I need a spiritual boost and these teachings and your time to share with us are gentle reminders to not give up hope…I am trying as each day is trying. An extra prayer is always welcome and am happy to return the favor…together we are mighty, apart…well…we are apart…I am hopeful outside of the feeling of being tired…each day is a gift and something to be cherished…I have to remind myself of the little things when in hind site they are big. Thanks Deb.

    1. Thank you. You articulated how I feel also. Debs work is such a gentle reminder to us of who God is and who we are in Him. Let us continue the good fight of faith and take up the armour of God and declare the truth of the Gospel. Let’s get in the enemy’s grill today and every day forth. Time is short and truth needs to be proclaimed. May God protect you and bless you abundantly.

    2. Oh, I agree, Lily! The things of the world can really weigh on my heart but then I run to Jesus and He helps me carry the burden and gives me the eternal perspective I need. His grace, mercy, and love overwhelm every single day! May God be with you, bless you, and embrace you with His peace.